dougn wrote:
Social_Fantom wrote:
I'm part Jewish myself but the generalizing doesn't really bother me. I guess probably because I only recently discovered this about myself. But there is too much negative generalizing, not just toward Jews either.
Of course, it just happens that most of the generalizations on here happen to be about Jews.
It would be just as alarming if they were about anyone else. Indeed, somewhere along the line someone said they thought the Nazis liked blue-eyed people because they're more docile, which was a rather curious assertion.
Yeah, I've known people with blue eyes AND brown that I didn't trust, etc... If only it WERE so easy.
I think the NAZIs wanted such characteristics ONLY because they were aryan. In themselves, there is no inherent benefit. Light skinned people have an easier time getting Vitamin D, but are more likely to get skin cancer. Light eyes are more sensitive to the light which could be a benefit, but also a problem. And European white people are more likely to get diabetes and have a problem with lactose. I GUESS light hair could be better if you were in the daylight for camoflage, otherwise, I see no benefit. But HECK I, for one, like all of them. And for the record, my hair is dark. I guess NOW I'll get into a problem for this. I tried to balance it out.
And for MissConstrue, I didn't consider anything about the NAZIs a joke. Frankly, I think MOST governments have been more trouble than they are worth. The NAZIs did a LOT of bad stuff. And a lot of it hurt the GERMANS, as well as everyone else.