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26 Jan 2006, 5:18 pm

I have a pair of thin-rimmed glasses with anti-reflective lenses that I've been wearing since April of 05 and yes, they can be annoying, especially when they get dust or fingerprints on them and I have to clean them. They can also feel uncomfortable to have on my face sometimes. I'm glad I got them, though. I remember how surprised I was when I first put them on. It was nice to be able to read words and see details from far away. It was weird and cool at the same time. In the future I might decide to wear contacts, but for now I'm still wearing my glasses.


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26 Jan 2006, 7:09 pm

Judging by my records, I was probably born short-sighted, and was wearing glasses by the age of three.
It has influenced my choice of profession (Apart from the Army, Navy Air force and merchant navy having no use for me). Only a few times a year do I encounter someone more shortsighted than I am, and there I am able to offer real expertise on the problems of high-power lenses: coatings, aberrations, weight...

Currently wearing Lantal 1.9 index lenses by Zeiss.

In a few year's time I may go for cataract operations for refractive reasons, particularly if reports of the new operation which restores accommodative power continue positive:

I'm not sure there's a sufficient body of evidence to firmly recommend it...yet.
It, or other parallel developments, will be the treatment of the future, of that I'm fairly certain.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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26 Jan 2006, 8:05 pm

I've been wearing glasses since I was 11 and I just can't possibly imagine myself without them. However, I am really considering getting the corrective surgery someday cause I'm extremely close to legally blind (it tends to run on my moms side of the family). I think I'll get used to myself without them if I do, though.

But I really do like them, I'd hate to get rid of them, but if my eyes get too much worse, I might have to cause I don't want them to be as thick as my mothers lol.


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26 Jan 2006, 9:44 pm

Man I know what you mean about that glare, especially at night. This time I sprung for that anti glare coating... IMO money well spent.

I don't think I can get contacts as I have a pretty major prism in my lenses...

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26 Jan 2006, 10:06 pm

alex wrote:
I wear glasses but they annoy me. I wish I just had really good eyesight. Because I notice small things, even the slightest scratch annoys me. And i have a big scratch on my glasses. Also the fact that they rest on my nose and ear annoys me. When I watch tv i'm hypersensitive to any glare i get in my glasses. Anyone else feel this way?

I do, actually, and since I am really hard on my glasses, I have to budget for a new pair of lenses at least twice a year or I'll go insane, or walk around half blind because I can't wear scratchy lenses. And I tried contacts, too, but they just didn't work. And everytime I get a new pair of frames, I go through about a two month period of re-adjusting to the feel of glasses on my ears and nose. The glare doesn't bother me so much any more because I've got these nifty polarized lenses that are, pretty much, the greatest thing I've discovered since I realized that the ammonia in Scrubbing Bubbles bathroom cleaner acts as a great spider killer (which means you get a clean bathroom AND a spider-free bathroom all in one!)

But I LOVE the way I look in glasses, and I will never stop wearing them, even if I suddenly wake up with perfect eyesight like Spiderman---I'll just wear regular glass in the frames instead.

Superman wears Jack Bauer pajamas.


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26 Jan 2006, 11:47 pm

I have astigmatism and myopia (near-sightedness). I got my first pair of glasses when I was about 8 years old, but I didn't have to wear them all the time because my vision wasn't really that bad then. I wore them regularly from about age 9 to age 11. When I was 12 I got contact lenses, which I loved and didn't wear glasses again for six years until I decided to get glasses again a couple of months ago. They are small, black, sort of trendy, and plastic framed. I still wear my contacts most of the time, but I do wear my glasses at least once maybe twice per week.


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27 Jan 2006, 3:05 am

quietangel wrote:
I don't think I can get contacts as I have a pretty major prism in my lenses...

For all commonly available, mass-produced lenses this is true.
Vertical prisms are less of a problem, and I have ordered custom lenses to deal with this before now. Horizontal prisms are another matter, as it's almost exactly a matter of:
"There's a way to do it in theory, but it's never been tried in practice."


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28 Jan 2006, 10:12 am

crikeys... mine are horizontal....
You knwo I have that classic head tilt looing out of one eye thing when I talk with people.
Right now I am pretty twealed off b/c I ordered my new specs exactly 16 dyas ago. I called them on day 12 and they told me the prisms came in wrong, then they said my frames came Broken. I went in the next day b/c they promised them to be done, he shows me the reorder form, my broken ones and the prisms... argh! He told e to pick out another pair and I will at least get my second one free. I told him several times that this would be different if I could actually see!

*end rant sorry

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28 Jan 2006, 10:32 am

I've been wearing glassed since 2nd grade.I really like wearing them and have passed up on contacts numerous times.I love Glasses!!

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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28 Jan 2006, 1:10 pm

Worn glasses since I was seven. I'd be afraid to get contacts because my glasses are almost an extension of my face I'm so used to them. I feel naked without them.


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28 Jan 2006, 5:33 pm

I have a very mild case of Glaucoma in my left eye and I'm farsighted. I got glasses at 9 and wore them until age 12, then I got reading glasses at age 19. I've started to feel that my vision is getting worse (at age 33) and I have more and more trouble reading a computer screen and magazines. I've had the same glasses for 7 years and I'm getting a new check in the autumn/fall to see if I need stronger glasses. I hate wearing them because they are so difficult to keep really clean and the feel heavy.


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28 Jan 2006, 5:44 pm

I wear contacts and I think the glasses I have are more the cat's vomit than that cat's meow. ((You can see a pic of me in them if you do what I'm too lazy to and hunt around the Posta Pic forum))

I do have some SUNGLASSES I quite like. Apparently when I wear them I look like a "female terminator" (when also wearing all black of course).


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28 Jan 2006, 6:17 pm

Serissa wrote:
I wear contacts and I think the glasses I have are more the cat's vomit than that cat's meow.

I have some cat's eye contact lenses. They have no prescription in them so I wear them (rarely) under my spectacles, which does throw people.

I wore them when I was in for a cat-scan, and seriously freaked out the nurses.


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28 Jan 2006, 7:45 pm

Emettman wrote:

I have some cat's eye contact lenses. They have no prescription in them so I wear them (rarely) under my spectacles, which does throw people.

I wore them when I was in for a cat-scan, and seriously freaked out the nurses.

Hahahaha!! !

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28 Jan 2006, 8:12 pm

i tried getting used to contacts before i did glasses and i haaaated it. it felt like such a fishbowl effect. i guess that is normal though when you're getting used to a new prescription but i didnt want to deal with it. that was a couple years ago. i went in yesterday as a matter of fact to the optometrist to get my prescription renewed for GLASSES this time. i picked out a nice pair, im excited for them to come in. i love the look of glasses on most people haha hopefully i wont look like a dork in mine.


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28 Jan 2006, 8:21 pm

I've been wearing glasses since I was in second grade. >.>

I tried wearing contacts for a year, but I'm lazy and I didn't like having to take them in and out. Plus, I think I look better in glasses. :p

I have some pretty cool frames. They're black, and the metal part only covers half the lense. ^^

Float on.