Time Travel Fantasy... Do you believe in time travel???

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02 Dec 2008, 3:10 pm

SkyWatcher wrote:
Wouldn't the mass increase by a HUGE amount in such a case?

Huge, but accelerable.
Relativity is only one way, but might be easiest. String theory and other dimensions? Not quite sure how they mesh with time travel.
Not sure how physicists can use these dimensions to travel backward or forward in time. For one thing, can we exist in another universe? What if the laws in an invisible, undetectable universe, on a different string vibration, are so different from our own us existing there would be impossible? Wouldn't this keep us from venturing there? Wouldn't this be what keeps the universes from colliding?

We would have to reformulate ourselves to somehow exist in such a place. A despot who wants to destroy the world might figure out a way to reformulate our universe so that it collides with the invisible one.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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02 Dec 2008, 3:37 pm

Huge, but accelerable.

Yes, but what happens when a mass gets huge? Eventually the mass will exert so many g-forces (gravity) that the mass will collapse in on itself into a neutron star like object or further into a black hole. Humans can only withstand 9-11 g's for a limited amount of time. Such huge forces would deatomize a human (the spaceship as well) and turn it into a degenerate blob of neutron matter.

Don't underestimate what how much mass can act on itself!!

Also, relativity's loopholes sound easy, but are massively hard to accomplish. While I'm not the biggest fan of string theory, what I am a far of is fanning out from just one theory, and perhaps even theorizing on the nature of time itself (in a separate temporal theory).



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02 Dec 2008, 3:37 pm

I think the prospect of time travel is very interesting...I remember back when that whole John Titor thing was going on, I was reading it like crazy. I'm surprised nobody's been able to debunk him yet...aside from the whole "civil war hasn't happened" bit ¬_¬

And yes I believe in time travel...I'm time travelling right now!

...just...very slowly...and only into the future... :oops:

prillix wrote:
If it were possible, wouldn't we have met somebody from the future already?

Not if, as John Titor said, the alternate time line theory is true. It's the same theory they use in the Terminator movies (as opposed to Back to the Future), where you can go back in time, but there's no way of knowing which timeline you'll end up in (in the first movie, Kyle says that the future wars is only one possible future)...so you'd have to send a terminator back in every single timeline possible TO every single timeline possible and kill Sarah/John Connor in every single one for the machines to win. Of course, with chances like that, it's surprising they even bothered...but then again, if they hadn't, I suppose it wouldn't be much of a movie =P

PilotPirx wrote:
Can't remember, that historical documents tell about large crowds of strange clothed people gathering anywhere.

Do a little research on "men in black", especially John Keel's book, The Mothman Prophecies ;)

I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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02 Dec 2008, 3:47 pm

Do a little research on "men in black", especially John Keel's book, The Mothman Prophecies

Don't have to do research, I have a cousin who was reporting and had the men in black shut him down during mothman. He even had some strange happenings occur to his computer while he was typing. This of course several decades before networking and internet (what I mean by strange happenings is wingdings popped up on his computer about 20 years before it existed, to shut down the computer!!).

I had something similar happen to me. I was working at a USDA lab and the printers, not hooked up to any network, started printing wingding code. They did this for several days.

Yes, the men in black are probably a time travel squad. As for other possibilities, keep in mind that personal cloaking technology is already being researched in its infancy, with this a person could travel back in time and not be detected, be a perfect observer. Also I have looked at the John Titor thing. Not 100% convincing, but convincing enough. The way that he describes time travel, as if people might travel back and go to their families, would be a good bet.

Also, what's important to someone tearing through our timeline may not be important to you or I. You and I may believe ourselves to be important. We may believe we may become something great. We may become something great. But it may be some bridge in West Virginia that changes so many timelines that is so important for someone messing with our timeline. There may be something about changing that piece of history that makes everything else fall into place for them, hundreds of years later. Keep that in mind.

Look to the past, be aware of the present, and beware of the future...


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02 Dec 2008, 4:36 pm

McCann_Can_Triple wrote:
IF it did become avaible/worked, it would f**k up our world as we know it. Paradox.

Say Jim bob wanted to go back in time to save his father from being run over by a drunk driver. If he managed to succeed there would be a whole multitude of changes. He doesn't just change one thing, he changes everything.

Thus his life would likely be altered. Thefore there is huge chance he would not have even used a time machine in his new life.

Therefore how would he get back to the present if in fact he never went near said time machine?

That version of Jim Bob would disappear along with the past universe as we know it (the past universe after the incident). However, he would only disappear after the incident was changed. The Jim Bob of the alternate universe would remain oblivious to the change (he would see his life as a normal sequence of events). After the death was prevented, we would branch off into an alternate universe.

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02 Dec 2008, 4:45 pm

dous anyone have a theory to go back in time? because you can go to the future if you are moving whit high velocity, but dous anyone know a way back?

how do you kill that which has no life?


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02 Dec 2008, 4:58 pm

Looking at the stars is actually a form of time travel. Many stars that are actually burnt out are visible from Earth the night sky. Remember, our next nearest star is Proxima Centauri, 4.2 light years away. If that star burnt out, it would take 4.2 years for us not to see its light.


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03 Dec 2008, 12:33 am

PilotPirx wrote:
If time travel would be possible, then where are all those time travelers, that would then visit us? There should be quite a lot of them, especially around important historical events. Can't remember, that historical documents tell about large crowds of strange clothed people gathering anywhere.

If it is possible, would they see anything? After all, all the things moved to "now" from yesterday. Maybe you can travel in time, but there is nothing, because everything is here?

Who says humanity didnt become extinct before it could create the time machine?


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03 Dec 2008, 12:35 pm

skywatcher wrote:
Also I have looked at the John Titor thing. Not 100% convincing, but convincing enough.

Yeah, I don't know how much of it I actually believe, but it's really interesting to read, and it's fun to think about...same thing with John Keel...I really like how at the end of the book (I think it was in the afterward, written years after the book was originally published) where he quotes the old addage, "the more we learn, the less we know." It was exactly what I was thinking as I read his book...just when he thought he had figured out a theory, he'd find some new piece of information that would totally twist everything back around again and have things make even less sense than they already did @_@

MasterBrain wrote:
because you can go to the future if you are moving whit high velocity, but dous anyone know a way back?

Some believe that time is a loop...if that's true, perhaps you could go all the way around? But some also believe that the universe will condense and create a big bang all over again (which I personally think is a silly theory, it doesn't explain how the big bang got there in the first place, it's just an endless loop)...so perhaps you'd get mashed in the process...???

timeisdead wrote:
Many stars that are actually burnt out are visible from Earth the night sky.

I know, that blows my mind every time I look up there @_@ And then to think that the opposite is true as well, that there could be brand new stars forming, and we won't even know it for however many lightyears away it is. Always looking so far into the past.

I get the same feeling with the great pyramids of Egypt...to think that Jesus was about 2000 years ago, and it seems like such a long time ago...but then to look upon these great structures that were thousands of years old when HE was alive. I wonder if he ever gazed upon them with awe as I do (well. I haven't seen them in person, but you get the idea).

I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...


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03 Dec 2008, 1:56 pm

I don't believe in time travel but I wa it was real. That would be great :D