LowShoe wrote:
Is TV valid for this thread? If so, include Dwight Shupe from The Office (US - I've yet to enjoy any of the UK originals). Picky, pedantic, rule-bound and socially inept, I've got to think this character was developed as an Aspie caricature.
I feel like Shupe, as well as...
Javert, from Les Miserables, not his eventual , but more his absolute adherence to the rules as well as his obsessive detective work/never letting Jean Valjean out of his head. (And I like the movie better than both the book and the musical.)
Bean, from Ender's and Ender's Shadow, mostly because of the analytical way he views the world rather than his extraordinary intelligence, as well as how he chooses to make friends based on other criterion than an actual affinity for companionship. (And I know that they are not movies, but they
could be...and ought to be.)
Napolean Dynamite. Why? Because while I hope I am nowhere
near as geeky and weird, I'm pretty sure people see me as a female version of his bumbling, socially inept character. Actually, I know they do because a coworker told me so. Oh well.
Superman wears Jack Bauer pajamas.