My son is on Abilify (an atypical anti-psychotic) and Trileptal (an anti-convulsant which acts as a mood stabilizer.) Those medications saved our family and him. If anyone had lived with him when he needed these meds and didn't have them yet, they would understand what I mean. There is part of me that understands wanting to advertise them on a t-shirt, just like Born Again Christians feel compelled to put a fish on their car.
Then again, I've learned that I need to be really, really careful about mentioning his meds to anyone. People who have no opinion on anything else in the world have opinions on psychiatric medications for kids. People who have never needed them, or lived with someone who needs them, think they are a cop out. I can't tell you how many times I've been told that if I truly loved my kid, I wouldn't be poisoning him. But I've seen his terror and helplessness and pain, from before he had the medication that he needs. The naysayers haven't seen that. They've just read the magazine articles about how kids are overmedicated, and given prescriptions for ritatin for acting like normal children. He was psychotic, terrified, and pretty much suicidal at the age of 6. Now he's a generally happy, thriving aspie, able to pursue his interests and enjoy life.
Of course, you aren't wanting to put the t-shirt on a kid, so you're probably safe there.
I'm just saying, be prepared, because people have strong opinions about this stuff, and can be dogmatic and viscious about it.