Normal life has always bored me. Even now i work 4pm-12 (or 2am), so by the time i get home im not tired, and by the time i get up its usually 2pm, so i got no time to go out and do anything.
Then come the weekend, im usually so used to sleeping in late that i still dont get up early enough to do anything. Theres plenty of things i Do want to do, but they take planning and money, very hard to set in motion. Also, everything i do end up taking on, i get eventually bored of, for example i took a furniture making course on saturdays. First 2 classes were awesome, 3rd class was alright, 4th class i didnt bother going to; i slept in, 5th class i went for an hour and a half then went home, 6th and last class i didnt bother.
So many times i have started things and got bored of, everything that sounds fun eventually becomes boring and pointless, sad to say it might be the reason i have no goals in life, everytime i get half way there i dont want it anymore. How can you get things you want when everytime you almost have it, you dont want it anymore?