Inventor wrote:
Some of it is just a backlash to the sudden changes of the last hundred years, from life on the farm, to life in the burbs.
The concepts of Asperger come just as most people were living in cities for the first time.
Some people are just not wired to be social. They are only impaired in a social world.
That's a really interesting idea. It would suggest that there isn't an increase in autism, but that it has become more noticable.
Inventor wrote:
The hunter/warrior would be burdened with social skills, empathy. They need the tunnel vision, the intense focus, to survive. Meeting strangers at the border that seemed friendly, were social and open, would most likely lead to being killed. Thinking about what other people thought of a sports event is not going to make a good hunter.
These Asperger traits are useful in business. Dealing with the world in an impersonal way works.
Sounds like this implies that the AS brain is closer to the 'original state' of the human brain and it is the NT brain that has developed to adapt to life in large towns and cities. From what I've read and seen about the more 'primitive' (perhaps 'authentic' is a better word?) peoples left on the planet, they do seem much more calmer, introverted, quieter and peaceful that the hyper-social contemporary citizen. I've also read that eye contact varies between cultures, that our western culture *does* emphasize it more than others.
Not sure that AS traits are good in business. They *should* be useful. Objective knowledge and genuine skills really should be enough to take you far, but in big business at least, there is this huge 'cheating culture'. There are a lot of people writing about this, including the ideas that the world of business is just ripe for a sociopath to succeed in. Scandal after scandal....conscience is a disadvantage.
Inventor wrote:
The study of mass psychology is called advertising.
Oh, but they can't really make us buy something we have no real use for. We know this is true because the advertisers have told us so.
Circular logic is correct because it is.