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05 Mar 2006, 6:27 am

LePetitPrince wrote:
I believe before having our own planet we should solve the problem of discrimination among the autistic spectrum disorders community .
The name of "Aspergia" planet instead of ASD planet sounds like descrimination to me .

Oh OK then...if you insist :roll: ...I'll cut the other ASD's some slack if it means boosting our numbers...( :wink: )...

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05 Mar 2006, 4:32 pm

Well I see that we are no longer going to have a base on Earth. How far away is this new planet? What resources do we have and need? Is there anything I don't know since I've been here yesterday?

Beauty is in the eye of beholder but to a theif beauty is money.

Tufted Titmouse
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06 Mar 2006, 1:22 am

what a great first post to read on this forum.

im with you fernando!

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06 Mar 2006, 2:06 am

I don't think NTs would make it that easy for us. They like having a monopoly on society.


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06 Mar 2006, 2:27 am

SpiderMonkey wrote:
I don't think NTs would make it that easy for us. They like having a monopoly on society.

And that's exactly why we need to form our own society, where we can have a monopoly over them.


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06 Mar 2006, 7:27 am

TigerFire wrote:
Well I see that we are no longer going to have a base on Earth. How far away is this new planet? What resources do we have and need? Is there anything I don't know since I've been here yesterday?

I kind of started the whole moon thing going because I was frustrated. :roll: We're all agreed that as Aspies we're somewhat disinclined to invade countries; yet the prospect of colonizing Antarctica is completely impractical. I agree that the availabilty of oxygen should be a factor in deciding where we can go, but by the same token, some of us need a bit of summer, a bit of greenery and days that are not six bloody months long. 8O Well I do anyway.

How about the idea of looking at taking over a country by peaceful and democratic means? Let's think of somewhere that needs our skills, has a low population density and reasonably liberal immigration policy, and above all is a democracy which will allow us full voting rights upon our naturalisation. They don't need to know, when we queue up to migrate en masse, that we're Aspie's, we will just form ghetto's and over time breed more Aspie offspring until 50 to 100 years from now our descendents will form such a huge demographic that they won't be able to ignore or marginalize us. Over more time Aspies will be elected to government and eventually there will be an Aspie head of state. Over more time again, a referendum to change the constitution, the flag, the national anthem, etc., to reflect the sensibilities of the by now predominantly Aspie population. Not that I really know what an Aspergian flag would look like!!

I know this will take centuries to accomplish...but hey, so will colonising the moon or the ocean. :wink:

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06 Mar 2006, 7:42 am

If you want autistics and aspergers to take over the world all you need to do is make them think it is a good idea and worth doing. The first step is creating a propaganda program so complete and ingenius that it bends the views of autistics and aspergers without even them being able to tell that that is what is happening to them(they have highly tuned BS sensors). Right now a huge portion of them have the values taught to them by their NT cultures. So the idea of autistics taking over the world is xenophobic angsty BS to them right now.

And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
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06 Mar 2006, 7:52 am

So now we're not just starting an Aspie nation but taking over the world?? 8O 8O 8O I want out!! !

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06 Mar 2006, 8:09 am

How about the idea of looking at taking over a country by peaceful and democratic means?

Never!! ! Come on, taking over a country by peaceful and democratic means? You know how to ruin the fun in everything..... well.... if said country was an island then it wouldn't be a bad idea to do that now that I think about it. We just have to dominate and rule over those people, the only problem is that we must have an island and that we must take it over. Any ideas?

Yes, we also need massive propaganda machines too. We need to be loved by NTs and get all of the Aspies working for the cause of world domination. We will not be the worlds ***** anymore!! !


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06 Mar 2006, 9:02 am

Awesomelyglorious wrote:
the only problem is that we must have an island and that we must take it over. Any ideas?

I mentioned my native Australia earlier...I'm loathe to keep referring back to it as we have followed the US down the path of passing draconian anti-terror laws which would take a dim view of inviting people to invade the country. But even better would be to colonize New Zealand by such stealth. OK so they haven't got as much space there (most of the Australian interior is desert anyway) and the indigenous Maori population could kick your arse out through your ears if you got too far out of line. But the NZ government is trying to get expats back from Australia to avert a skills shortage - largely in electronics and IT!! Are you thinking what I'm thinking? :twisted: If they fail then they will get to a point of taking any tech-savvy folk from anywhere. And when that happens it will be NT's out of NZ!! :twisted: :twisted:

Awesomelyglorious wrote:
We need to be loved by NTs and get all of the Aspies working for the cause of world domination

I can work on the new national anthem. I tend to be better with tunes than lyrics - so if anyone can let me know what rhymes with "Aspergers" that would be appreciated. I mean aside from "burgers".

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06 Mar 2006, 9:45 am

Ok what does a new country or a new planet do to resolve understanding and acceptance of those on the autism spectrum? It doesn't. Society needs all types of people with all their differences and challenges instead bringing up revolutions and all only gives those that look down on us more fuel to never accept us and look down on us more. Gee there's forward movement for the autistic community... not.


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06 Mar 2006, 11:14 am

How about Japan? We could destory their economy and then make them work for us. By the way is there a party or something going on at this site because there's 137 people here and it's taking really slow to load up.

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06 Mar 2006, 7:09 pm

I mentioned my native Australia earlier...I'm loathe to keep referring back to it as we have followed the US down the path of passing draconian anti-terror laws which would take a dim view of inviting people to invade the country. But even better would be to colonize New Zealand by such stealth. OK so they haven't got as much space there (most of the Australian interior is desert anyway) and the indigenous Maori population could kick your arse out through your ears if you got too far out of line. But the NZ government is trying to get expats back from Australia to avert a skills shortage - largely in electronics and IT!! Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Twisted Evil If they fail then they will get to a point of taking any tech-savvy folk from anywhere. And when that happens it will be NT's out of NZ!! Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

Well, we should not try to displace a major country. This would create a problem in the international community and such, we would be seen as a radical group trying to take over countries(which we are but it isn't good to be seen as such). We need to find some crappy islands that nobody likes or cares about, then we will be safe.

I can work on the new national anthem. I tend to be better with tunes than lyrics - so if anyone can let me know what rhymes with "Aspergers" that would be appreciated. I mean aside from "burgers"

I like hamburgers so I don't mind if our lyrics/song/whatever has that in there. Mmmm..... hamburgers!! ! :)

Ok what does a new country or a new planet do to resolve understanding and acceptance of those on the autism spectrum? It doesn't. Society needs all types of people with all their differences and challenges instead bringing up revolutions and all only gives those that look down on us more fuel to never accept us and look down on us more. Gee there's forward movement for the autistic community... not.

Well, it is quite simple, by getting our own country and/or planet we would raise awareness of our condition. It is hard for us to be understood if we are unknown and taking over a country and/or planet would get more people to know us. Raising a revolution will only cause problems if we do a bad job at raising the revolution, however, if we can successfully control some region and bring its economy up to a high level then we would be able to campaign for our cause much more effectively. I realize that revolution is not a plan favored by all but I believe that it is a visionary plan that will do much for the autistic community. Besides, revolutions are FUN!! ! :D

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06 Mar 2006, 7:31 pm

LOL- surely this thread has drawn THE eye.


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06 Mar 2006, 7:58 pm

Awesomelyglorious wrote:
Well, it is quite simple, by getting our own country and/or planet we would raise awareness of our condition. It is hard for us to be understood if we are unknown and taking over a country and/or planet would get more people to know us. Raising a revolution will only cause problems if we do a bad job at raising the revolution, however, if we can successfully control some region and bring its economy up to a high level then we would be able to campaign for our cause much more effectively. I realize that revolution is not a plan favored by all but I believe that it is a visionary plan that will do much for the autistic community. Besides, revolutions are FUN!! ! :D

It would also isolate us further from our goal of awareness and acceptance making it easier for the rest of the world to dismiss us too and would isolate those of us that have families consisting of both autistics and non-autistics.


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06 Mar 2006, 8:44 pm

MishLuvsHer2Boys wrote:
It would also isolate us further from our goal of awareness and acceptance making it easier for the rest of the world to dismiss us too and would isolate those of us that have families consisting of both autistics and non-autistics.

It would promote awareness. The knowledge of various countries with good economies is more common than the knowledge of AS and High functioning Autism. In this regard it would help us bring light to this lack of knowledge. Also, if we are successful in building an economy it would make the world respect us more by proving that we are not weak or inferior beings but different instead. People are currently more likely to associate us with problems because we are different, even if they don't know anything about Asperger's the fact that it is shown to be a mental condition already lowers their respect for us, however, if we show to the world a country with a powerful economy and good standard of living and all we could get respect for us and for our people.

We could easily make some sort of arrangement to avoid isolating people, isolation would be a threat to the long term goal.