It's all too common for aspies and auties to have a ong list of sounds that disturb them, so I am choosing to list some of the sounds that are actually pleasing to me. I am thinking of things that incidentally produce sound, not things that intentionally make sounds, like a musical instrument or something. What are some of the sounds that you enjoy?
Here's a list of pleasing sounds off the top of my head:
Air conditioners: Especially window units. The sound usually means comfort. A subdued humm from the compressor along with the white noise of the fans.
V8 engines: Classic American cars have these style engines. They produce a warm babble when idling or while the car's cruising at speed. While I don't like the sound as much of them running wide open, it's much more pleasing than the smaller 4 cylinders in modern cars.
Computer CPU: The sound of all the fans and hard drives spinning is sort of a white noise and it drowns out more displeasing sounds
Laser printer: A light quiet sound, mainly white noise, but with a few clicks and ticks, and whirs thrown in
The beach/surf: The varying white noise of water splashing on shore, coupled with shore birds and stuff is very relaxing.
My dishwasher: I've got an extra-quiet Kitchenaid, but I can still hear the gurgling and splashing of the water inside as it runs...sort of sounds like an ocean inside it.
Jet airplane inside the cabin: Much quieter than outside obviously, I fall right asleep inside. The sound of the air rushing over it and the engines is sort of a cool, comfortable sound.
Propeller planes: Hearing a propeller airplane overhead sort of reminds me of a warm summer day. My home is near a recreational airport, and airplane hobbiest go flying on nice days. The low frequency hum of a small Cessna is nice to hear
Summer nighttime creatures: I enjoy the sound of the hundreds of crickets, frogs and and various other creatures that come out on warm summer nights. I love going to sleep listening to the sounds of nature at night with the window open.
Movie projector: Yep, I guess this one is obvious, The clatter of an old 16mm projector reminds me of those Friday "Movie days" in school. Just a great sound overall!