My therapist specializes in AS and he says it's anything but mild. We have the exact same issues as someone with Kanner's (lower IQ) but with higher intelligence, that's all.
Some of the people on here who have kanners come across as being much more intelligent than me.
To work people, I say, 'I have aspergers syndrome, its a form of autism'. People do patronise me, but I have to make it open so that certain social mishaps and my anxiety issues are understood. I know this because I've been in jobs where I've not been open about what I am and its ended in disaster.
I don't really ever mention it to friends because I don't want it to become my whole identity. Close friends I told around the time I had my diagnosis.
My boyfriend knows because... well... I always wanted to tell him and didn't know how. And then on day he said he thought his brother, 'had aspergers or something', and I laughed and said there was no way his brother had it but I did. Awkward at the time, but he's really sweet about it now.