Oh geez, you guys are beginning to scare me if you can't figure these obvious things out!
They stare cause they fear what they don't understand...and they don't have anything better to do either.
Why do you think teens used to "hang out" at stores in the mall? Just "hang around"? Really productive, right?
Well, I basically see them as the average NT.....
And understand, when one person in a group stands out just a little bit, y'can't NOT notice it; it's part of human nature.
I mean...I once read this account that some basketball player was offered some deal at a nearby McDonald's: basically, he could eat at the restaurant for free, providing they let people come in and stare at "the big black guy, sitting at the table, eating McDonald's food". I can't make this stuff up! It sounds totally idiotic, yes, but....most humans don't exactly go by the name Albert Einstein, either!