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28 Feb 2009, 8:12 pm

trucks need a lot more braking space than cars as they are much heavier vehicles, so you have to allow for that in traffic.

when i moved to perth, it was funny because there's very little road rage there, people just sit and wait patiently for people to correct their traffic errors. i got to like it.

i hate people who just honk their horns to 'wave goodbye' or say hello to people they are visiting, you know that one?

people flashing their lights at you here is also a warning that there's a speed camera or a cop around.


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01 Mar 2009, 4:27 am

Postperson wrote:
trucks need a lot more braking space than cars as they are much heavier vehicles, so you have to allow for that in traffic.

when i moved to perth, it was funny because there's very little road rage there, people just sit and wait patiently for people to correct their traffic errors. i got to like it.

i hate people who just honk their horns to 'wave goodbye' or say hello to people they are visiting, you know that one?

people flashing their lights at you here is also a warning that there's a speed camera or a cop around.

Thanks for the tip i will keep it in mind for future being inexperienced (had licence for 6 months) I guess I fully admit to making mistakes. Next time I will simply let the truck pass me and then change lanes. I dont however think I was being dangerous just perhaps a little too close.

Tufted Titmouse
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01 Mar 2009, 4:57 am

I usually just get in front of them, slam on my brakes and let them smash into my back end. Then I jump out and go after them with a baseball bat. I guess that would be a cricket club for you, but it works the same.
Honking a horn like you described is really rude. Unless the guy was actually trying to warn you of something you didn't see up ahead. If that happens, you just say "oops, sorry" and offer to pay for his stay in the hospital.
Either way, just get a bumper sticker which reads: The "p" stands for "piss off". That should do it. :twisted:

I really seem to care. About what I have no idea.


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01 Mar 2009, 5:55 am

Nothing pisses me off more than some jackass honking for no reason. I immediately slow down, turn around, and give them the finger so they can see it.

"The world is only as deep as we can see. This is why fools think themselves profound." - R. Scott Bakker, The Judging Eye


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01 Mar 2009, 6:30 am

Catster2 wrote:
Where I live Melbourne drivers are very rude and serial honkers from what more experienced drivers they have told me people are impatient and rude road rage is sure an issue here.

in sydney, people do not blow their horns much. they just wait for the bumbling person in front to get their car into gear and go or whatever. if someone does not see them and starts moving into their lane, people usually brake to let them in and then give them a shot of high beam a few times to express their distaste.
people will "toot" quickly to alert someone in front that the lights have gone green. the only time i ever get tooted at is if i am inspecting something and the lights turn green and i do not notice.


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01 Mar 2009, 6:33 am

b9 wrote:
Catster2 wrote:
Where I live Melbourne drivers are very rude and serial honkers from what more experienced drivers they have told me people are impatient and rude road rage is sure an issue here.

in sydney, people do not blow their horns much. they just wait for the bumbling person in front to get their car into gear and go or whatever. if someone does not see them and starts moving into their lane, people usually brake to let them in and then give them a shot of high beam a few times to express their distaste.
people will "toot" quickly to alert someone in front that the lights have gone green. the only time i ever get tooted at is if i am inspecting something and the lights turn green and i do not notice.

its really only been the last 10 or so years that the road rage thing in Melbourne has become an issue. I guess people lead stressful lives aND want to get from A to B quickly.

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01 Mar 2009, 4:32 pm

LiendaBalla wrote:
2: if someone doesn't go when the light turns green for the second time in a row, or they are confused if it's the right street light. It's not inteneded to be rude, really, but what can I do?

I feel like there should be two horns (with different sounds): one for "watch out you idiot" and one for "yo, light is green".

It's important to know what other drivers are doing but communication is just so limited... once I honked at someone by accident and I felt bad but there was no way to say "oops, never mind".

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01 Mar 2009, 4:51 pm

Ticker wrote:
sleepflower wrote:
I've never been honked at, although when I was on vacation in France, somebody did flash their lights at me when they thought I was taking too long moving back to the right lane. Whatever. If they want to be rude just to get home 2 minutes earlier, they can go right ahead.

Here in America flashing one's lights is a courtesy among drivers to warn that a policecar is hiding out somewhere near looking for speeders to arrest. Maybe you misinterpreted the other driver.

I've never heard that. Where I'm from we do that to indicate to another driver that their lights aren't on. I've also seen it when someone was driving too slowly in the left lane.

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01 Mar 2009, 7:50 pm

Getting honked at (or just having someone around me honk), or the sound of police sirens/emergency vehicles throws me off horribly. I am NOT good at being startled, and it sends me into a state of panic and flapping and rocking that I can't always stop easily. I really, really hate it.

I think horns should have different sounds for different reasons. If someone doesn't notice the light change to green, a slight "ahem" noise would be good. If someone is doing something dangerous, like not seeing your car and they are about to merge into you, then obviously something loud is needed, like a regular horn.


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03 Mar 2009, 4:20 am

Pollux wrote:
Getting honked at (or just having someone around me honk), or the sound of police sirens/emergency vehicles throws me off horribly. I am NOT good at being startled, and it sends me into a state of panic and flapping and rocking that I can't always stop easily. I really, really hate it.

I think horns should have different sounds for different reasons. If someone doesn't notice the light change to green, a slight "ahem" noise would be good. If someone is doing something dangerous, like not seeing your car and they are about to merge into you, then obviously something loud is needed, like a regular horn.

I completely agree with everything you say it doesnt happen everyday or trip. For me I take the honking really personally and start comparting myself to other drivers and wondering if they get honked etc. Noise is an issue for us aspies and whilst I dont rock I do get really uptight when it happens to me and think it means I am a bad driver. I dont think I am like anyone I make mistakes but for the level of experience I have I am good. I dont get honked at everyday or anything but when i do it really upsets me and makes me incredibly nervous in fact probably more prone to making actual mistakes. Yesterday i was reversing out of my driveway I well and truly saw this woman coming along the road and stopped but she decided to hoot her horn like four times it was un-nessasary and if she was worried (i dont know why she would be) then one small toot to say i am here would have sufficed and not startled me in the way it did.

Last edited by Catster2 on 03 Mar 2009, 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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03 Mar 2009, 4:31 am

I just hate when I'm driving and people go the EXACT speed limit. I just hate when people don't turn right on red when they can. I just hate idiotic drivers. If I honk at you then it means you need to get your finger out of your ass and go. I've got places to be and I want to get there when I want to. Inconsiderate as*holes.

Sorry for my language I'm just in a bad mood tonight about what I think is depression (view other thread in this forum for details) :(


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03 Mar 2009, 9:41 am

For the very first time yesterday, drivers here were actually polite. 8O Usually they cut in front of me and drive all slowly! Anyway, here's what happened:

I was on my way out of the big mall parking lot, about to turn into the lane to turn onto the main road. A BMW was already sitting at a stop sign across the way and I pulled up to mine. I waited for him to go, but he still kept sitting there. I waited more and then I was like "Fine, I'm going". He then followed me out onto the road and eventually the freeway, where I lost him. It was nice of him to let me go first. I'm never, ever first on that road!


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03 Mar 2009, 6:58 pm

i actually think the headlights would be a more polite option and get the point across or as others said two different types of honks. Today as a pedestrian I noticed a whole heap of honking going and it all sounds so agressive and un reasonable.


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04 Mar 2009, 5:42 am

here is an artcle about Melbourne drivers.

Hey, reader! Yes, you! Read this! Now!

November 12 2008
By Padraic Murphy
Police Reporter

Melbourne motorists are the rudest, most aggressive and arrogant drivers in the country, a survey has found.

The 2008 AAMI Crash Index survey found that Melbourne drivers were the angriest of those in all capital cities, with almost one in 10 drivers admitting they would give chase if cut off by another driver.

The findings back official police statistics that show there were more than 700 road-rage assaults last year.

"Drivers in Melbourne are more likely to be aggressive behind the wheel, be impatient, honk at other drivers repeatedly, run red lights, speed and drive while fatigued than drivers in other capital cities," said AAMI general manager Anthony Durakovic.

Melbourne drivers were also more likely to play road games and be pushy in traffic.

"More than one-quarter of Melbourne drivers sometimes use rude gestures when they get angry," Mr Durakovic said. "Ten per cent will cut someone off just because they can. Most will honk repeatedly if they are impatient or feel agrieved. This is more than three times the national average."

Consultant psychologist John Cheetham, who helped set the survey and examine the data, said Melbourne drivers needed to reassess their attitudes on the road. "What we're seeing is that good manners have failed in society, people are more selfish. People need to actively take steps to defuse situations when they are on the road," Mr Cheetham said.

Melbourne drivers also tend to be superior, and believe they have better driving habits than their interstate counterparts.

Mr Cheetham said Melbourne's sprawl and congested roads might have contributed to Melbourne being named the road-rage capital."Perhaps it's because drivers here spend more time behind the wheel than in a smaller city like Adelaide, simply because Melbourne is bigger in area," Mr Cheetham said.

The national survey of more than 1100 drivers also found road rage was increasing across the country, with the angriest drivers being those with less than 10 years' driving experience.

And the survey debunks the commonly held perception that women are worse drivers than men. Males are more likely to have had an accident, more likely to have been fined for traffic infringements, and seven times more likely than women to have had their licence suspended.


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04 Mar 2009, 12:00 pm

I *hate* people beeping at me. My car is slow and sometimes has trouble shifting down into second but it doesn't take *that* long.

What makes me the most annoyed is when you're waiting at a junction with absolutely no space to pull out in whatsoever and someone in the long queue behind beeps at you. I can't drive *through* the cars!

I don't have Aspergers, I'm just socially inept

Dodgy circuitry! Diagnosed: Tourette syndrome. Suspected: auditory processing disorder, synaesthesia. Also: social and organisation problems. Heteroromantic asexual (though still exploring)


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05 Mar 2009, 1:54 am

Greyhound wrote:
I *hate* people beeping at me. My car is slow and sometimes has trouble shifting down into second but it doesn't take *that* long.

What makes me the most annoyed is when you're waiting at a junction with absolutely no space to pull out in whatsoever and someone in the long queue behind beeps at you. I can't drive *through* the cars!

try living in Melbourne they beep you like .5 of a second after the lights turn green people are so bloody impatient.