Ligea_Seroua wrote:
There is a good review by Fowler et al in Neurotoxicology, I think 2003 issue (should be on pubmed, is a respected peer reviewed journal) My memory is not always good -I cant remember the exact title
probably search via Monoamines and Tobacco
There are diverse species of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (NAchRs) throughout the brain, stimulation of which are associated with wakefulness and attention, and some postmortem and gene studies have shown altered NAchR receptor types and density in ASDs. One I could find from my old dissertation that should be accessable via web of science, pub med etc is
Martin-Ruiz et al ,2004 Molecular analysis of nicotinic receptor expression in autism, Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 123(1-2):81-90. (realtime PCR being a reliable investigative strategy, and again, a respected journal)...
You are right! My bad! And I'm a person who likes MAO-A inhibitors. I do respond well to MAO-A inhibitors and have problems with all the rest. My brain fell out as I typed that post.
Thank you so much for info about the NAchRs link and autism. I suppose I should get a bigger picture.
I currently occasionally take an old MAOI, Nardil, for a short while if I feel I might be falling into a depressive brain activity state. But I cut it up very small and then take a small amount sublingually. This avoids the hypertensive problems as it bypasses the portal vein route and liver metabolism, so the smaller does is effective. Since the MAOI is irreversible, I don't have to take it on consecutive days, either. This cuts down on the hypertensive problems.
But I only do this when I think I need an MAOI intervention, which is not often.
I suppose I could also use nicotine patches, but who wants to get hooked again?