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Tufted Titmouse
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11 Apr 2009, 12:30 am

Nena Aragón's latest video.



Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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11 Apr 2009, 2:13 am

Very educational and useful information.


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11 Apr 2009, 3:09 am

Are you Nena?

She rocks like someone with Autism rather than Asperger's in the video. From everything that I've read, adults with Asperger's rarely do such.

11 Apr 2009, 3:51 am

I used to ask why all the time and wanted to know why to everything. It drove my whole family crazy. If I was told to not do something, I would ask why and they would refuse to tell me why. I would also ask what if I did and they still wouldn't tell me so I would do it anyway and get in trouble. I hated it and I just thought they were lazy to answer and they were stupid for not giving me a reason why. I was in my teens when I finally learned to obey because I got so sick and tired of getting into trouble so I learned to obey to avoid it. I want to hold down a job too right? Disobeying is a way to get fired. My mother told me you get fired for not listening to your boss.

And I know why we pay taxes. I asked my parents why and asked what happens if we don't and they told me you can go to jail so I was like yipes I better pay them then when I work.


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11 Apr 2009, 4:04 am

People with AS can rock like that, I suppose. I don't think it's as common. I rock sometimes, and most people describe me as very high functioning. ADD/HD might be a part of that, too.


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11 Apr 2009, 6:49 am

I may sometimes rock like about 1/3rd as much(not so drastic as she did). I doubt anyone ever even noticed, and it is almost like I am listening to music. Heck, I didn't even really think about it before. In fact, I am rocking even as I type this.


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11 Apr 2009, 8:21 am

See, Aspies are smart, so they can use their mind to stop (with very hard work) doing things like the motor repetition. I agree that many Aspies don't show it, and maybe some don't have it at all.

Read what Wikipedia says on Asperger_syndrome

Stereotyped and repetitive motor behaviors are a core part of the diagnosis of AS and other ASDs. They include hand movements such as flapping or twisting, and complex whole-body movements. These are typically repeated in longer bursts and look more voluntary or ritualistic than tics, which are usually faster, less rhythmical and less often symmetrical.

Have you guys also just considered she is NERVOUS and she is honest and doesn't hide it like NT people do? Notice that later in the video she is rocking a lot less, as she gets into her comfort grove. Anxiety is pretty common, she might start out fearing to be misunderstood or have to work hard again (reshoot the video) to express herself.

Is there a joke somewhere about Aspies who have no empathy toward other Aspies ;) ? You can logic through Empathy if you work at it.

Tufted Titmouse
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11 Apr 2009, 10:42 am

Danielismyname wrote:
Are you Nena?

She rocks like someone with Autism rather than Asperger's in the video. From everything that I've read, adults with Asperger's rarely do such.

Yes. I am Nena. I have rocked all of my life. Most of the time I am unaware of it. I tend to rock when I am upset or under stress and also when I am really happy or excited. I can sometimes control it, but it takes a lot of energy.

As I mention in another of my videos, I was diagnosed as having classic autism when I was young and spent my first six years in school in special education. Then, when teachers realized that I did not adhere to their stereotype of being "the village idiot", I was mainstreamed (pure hell for me). Later in life a psychiatrist re-diagnosed me as an Aspie, I think mainly because I was too intelligent to fit HIS stereotype of what an individual with classic autism should be. To be truthful, I do not know what I am :)

I never though about the idea that I have anxiety at the beginning of my videos, and therefore tend to rock more, but then I move into a groove where I am more comfortable and it stops. But it seems to describe me perfectly and makes a lot of sense. THANKS!

Nena (AKA Linasgirl)


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11 Apr 2009, 11:09 am

Thank you Nena. This video on Why has been of great use for a friend and I. Thank you. Do you have a Facebook account, are you open to stranger friends? Don't feel pressured...


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11 Apr 2009, 11:11 am

Aspies definitely do repetitive behaviours.

I pace excellently as an aspie.

Sea Gull
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11 Apr 2009, 11:18 am

:idea: The tax example was brilliant! I realized that is exactly what bugs me about tax season. I have never been able to comfortably sit down and do taxes. My taxes aren't that complicated, I write things down where they tell me to, but I always seem to do it wrong. I don't understand why they have to be so bloody complicated - go to this page, go to that page, subtract line 10 from line 99 but first you have to figure out what line 99 is and to find that out you have to do a whole other set of calculations in a separate booklet. ARGH. I remember in university getting one of the accounting students to do my taxes because I just couldn't. He looked at me like I was a simpleton - I didn't have properties, charitable donations, etc., it was straight forward. Not for me. He did it in 5 minutes. It would have literally taken me all day.

I tend to end up near tears doing taxes without software (and if that hadn't been invented, I would be preparing even now for battle, shudder). It is like they are trying to trick you into a lie. Then they threaten you that if it isn't done right then they will come looking for you. And when they send you back the statement saying they received the paperwork you have slaved over to make sure is right, there is a little threat there too about the fact that they are watching you. Then I find myself thinking, I work very hard for my money. VERY hard. They take half of it and threaten me. Um, this is what we used to call bullying in school, if someone took your money and then threatened you. Then I think, I want an itemized list on just what my money WILL be spent on, and I don't want to find out it was used to send some dippy politician off on a "heritage" fact finding tour of Italy that i could never afford to go on in my life - because I just gave half my wages to the country with barely a receipt. :evil: - but of course THAT will never happen, sigh.

Okay, must take the message to move forward but work for change... my mantra today as I do my taxes.... :D

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11 Apr 2009, 12:01 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet, Nena. I have long been a fan of you, your videos, and you are in my Youtube favorites. You have a great presence, I love your voice and I have learned a lot from you. You rock! :wink:


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11 Apr 2009, 12:31 pm

Good video (again) !

I used to ask why all the time and wanted to know why to everything. It drove my whole family crazy. If I was told to not do something, I would ask why and they would refuse to tell me why. I would also ask what if I did and they still wouldn't tell me so I would do it anyway and get in trouble. I hated it and I just thought they were lazy to answer and they were stupid for not giving me a reason why.

I was the same ! (and still need to know the "why" of things... but try not to ask people to much about it)

An other reason why I still need to know "why" when people want me to do something is that I forget often what people told me to do and especially how. If I know "why" something has to be done I have more chances not to forget it... And if I forget "how" to do it it's often much more easier to find from myself a way to do it.

« L'important c'est de se sentir heureux, d'extérieure, la vie devient intérieure, son intensité reste la même et vous savez, c'est bizarre où le bonheur de vivre va parfois se nicher. » Blaise Cendrars, Moravagine

11 Apr 2009, 12:57 pm

grinningcat wrote:
:idea: The tax example was brilliant! I realized that is exactly what bugs me about tax season. I have never been able to comfortably sit down and do taxes. My taxes aren't that complicated, I write things down where they tell me to, but I always seem to do it wrong. I don't understand why they have to be so bloody complicated - go to this page, go to that page, subtract line 10 from line 99 but first you have to figure out what line 99 is and to find that out you have to do a whole other set of calculations in a separate booklet. ARGH. I remember in university getting one of the accounting students to do my taxes because I just couldn't. He looked at me like I was a simpleton - I didn't have properties, charitable donations, etc., it was straight forward. Not for me. He did it in 5 minutes. It would have literally taken me all day.

I tend to end up near tears doing taxes without software (and if that hadn't been invented, I would be preparing even now for battle, shudder). It is like they are trying to trick you into a lie. Then they threaten you that if it isn't done right then they will come looking for you. And when they send you back the statement saying they received the paperwork you have slaved over to make sure is right, there is a little threat there too about the fact that they are watching you. Then I find myself thinking, I work very hard for my money. VERY hard. They take half of it and threaten me. Um, this is what we used to call bullying in school, if someone took your money and then threatened you. Then I think, I want an itemized list on just what my money WILL be spent on, and I don't want to find out it was used to send some dippy politician off on a "heritage" fact finding tour of Italy that i could never afford to go on in my life - because I just gave half my wages to the country with barely a receipt. :evil: - but of course THAT will never happen, sigh.

Okay, must take the message to move forward but work for change... my mantra today as I do my taxes.... :D

I hate taxes too. Lot of people have troubles with it so thats why there are places that do it for you but it takes you hours to get it done. They also want you to know how much you got in interest for savings, how much you got from social security, etc and it's such a nuisance and I go "screw that, I'm having my aunt and uncle do them." I am not going to go through the stress of wondering how much I got from SSI in 2008 because I didn't keep track.

Don't worry if you make a mistake, they correct it and tell you. My parents once made a mistake with my taxes when I was 19 and I got something back from the state telling me what the correct amount was. No jail time. I think they just do the threat to scare people so they can do them. They want them to take it seriously so they can do their taxes, not skip them. I heard if you don't owe them any money, they won't go looking for you but then you won't get any money back from them or get any Obama bucks. I guess you have to owe them so much in taxes, they will find you and arrest you. I have heard about people getting busted in taxes. Sometimes people get garnished too when they screw up in taxes. It happened to my boyfriend's father so he and his wife are both being garnished because they filed together. Neither of them got arrested, just garnished.

11 Apr 2009, 1:00 pm

Madfrenchy wrote:
Good video (again) !

I used to ask why all the time and wanted to know why to everything. It drove my whole family crazy. If I was told to not do something, I would ask why and they would refuse to tell me why. I would also ask what if I did and they still wouldn't tell me so I would do it anyway and get in trouble. I hated it and I just thought they were lazy to answer and they were stupid for not giving me a reason why.

I was the same ! (and still need to know the "why" of things... but try not to ask people to much about it)

An other reason why I still need to know "why" when people want me to do something is that I forget often what people told me to do and especially how. If I know "why" something has to be done I have more chances not to forget it... And if I forget "how" to do it it's often much more easier to find from myself a way to do it.

I also tend to forget and I get mad at myself for forgetting so I expect to be reminded. My dad forgets too.

When I get told to do something at work, I have to do it now or else I can forget. I can write it down but then I don't even think to look at the paper later on because I don't remember writing it down then until I get asked if I did X.


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11 Apr 2009, 1:22 pm

Danielismyname wrote:
Are you Nena?

She rocks like someone with Autism rather than Asperger's in the video. From everything that I've read, adults with Asperger's rarely do such.

a few of us do, danielsmyname.

as for the issue of "Why?"

why do i have to register my car?
Why do i have to do anything about being on my P plates which i have been on for 6 years (when i got on them, you only had to be on them for a year, but why do i have to ge a normal license anyway?)
why do i have to eat breakfast with people at the table?
the list has been endless over the course of my life.

Not so much these days,

I have successfully managed to eradicate "why" from my life to some degree, by eradicating those things i do not want to do or partake in.
It makes me more antisocial, more of an "outsider" but that is right where i am meant to be, by virtue of being me.