Danielismyname wrote:
What are the other 9 things?
Here they are:
1)I find social situations confusing
2)I find it hard to make small talk
3)I am good at picking up details and facts
4)I find it hard to work out what other people are thinking and feeling
5)I can focus on certain things for very long periods
6)People often say I was rude even when this was not intended
7)I have unusually strong, narrow interests
I do certain things in an inflexible, repetitive way
9)I have always had difficulty making friends
Come to think of it, people also don´t say I´m rude. When I was a child, my mother drilled politeness in me. As a child and teenager, I was formal, stilted, and very, very polite. Although now that I´m an adult I may be discovering my natural rudeness, finally.
"death is the road to awe"