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15 Apr 2009, 3:42 pm

Beeing alone in public.
When I'm pondering bad things about myself.
When I smoke just to smoke, even if it doesn't taste good and when I don't 'need' it.
Waiting for a song to finish.
If something gets cut off, just when I'm enjoying it.
When people don't get something I said that was just a joke, but not to be repeated.
Awkward explaining of things that are not explain-worthy :P .

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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16 Apr 2009, 4:54 pm


--dusty dirt on my hands

--popsickle sticks on my lips, mouth or teeth. Same for little wooden ice cream spoons.

--interruptions when im focused

--sudden changes of plans

--sudden noises

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16 Apr 2009, 9:12 pm

i hate chalk too!1! Ughh

check out my website at {redacted by admin - domain taken over and points to a porn site}

When in doubt, ask an autistic. Chances are, they're obsessed with what you need to know. :roll:

Autism Speaks will NEVER speak for me



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16 Apr 2009, 11:34 pm

Sudden changes in routine.


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17 Apr 2009, 6:31 am

heat! like being in a sweltering heated room that
makes me feel greasy,
hunger pangs, being pukey,
feeling isolated (i get really into my head with
stuff )


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17 Apr 2009, 7:10 am

kaytie wrote:
feeling isolated (i get really into my head with
stuff )

oh man don't we all :(

What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th street.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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17 Apr 2009, 10:32 am

Im also extremely claustrophobic, I get very anxious and eventually end up in frenzied panic if I dont/cant get some space.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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17 Apr 2009, 12:51 pm

I find it also extremely uncomfortable if I wake up and it's pitch black. In that blurry world between dreams and reality I tend to become really paranoid, and I need to be able to see around me INSTANTLY or I may freak out a bit for that slight moment between waking up and finding the light switch. Not always, but sometimes. I'm ot really afraid of the dark, but this can be quite unsettling.

I love sex.

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17 Apr 2009, 4:09 pm

sevysgrl wrote:
Im also extremely claustrophobic, I get very anxious and eventually end up in frenzied panic if I dont/cant get some space.

It is for that reason that I stopped going to theaters and movie houses. Being packed in with so many people, sounds, temperatures and smells is too crazy making!

Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner


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17 Apr 2009, 4:12 pm

Pitch black
Dry paint
Small spaces, even worse if they're dark
Anything drying on my hands (soil, paint, clay etc)
Anything sticky on my hands (I have to slice apples and wash quickly after grapes to avoid getting sticky/dry fingers, eating chicken bones or whatever with hands - sticky)
Grease on hands - go all dry and it seemingly NEVER comes off
Lipgloss/stick often, quite annoying
Sudden changes of plan
Unexpected loud noises or bright/strobing lights
Going from very happy to absolutely hopeless and depressed in a few seconds, where everything seems to be going wrong
Really sticky sweets that are difficult to eat cos they stick your mouth together painfully
Really hot things in my mouth - tea/coffee, spicy, very hot things like food etc
My dad tapping the table/bannisters/wall
People singing (if I'm not) tapping or 'ch'-ing to the beat of a song
Watching people chew gum - ewwwwwww
People not doing something they said they would :(
People not replying to texts ASKING A QUESTION
Strong smell of cigaratte smoke gives me a heavy cold abd is very uncomfortable cos I like clean air
High humidity or v hot/cold temperatures
Sand on my legs and between toes after going to the beach -painful, annoying and stays in socks for ageeess
Sometimes having socks on my feet - often kick them off fro bed or don't bother to put them on
Being under pressure - from myself or others
Getting out of shower and not knowing what to do, leading to procrastination and time wasting
People not listening to me or not responding until I yell their name
Smoke alarm/alarm clock like sounds - I think I actually experience pain sometimes
Having a cold, being all bunged up and not able to hear yourself speak properly
Stomach cramps eurgh soooo painful
Strange food/drink that looks/smells weird in front of me
Female problems once a month (supposedly) - girls will know what I mean
Feeling full, I like feeling hungry
Someone strange or who annoys me getting too close/touching me for too long
Talking to or being asked questions by strangers - just try to sound normal when this happens and hide terror
PHONE RINGING especially at work in case I'm asked to answer

So glad I'm not the only one to have these feelings. Probs some more but these are ones I remember and/or have picked up from others

Spare a talent for an old ex-leper?
Monty Python's Life of Brian


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17 Apr 2009, 8:31 pm

Concrete dust on your hands
Crowded places


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18 Apr 2009, 12:28 am

cardboard, and the sound of cardboard scraping against cardboard, or my nails scraping against cardboard, or the dry feeling of cardboard on my fingertips.

My heel on a hard floor without shoes on.

Sometimes, the eraser on my pencil goes dry (have you seen this happen?) and then I go to erase something without realizing it... and, wow... that is the single worst. Second place is when the tip of the pencil broke, and when I go to write, the wood end scapes against the paper. Ouch! that just hurts the spinal mid section in ways... even writing about it has the effect.


Sudden dog barks or sudden loud vehicular noises.

The drop of liquid on the outside of a cup/ glass after I take a drink (alcholic beverages are not as bad as the alchohol thins the liquid to the point where that obnoxious drop doesn't just hang there pissing me off). <--- is this one a little OCD?

Blood and/ or needles. guts

The feel of lipstick/ gloss (it looks nice though)

Saliva. bleck. Unless I am kissing someone I am really into.

Bright light sources, points of light, in my field of vision.

Spaces lit primarily by flourescent light... I'm very sensitive to light quality in spaces.

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18 Apr 2009, 8:26 am

The sound of nails scratching jeans :x


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19 Apr 2009, 1:21 am

Mixtli wrote:
...when the tip of the pencil broke, and when I go to write, the wood end scapes against the paper. Ouch! that just hurts the spinal mid section in ways... even writing about it has the effect.

Oh, horrible horrible horrible!

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19 Apr 2009, 1:39 am

The game at work is to poke me because I go off "speaking in tongues" speaking jibberish because it so annoys me.

The Giants and Trolls win, let us die on the right side with Father Odin.


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19 Apr 2009, 4:16 pm

When you've only just taken sunglasses off and it goes brighter all of a sudden, I wore sunglasses today and I wish I didn't because it takes forever to adjust to the light once I've taken them off.

What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th street.