millie wrote:
I do not touch hydrcortisone creams as they only supress external manifestation of the psoraisis and do little to actually help with the underlying issues - which are often related to auto-immune stuff, high anxiety and a poor diet that exacerbates it.
I would not use cortisone without very good reasons and without the supervision of physician.
millie wrote:
So, low dairy and low wheat diet. have an exercise program. stay away from too many fizzy. acidy drinks, no alcohol, and drink lots of water. drink herb tea. stay away from excessive nightshade group foods. some is ok, but not too excessively.
Also, eat lots of greens and veges and stay away from processed foods. and get some sun if you can - if you are sun sensitive - wear hat and sunnies and just catch a bit when you can.
I had this problem for years and I got prescribed a sulphur/selenium cream, which worked quite well.