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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 Apr 2009, 5:37 am


I'm based in the UK and have been looking into getting a private diagnosis (don't want it on my NHS record). I don't mind travelling or paying for it but there seems to be very few psychologists/psychiatrists out there offering the service.

I was wondering if anyone has had dealings with Maxine Easton (psychologist based in Coventry). She claims to be a specialist in the area, but is setting my 'quack' radar off! I've read some uncomplimentary things about her on someone's blog, so am wondering if anyone else has heard of her or indeed had a positive experience.

Would also like any tips for any other psychologists/psychiatrists able to diagnose adults.



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24 Apr 2009, 5:56 am

The NAS has an autism services directory for the UK.

You can browse by category and location. There are many entries under the assessment and diagnosis category.


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24 Apr 2009, 6:28 am

I'm not sure where in the country you're able to travel to, but I was diagnosed by Professor Digby Tantam at Dilemma Consultancy in Sheffield. He specializes in ASDs and diagnoses both children and adults.

The fee was £440 for a two-hour assessment. I did not have to take any tests (I assume that tests would probably be used to assess a child who was not yet able to express themselves so fully, but was not necessary with an adult who could describe their thoughts); he observed me and spoke to me about my life, my interests, what I remembered from childhood and what problems I experienced, and was able to say at the end that in his opinion, I had mild AS. I personally would recommend him and found him very patient and easy to talk to.


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24 Apr 2009, 6:54 am

maxine aston isn't a doctor, she gives out expensive phony diagnoses that mean nothing...x

Pileated woodpecker
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24 Apr 2009, 7:08 am

Xanderbeanz wrote:
maxine aston isn't a doctor, she gives out expensive phony diagnoses that mean nothing...x

That's not entirely true. She's a counsellor, which is what most universities require one to go to for an assessment. Her assessments are just as legit as those from any other counsellor, it just isn't a doctor-approved NHS diagnosis (which is next to impossible to get).

Speaking from experience, though, I would recommend looking around for other options. It really depends on whether you're just looking for an assessment and want to get it out of the way (she's fine for that), or if you want to speak with someone who will actually try to understand and help you without making you feel ridiculous (I'm still trying to find one of those).


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24 Apr 2009, 7:11 am

andriarose wrote:
if you want to speak with someone who will actually try to understand and help you without making you feel ridiculous (I'm still trying to find one of those).

So am I.

I'm sick and tired of being made to feel ridiculous for just being myself.


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24 Apr 2009, 7:23 am

andriarose wrote:
... it just isn't a doctor-approved NHS diagnosis (which is next to impossible to get).

That's interesting. Is there a reason for why it's hard to get one in the UK, I mean one by a government funded doctor?

Pileated woodpecker
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24 Apr 2009, 9:55 am

Danielismyname wrote:
andriarose wrote:
... it just isn't a doctor-approved NHS diagnosis (which is next to impossible to get).

That's interesting. Is there a reason for why it's hard to get one in the UK, I mean one by a government funded doctor?

Because you go to them with your problems and they tell you that you are a useless waste of time, and that they have people with *real* problems to take care of.

Or at least that was my experience.

They won't provide any psychiatric support whatsoever unless you're about to hurt yourself or someone else. Apparently it's expensive for the council to cover such services. I have problems with depression as well, and I have to rely on Samaritans to help me out because the NHS won't do anything but offer me drugs. :(


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24 Apr 2009, 10:11 am

Can I ask you to put some opinions here:

I am taking a case to tribunal in a few weeks and I really need a a good, rounded piece on Maxine Aston...


Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Apr 2009, 8:22 am

Thanks all, especially Hovis- I'll drop your chap an email and see how things go.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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28 Apr 2009, 8:50 am

Hovis wrote:

The fee was £440 for a two-hour assessment. I did not have to take any tests (I assume that tests would probably be used to assess a child who was not yet able to express themselves so fully, but was not necessary with an adult who could describe their thoughts); he observed me and spoke to me about my life, my interests, what I remembered from childhood and what problems I experienced, and was able to say at the end that in his opinion, I had mild AS. I personally would recommend him and found him very patient and easy to talk to.

Wow 8O that's a lot of money. I'm in Australia and when my sons were tested it cost $800 for 4 two hour sessions and a full written report.

I've had people tell me that I should have public because it would have been free but I really don't want them in the Psych system. I view it as a neurological thing not a psychiatric disorder and I don't want them being given a psych case file number. I have always felt it was money well spent and now I feel it's also a bargain.


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28 Apr 2009, 8:50 am

andriarose wrote:
Danielismyname wrote:
andriarose wrote:
... it just isn't a doctor-approved NHS diagnosis (which is next to impossible to get).

That's interesting. Is there a reason for why it's hard to get one in the UK, I mean one by a government funded doctor?

Because you go to them with your problems and they tell you that you are a useless waste of time, and that they have people with *real* problems to take care of.

Or at least that was my experience.

They won't provide any psychiatric support whatsoever unless you're about to hurt yourself or someone else. Apparently it's expensive for the council to cover such services. I have problems with depression as well, and I have to rely on Samaritans to help me out because the NHS won't do anything but offer me drugs. :(

Yep, that's about the size of it. "You've been (insert list of the usual symptoms here, in mostly mild degree) since you were 2 years old? Some people are just like that. (sic) No need for you to talk to a specialist about it, how silly of you to ask!"

Gee, thanks, doc. :?

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28 Apr 2009, 10:42 am

I didn't realise but I have obviously been very lucky with my GP - I just kind of blurted out that I thought I might have AS, she talked to me for quite a while and then said she thought it likely...asked what I wanted to do, did I need any particular help...she said I am not sure what to do with you off the top of my head, most people I know assess children - I don't want to send you to a psychiatrist because you aren't mad! But she is trying to sort something for me. Sounds as if I am in a minority, but she has been very supportive and didn't even slightly fob me off. Also doesn't leap to put you on meds...
So they are out there, but I guess it's luck of the draw which is wrong.

Tufted Titmouse
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28 Apr 2009, 11:53 am

Enormouse wrote:

I'm based in the UK and have been looking into getting a private diagnosis (don't want it on my NHS record). I don't mind travelling or paying for it but there seems to be very few psychologists/psychiatrists out there offering the service.

I was wondering if anyone has had dealings with Maxine Easton (psychologist based in Coventry). She claims to be a specialist in the area, but is setting my 'quack' radar off! I've read some uncomplimentary things about her on someone's blog, so am wondering if anyone else has heard of her or indeed had a positive experience.

Would also like any tips for any other psychologists/psychiatrists able to diagnose adults.


Maxine Aston has some fairly bigoted opinions about our population. I would look for other options. ASAN's website has a link to what I'm referring to re: the AttwoodHenault petition. I'd link you to it but I can't post links for another few posts.


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28 Apr 2009, 12:03 pm

Why on earth would someone go to a Psychologist/Psychiatrist for a neurological evaluation? Do you find that you tend to go to a plumber for evaluation of your electrical installation?

AS has nothing whatsoever to do with illnesses of the brain (Psychiatry) or environmental trauma (Psychology). What do you expect from a Psychologist or Psychiatrist that claims to be able to diagnose a neurological condition but charlatan money-making?

Those who go to anything but a Neurologist for an AS/NLD evaluation deserve the ridiculous results they get.

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28 Apr 2009, 4:56 pm

Greentea wrote:
Why on earth would someone go to a Psychologist/Psychiatrist for a neurological evaluation? Do you find that you tend to go to a plumber for evaluation of your electrical installation?

AS has nothing whatsoever to do with illnesses of the brain (Psychiatry) or environmental trauma (Psychology). What do you expect from a Psychologist or Psychiatrist that claims to be able to diagnose a neurological condition but charlatan money-making?

Those who go to anything but a Neurologist for an AS/NLD evaluation deserve the ridiculous results they get.

Can a diagnosis be got from a neurologist? I never heard of it, and the NAS and NHS Direct talk only of psychologists and psychiatrists - though the more I think about it, the more a neurologist would seem the logical choice of diagnostician.