YES. When I was helping my mum rummage through my granda's old stuff we came upon his old taxi licence badge with his photo on it.
"He looked bloody awful by that time" she said.
And for some reason I laughed. Not only was it heartless and inappropriate, it sounded cold too. I instantly regretted it. This was the same day I was shown the one and only remaining picture of her granda too, and given the storiees about him, I empathised with what lung cancer had done to him by 1976. I can't help feeling that because I was painted the picture of my great-granda being a good, honest, hard-working man, that my mum thought it made me think little of my own granda.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
I also get occassional outbursts - whether it be walking by myself, in a crowded cafeteria or at my work serving people on tills - it happens.
But then again, doesn't that happen to EVERYONE from time to time?