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17 May 2009, 6:38 pm

Padium wrote:
2ukenkerl wrote:
And lgbt sites are GOING to be Homosexual and/or transgender. I would almost expect it to be perhaps 50%+ transgender.

That wasn't the point... also transgendered people are quite rare compared to homosexuals statistically, this site was the exception, not the trend. The intersting thing is that this site is mostly autistic.

Wikipedia says:

Transgender (pronounced /trænzˈdʒɛndər/, from (Latin) derivatives [trans <L, combination form meaning across, beyond, through] and [gender <ME <MF gendre, genre <L gener- meaning kind or sort]) is a general term applied to a variety of individuals, behaviors, and groups involving tendencies that diverge from the normative gender role (woman or man) commonly, but not always, assigned at birth, as well as the role traditionally held by society.

Transgender is the state of one's "gender identity" (self-identification as woman, man, or neither) not matching one's "assigned sex" (identification by others as male or female based on physical/genetic sex). "Transgender" does not imply any specific form of sexual orientation; transgender people may identify as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, or asexual. The precise definition for transgender remains in flux, but includes:

"Of, relating to, or designating a person whose identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of male or female gender roles, but combines or moves between these."[1]
"People who were assigned a sex, usually at birth and based on their genitals, but who feel that this is a false or incomplete description of themselves."[2]
"Non-identification with, or non-presentation as, the sex (and assumed gender) one was assigned at birth."[3]
A transgender individual may have characteristics that are normally associated with a particular gender, identify elsewhere on the traditional gender continuum, or exist outside of it

So it seems that the number of "transgendered" on LGBT sites should be quite HIGH!


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17 May 2009, 7:31 pm

I'm fairly unstable in my sexuality, besides the part of being involuntarily non sexual. If I had to choose I would say I'm bisexual, or somewhere around that at any given time.
sometimes I think I should have been a woman, but most of the time I think I'd make a better cat


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19 May 2009, 3:53 pm

I am biologically female, but feel myself to be mainly 'neutral' with regards to gender. Being labelled as a woman and having a female body does not feel quite right, but I tried to imagine being labelled as a man and having a male body, and that did not feel as though it would be right either - so I have no wish to transition. I'd like to be a third gender, if such a thing existed.

As a child, I had little interest in girls games like playing with dolls and dressing up. I liked making 'houses' and tents, but then I would just go and sit inside on my own and read; I never wanted to play families. I also did not have much interest in boys games such as war games and football. The overwhelming majority of my activities were gender-neutral, such as drawing, construction toys, science kits.

I am aesthetically and emotionally attracted to men, but identify as asexual sexually. Although I evidently have a very low sex drive physically too, I often think that there is a strong psychological aspect, connected to my inability to identify fully as female - and thus having a huge discomfort with the idea of being viewed in such a very specifically female way.


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19 May 2009, 5:21 pm

Well when I was little, I went through a tomboy stage and I even obsessed on this girl, then I went back to acting girly, then when I got into Middle School, I would only wear boy clothes and I had a crush on a boy.
Once I got into High School I started to dress girly again.

Also I was boy crazy and REALLY wanted a boyfriend, then I felt no boys liked me, so I started to think...hmmm maybe a girlfriend?
It's weird because at one time I tried to make myself gay!! !

I'm Nicole Marie Doherty, the creator of Stewart Mango the cartoon show.


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19 May 2009, 7:46 pm

I'm straight and always have been. On mmorpg's however people regularly confuse me for being a girl, and many people in real life have asked me if i'm homosexual. I must have femanine mannerism's or something.

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19 May 2009, 8:53 pm

Hovis wrote:
I am biologically female, but feel myself to be mainly 'neutral' with regards to gender. Being labelled as a woman and having a female body does not feel quite right, but I tried to imagine being labelled as a man and having a male body, and that did not feel as though it would be right either - so I have no wish to transition. I'd like to be a third gender, if such a thing existed.

As a child, I had little interest in girls games like playing with dolls and dressing up. I liked making 'houses' and tents, but then I would just go and sit inside on my own and read; I never wanted to play families. I also did not have much interest in boys games such as war games and football. The overwhelming majority of my activities were gender-neutral, such as drawing, construction toys, science kits.

I am aesthetically and emotionally attracted to men, but identify as asexual sexually. Although I evidently have a very low sex drive physically too, I often think that there is a strong psychological aspect, connected to my inability to identify fully as female - and thus having a huge discomfort with the idea of being viewed in such a very specifically female way.

wow. everything you said describes me perfectly. even down to the tent-making and sitting and reading in them. i used to make forts out of the couch pilows when i was small; i'd set the back cushions upright along the front edge of the seat part and put the seat cushions along the tops as the "roof". then i'd climb in from the side where the armrests are and sit under there. like a laiiiir.


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19 May 2009, 9:09 pm

StewartMango wrote:
Well when I was little, I went through a tomboy stage and I even obsessed on this girl, then I went back to acting girly, then when I got into Middle School, I would only wear boy clothes and I had a crush on a boy.
Once I got into High School I started to dress girly again.

Also I was boy crazy and REALLY wanted a boyfriend, then I felt no boys liked me, so I started to think...hmmm maybe a girlfriend?
It's weird because at one time I tried to make myself gay!! !

That pretty much sums up my life as far as sexuality goes. Though, I found out very quickly that I am most definetely attracted to only males after a female friend wrote me a love letter coming out of the closet professing her attraction to me. I literally almost threw up. The same thing happened a few more times, and my reaction was the same.


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19 May 2009, 9:54 pm

I am pansexaul, poly, and kinky.
Oh..I also have a DSD/IS in addition to the ASD. Basically, I was born infertile and my hormones are very odd.

I fascinate doctors needless to say.


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20 May 2009, 2:01 am

I am not really a specific gender. Maybe im adrogynous? I have male/female traits, but im happy with being born male.

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23 May 2009, 9:18 pm

(sigh) This is a bit hard for me to put out in public, but I gotta start sharing when appropriate and stop keeping to myself because it's hurting me more than helping. Here goes......

I've never really had a problem with gender confusement. I've always considered myself masculine, although I don't act like a typical man (ie: I don't think about sex all the time, I don't act tough everywhere I go), and I'm satisfied with that. But I've been struggling with being a bisexual. I've known ever since I first went into puberty that I was attracted to both genders, and I've tried as hard as I can to repress the same-gender desires for years and years.

My main reason for that was because I'm black, and black people are more homophobic than white people. It seems that if you're white, it's okay to be gay or bi and that you would just rejected by Christians (I don't mean to offend if I do). But if you're black, there's NEVER an excuse to not be straight. And most blacks that oppose same-sex relations aren't even Christians! (some may probably be mad at me after this post, but I'm sick of my own community sweeping issues such as this under the rug as if we never act like that)

For what it's worth, people don't even know that I'm attracted to both sexes if they were to hang out with me or see me on the street. Even my mom has a hard time believing that I'm bi after all the years in tricking her that I was 100% straight.


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23 May 2009, 11:39 pm

CGstucknthe80s wrote:
For what it's worth, people don't even know that I'm attracted to both sexes if they were to hang out with me or see me on the street. Even my mom has a hard time believing that I'm bi after all the years in tricking her that I was 100% straight.

Funny, My dad suspected me of being gay since I was in grade 6... He was close, but still pretty far off. Then a few weeks ago, he finds out I am transexual. My parents don't believe it at the moment, and they want me to get the councilling to sort out my gender issues, based on a comment that slipped out of my dad's mouth... Funny thing is, I already know that this is what I am, and no amount of councilling or psychotherapy can fix that. But when I do start seeing my new doctor for it, it will just be a short matter if time before I get started on horomones, and then a couple years before my surgery.


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24 May 2009, 8:18 pm

I'm gay but I don't think I'm at all effeminate.

That doesn't mean I'm like a stereotypical male - I don't like sports (probably because I'm simply not good at them) and I'm very neat, but I am not at all confused about my gender and I certainly have no desire to be a woman.

I don't like that homosexuality is often associated with effeminacy or flamboyance - not that I have anything against effeminate or flamboyant gay men, if that's who you are then that's fine, but the assumption that gay men are effeminate and straight men are masculine is not true and it just complicates things unnecessarily.


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24 May 2009, 9:36 pm

dougn wrote:
That doesn't mean I'm like a stereotypical male - I don't like sports (probably because I'm simply not good at them) and I'm very neat, but I am not at all confused about my gender and I certainly have no desire to be a woman.

I am not confused though... I already am a woman by modern gender theory. Its that I want to be both woman and female. Difference is man/woman is gender which is internal, and male/female is sex, which is physical. And yeah... I'm not gender confused.


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24 May 2009, 9:47 pm

Inner thoughts are not synonymous with outward facts. I don't subscribe to the beliefs of modern sociology; I prefer objective biology. The sexual morphology of an individual is determined by the chromosomes. Different genders have differing reproductive organs and differing bone structure as well. For example, women have a different pelvic bone structure in order to facilitate the birthing process.


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24 May 2009, 9:57 pm

timeisdead wrote:
Inner thoughts are not synonymous with outward facts. I don't subscribe to the beliefs of modern sociology; I prefer objective biology. The sexual morphology of an individual is determined by the chromosomes. Different genders have differing reproductive organs and differing bone structure as well. For example, women have a different pelvic bone structure in order to facilitate the birthing process.

The bone structure is not genetic, but is caused by horomones. a male can have a female bone structure should he undergo horomonal therapy to cause this at a young enough age (at Tanner 2).

Also, the chromasonal thing is wrong. There is a gene that by being present causes someone to be male. This gene is most commonly found on the Y chromosone, but may be found on an X chromosone, and may also be absent from a Y chromosone. This allows for XY females with natural born vaginas, uters, and oavaries, as well as XX males with natural born penis, testes, etc, and both produce apprpopriate sex horomones for the gender they appear. Noone notices these people are different unless a genetic test is done.


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24 May 2009, 10:06 pm

The bone structure is not genetic, but is caused by horomones. a male can have a female bone structure should he undergo horomonal therapy to cause this at a young enough age (at Tanner 2).

One can also argue that hormonal therapy is artificially producing these differences.

Also, the chromasonal thing is wrong. There is a gene that by being present causes someone to be male. This gene is most commonly found on the Y chromosone, but may be found on an X chromosone, and may also be absent from a Y chromosone. This allows for XY females with natural born vaginas, uters, and oavaries, as well as XX males with natural born penis, testes, etc, and both produce apprpopriate sex horomones for the gender they appear. Noone notices these people are different unless a genetic test is done.

There are exceptions to almost every rule.