What would you do if this happened to you?

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25 May 2009, 9:31 am

But you see, just because YOU think it's trivial doesn't mean it's trivial

Obviously enough people do not think it is trivial or there wouldn't be a law in the first place.

You shouldn't mind your own business, you should report places that break the law by not IDing people who look underage.

I get IDed when I go to a restaraunt and get a drink with my meal. I also get IDed when I go to the liquor store or buy beer at Wal Mart. It's to be expected. It's normal policy and everyone should expect this.

Padium or anyone else who feels like reporting places who do not have every right to do so and shouldn't be told to mind their own business when they do!

Matt, tell it to your lawmakers. If you don't like the law, tell them about it. Try to get it changed.


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25 May 2009, 9:34 am

I'd shut up and be happy to have gotten a beer that fast?

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25 May 2009, 9:34 am

It probably won't happen anyway - they're going to listen to the people with millions of dollars before me. Again THE LAW IS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT! Go by what's right instead of what's the law. Don't know about where you are, but in the US the legal system is set up to protect the interests of the rich and powerful at the expense of everyone else.

They should mind their own business. If you don't like it don't go there. Notice you are the only one here that agrees - it's not apathy it's we think it's a bad law and that people who help it are bad people.


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25 May 2009, 9:37 am

That is what you think but you are not in the majority. You can move to a country where the law is different if you like



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25 May 2009, 9:39 am

I couldn't afford it and anyway I'm 35 so I don't even get ID'd. Keep doing this and the police will eventually get tired of you and ignore it. I still say people who put their nose in other peoples' business should get it broke.


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25 May 2009, 9:43 am

Aaah, but they don't ignore it. They raid and when a place get's raided enough they start IDing and have no problems. They do enough business they don't have to sell to those without the valid ID or DL. It's simple, really. And it works! Many convenience store workers learn this the hard way when they sell a twelve or twenty four pack of beer to an undercover agent. They get arrested on the spot but most ID on a regular basis now and have nothing to worry about. Funny thing is, in my state they sell the two or three point beer in the convenience stores so it isn't that strong anyway.


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25 May 2009, 9:53 am

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
It's simple, really. And it works!
It only works against the little people. I think it was Will Durant who said,
"Laws are always beneficial to those who own, and injurious to those who do not."
Pick on the little guy. There's more emotional satisfaction there. Heck, you might even get the waitress fired! Now, that's real power. The kind of power that makes you feel safe and warm and fuzzy.


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25 May 2009, 10:31 am


your gonna call the cops on them cus they let you have a beer, hastle-free, despite your young look?

thats just totally beyond my ability to comprehend...

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25 May 2009, 11:44 am

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
They raid and when a place get's raided enough they start IDing and have no problems.

Actually they get raided and then they lose their liquor license and have major problems, seeing as alcohol is probably in the range of 50% of their revenue. Next time you go there you may not be able to get a beer at all, regardless of your age. If you care that much, a quick word with the management would fix the problem just fine, because they realize this and the last thing they want is to lose their license. But I'm with ZEGH and Matt, all this is totally incomprehensible to me.


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25 May 2009, 12:18 pm

I wouldn't worry about it.

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25 May 2009, 12:38 pm

Uh this just reminds me of a not-so-pleasant topic.

There are lots of sick people who used and still use the very sentence 'it were the rules, it was the law' for their sick goals.

Makes me unsure whether using such statements to back this one up is the right way to go. There are always people appearing suddenly who're not as concerned and sweet as you folks here right now and who use this statement in a very different context.

After most horrible historic events lots of people said - well, we had to do it, it was the law. And they expected to get off the hook because by all means, following the law must be good? But obviously it can be bad too, if you don't consider why that law's in place, what its doing to your state and the society you live in.

So if anybody thinks under-age drinking is wrong and that there should be precautions, then I'd write exactly that to back up my opinion but not that it's the law, unless I were blindly following what other people decide for real.

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The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett


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25 May 2009, 1:25 pm

I don't know what things are like in Europe regarding this same issue so if you are in Europe yes it could seem incomprehensible if you are used to different laws. I don't know what it's like in Canada either.

In the US, where I live, such places are required to ID people if they order drinks. Everyone gets IDed when they buy alcohol at grocery or liquor stores so it's easier to relate to and understand. So many places have lost liquor licenses here. The one thing you don't do is serve alcohol to minors or sell it to them because they are really strict about it. Too many accidents involving underage drinkers so people want the laws on their side to protect them. They want to have some leverage because without a law you don't have anything to use as a deterent.


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25 May 2009, 1:56 pm

As I said before, legal drinking age should be twelve. This makes sense, because then a lot of the alcohol abuse would be easier to prevent, because younger people would get introduced to it in a way that it is no longer a rebelious act, whether concious or subconcious, simply because they wouldn't be rebelling. For the first few years there would be increased abuse, but after that, the rates would drop significantly.


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25 May 2009, 2:02 pm

If you feel that way, why on Earth would you help carry out the way it is, assuming you aren't a cop?

I'm not sure but it certainly shouldn't be above 18. It's pretty twisted someone can vote (Helping choose the government is a bigger responsibility than drinking) or join the military and be sent to die in Iraq but can't enjoy a beer? I think the age 21 in the US has more to do with the continued puritanical influence than anything else.


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25 May 2009, 2:10 pm

I have no problem with the law being the way it is. I can understand the need for it. Think about it this way. Nearly everybody's dad has a case of beer in the fridge. With the law the way it is, lets say a sixteen year old wants to "enjoy a beer"? With the law being the way it is, he can sneak a beer from his dad's stash in the fridge but he can't go to a 7/11 and buy his own. It's like he can still enjoy the beer but the parents have a bit more control over where the beer comes from, how much of it's consumed, who consumes it. They might say it's okay for the sixteen year old to have one can of beer every now and then or maybe even one can with his dad, but a party with a bunch of booze is going too far.
The law is a good thing and helps parents.


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25 May 2009, 2:14 pm

The lowest of lows amongst friends is a snitch.

I don't really see much benefit in reporting them. Seeing as you're over 19 anyways no harm was really done. Yeah, they could do the same to an 18 year old and all.. but still, heh, I'd mind my own business. I still pay the youth fare when I ride local transit, sue me?

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