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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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26 May 2009, 2:45 pm

What is your relationship towards it? Do you that your anxiety is sometimes amplified by autism? I ask this because I feel like I've had some stress issues that my autism hasn't necessarily helped, so I'm wondering how other people have responded to this.

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26 May 2009, 2:56 pm

Yeah, of course its all part of a chain. *hearing something sounding like one of the chipmunks singing heal the world, in the background, britains, um got talent :roll:

And the anxiety is out of control, and cause of the autism I can't change it, even after trying repeatedly.


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26 May 2009, 3:08 pm

I've always had high anxiety and low frustration tolerance. Not handling flies in the ointment is probably my worst aspie symptom. When things don't go smoothly I get so overwhelmed that I either throw my hands in the air or fly into a rage. If I didn't have this issue I could probably pass for normal much more easily. People don't suspect I'm an aspie until they witness how I react to stress.


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26 May 2009, 3:13 pm

Good topic. I will be looking forward to the other responses.

Anxiety tends to run my life, unfortunately.
I'm diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia.
I've been trying to keep it in bounds for most of my life.
Therapy, medication, diet and lifestyle changes... some things help, and may work for a while, but do not come close to "curing" the anxiety, or even making it very manageable. It's like there's always something novel out there to create more anxiety and panic.
It really sucks. Takes much of the joy out of life. It's a big problem for me, and not something that I can simply "snap out of", as some have suggested in the past.

I've not yet been diagnosed with anything related to Autism, but Asperger's seems to describe anything about me not explained by Anxiety. I believe these two conditions to more or less co-exist. The anxiety certainly feeds off the mental and social inconsistencies caused by whatever autistic traits I may actually have. Occasionally strange speech, actions, appearance, etc on my part only create more opportunities for me to be anxious and panicked.

Interesting stuff :?


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26 May 2009, 3:37 pm

Acacia wrote:
I've not yet been diagnosed with anything related to Autism, but Asperger's seems to describe anything about me not explained by Anxiety. I believe these two conditions to more or less co-exist. The anxiety certainly feeds off the mental and social inconsistencies caused by whatever autistic traits I may actually have. Occasionally strange speech, actions, appearance, etc on my part only create more opportunities for me to be anxious and panicked.

I feel like I'm in pretty much your same position. I haven't been diagnosed either, but I've long thought that I likely have autism in some form (probably aspies), as it would explain not only many of my present behaviors, but also a number of non-sequitors from my childhood. Nevertheless, the link between anxiety and autism is very interesting. Over the past year, my anxiety has increased a good bit, mostly just due to life circumstances, but it does seem to be aggravating other tendencies that point more toward autism. Seems sorta cyclical.

26 May 2009, 3:50 pm

Yes. My anxiety leads me to meltdowns. When I get stressed out, my anxiety comes and I meltdown. I wonder what aspies are like without anxiety. I see meltdowns as having anxiety so I suppose they don't have any if they don't have anxiety.


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26 May 2009, 3:51 pm

No anxiety problems at all, I hardly ever lose my temper and I just take life as it comes.

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26 May 2009, 4:20 pm

I suspect that those on the spectrum are prone to anxiety. I am. Someone ought to set up a poll. The common preference for routine is likely due to a desire to reduce anxiety. I have read many posts which describe pursuing intense interests as a way to distract oneself from thoughts which would cause anxiety. I am not saying that is the only reason for intense interests, of course.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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26 May 2009, 4:25 pm

I have very severe anxiety and I'm sure it is connected to my likely Asperger's Syndrome.


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26 May 2009, 4:36 pm

No anxiety issues

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26 May 2009, 4:42 pm

marshall wrote:
I've always had high anxiety and low frustration tolerance. Not handling flies in the ointment is probably my worst aspie symptom. When things don't go smoothly I get so overwhelmed that I either throw my hands in the air or fly into a rage. If I didn't have this issue I could probably pass for normal much more easily. People don't suspect I'm an aspie until they witness how I react to stress.

Same here. I don't deal with even mild stress well.

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26 May 2009, 4:46 pm

I have some anxiety problems, and I'm sure they are related to my autism. I'm sure I have a social anxiety (undiagnosed), which I'm sure would be caused by my problems with socialising.

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26 May 2009, 10:53 pm

ViperaAspis wrote:
No anxiety issues

Me neither. Dunno why that is. I won't be anxious about it, though. :)

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26 May 2009, 11:11 pm

So far, I count 10 "yes" answers, and 3 "no" answers. Any other posts, please add to the totals, instead of a poll. Thanks.

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26 May 2009, 11:15 pm

Make that 22 yes - 3 nos

I have anxiety issues. I also think it goes hand in hand with Asperger's. My son has absergers and also has anxiety issues.

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26 May 2009, 11:50 pm

Since taking meds I don't get as anxious as before, but it's still there.
I can't even go into supermarkets sometimes.

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