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09 Jun 2009, 12:47 pm

I had auditory hallucinations once. My hearing in my left ear went completely dead, then I head white noise static then a male voice talking in a low monotone.

Luckily this never recurred.

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09 Jun 2009, 5:17 pm

IDK how many voices I have in my head in terms of thinking... there's like probably 5 or something. As Ryan93 does, I have one that persistently insults me and one for things like when I'm reading, two that argue a lot, one with a positive bias and one with a negative and then there's a neutral one that probably blends into the persistently insulting which just notifies me every now and then that I'm crazy and pathetic that I need to talk to my self to keep myself entertained.
They're not illusions though, I'm perfectly a wear that they're only in my head.


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09 Jun 2009, 7:30 pm

I only occasionally hear voices in my head, actually they come from outside my head. Sometimes they are clear and other times they are indistinct. But what bothers me the most and happens far more often is the thought insertion, which are like voices but are inaudible. Voices happen only a few times a week at most (but happened a lot more when I was on Moban! Probably everyday!) but the thought insertion happens nearly everyday with a few exceptions. The thought insertion tells me very scary things and also insults me. When I tell people about the thought insertion (including a psychologist I had awhile back) she said "she knew for an absolute fact that I physically HEAR the voices because I knew what gender they were." I told her, the thought insertion I didn't hear but I knew what it would sound like that its male and has a deep voice. But the actual voices that I hear infrequently are both male and female, sometimes its my own mom or it can be FBI agents in my house. Very wide range. But I have been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder bipolar type. I don't agree with the diagnosis though because I am not psychotic and the only real psychosis I have had recently was when I was on Moban, so it was medicine induced psychosis, therefore can't be used towards a diagnosis. I know I was diagnosed before I was on Moban though. By the way, if you don't know what thought insertion is, it is the belief (usually classified as a "bizarre delusion of control") that an outside force is putting thoughts into your head. In my case as you are probably aware it is the FBI/CIA and the aliens.


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09 Jun 2009, 7:46 pm

IDK how many voices I have in my head in terms of thinking... there's like probably 5 or something. As Ryan93 does, I have one that persistently insults me and one for things like when I'm reading, two that argue a lot, one with a positive bias and one with a negative and then there's a neutral one that probably blends into the persistently insulting which just notifies me every now and then that I'm crazy and pathetic that I need to talk to my self to keep myself entertained.

Actually, thinking about it again that's exactly the configuration I have. The neutral one is useless, mainly just a incomprehensible stream of consciousness. I would talk to myself but I'm terrible company, so why would I want to hang with myself? :lol:


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09 Jun 2009, 8:06 pm

mistunderstood wrote:
Does any one hear voices here? If so is it one voice or many? Do you have a order of importance to them(like a pecking order)? Is voices something common in Autism?
I hear voices all day every day since I was born most of the time if I am lucky it is just a few at a time. I was curious if there was others here who have same problem and if you do what do you do to survive them? :roll:

Do you mean hearing voices as though they came from the outside?

I think in spoken words, but I have no illusion that the words come from an outside source. I know they are my thoughts (in words) and they originate in my brain.



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09 Jun 2009, 9:22 pm

I hear all kinds of voices in my head and out side of my head. I do know difference between real and false it just takes me time to think it through. Sometimes people think I am slow because of this and some people do not belive I hear voices because I am not shouting at them like some people do. Some voices I talk to some I try to ignore some help me and some just like to cause trouble some are funny and some are plain scary. I do seek help from a Doc but voices are same wether on meds or off. Hate to say it but only thing helps for a little while is smoking pot. Which I have not done for a few years. I try to go to college but they make lectures fun and hard for me to get every thing in my notes. So I have a friend take my notes for me and I try to take them to but if I miss something they catch it for me.

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09 Jun 2009, 9:53 pm

Learning2Survive wrote:
absolutely - zyprexa or clozeril or any other antipsychotic drug can treat that or you can work with a therapist to learn to live with voices. it's up to you.

And risk being put in a psyche ward or have horrible side effects?
I sometimes hear voices, but not all the time and I haven't heard any recently. And sometimes it's like in cartoons where there a devil sitting on one shoulder whispering in the characters ear and an angel on the other. Like sometimes it's a warm calming voice and other times it's the opposite.

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10 Jun 2009, 12:22 am

the "normal" way to think is in images. I've asked around after I found out audible thoughts were considered abnormal. I have to close my eyes and concentrate to think in images.

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10 Jun 2009, 5:49 am

Isn't this amazing?

Someone asks you a question and you answer them.

When you begin talking you have no idea how the sentence is going to end. Words and ideas just come from somewhere and you say them.


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10 Jun 2009, 6:11 am

I.... I'm so confused by this thread. I really had no idea that I apparently am not supposed to be able to call up sense memory? As in fully re experience any sensory stimulus I have previously experienced as if I was experiencing it again? I shouldn't be able to actually "hear" songs, and "see" pictures, and make myself "taste" whatever I feel like tasting? Mind=Blown


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10 Jun 2009, 8:16 am

MysteryChild wrote:
the "normal" way to think is in images. I've asked around after I found out audible thoughts were considered abnormal. I have to close my eyes and concentrate to think in images.

I've always heard that 'normal' people think in words. That's why there's books out there about autism with such titles as 'Thinking In Pictures'. From the research that I've done autistics, and dyslexics think mostly in images, and for the most part everyone else thinks in words, which I always figured was like an audible voice inside their head.

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10 Jun 2009, 9:43 am

serenity wrote:
MysteryChild wrote:
the "normal" way to think is in images. I've asked around after I found out audible thoughts were considered abnormal. I have to close my eyes and concentrate to think in images.

I've always heard that 'normal' people think in words. That's why there's books out there about autism with such titles as 'Thinking In Pictures'. From the research that I've done autistics, and dyslexics think mostly in images, and for the most part everyone else thinks in words, which I always figured was like an audible voice inside their head.

the way one of my friends (who I'm fairly certain is an NT) tried to describe the way he thinks is, for example, if he is thinking about a movie he has seen, he will replay scenes but without dialogue. he finds it very strange that I hear words. he says if he wants to think in words, he'll get an image of a word, not hear it. I will have to discuss this with my neuro at the end of the month. I've been asking around, and I've only found 1 other person (in my circle) who thinks in a voice out loud in his head... and he has 3 close relatives with schizophrenia.

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10 Jun 2009, 10:51 am

MysteryChild wrote:
the "normal" way to think is in images. I've asked around after I found out audible thoughts were considered abnormal. I have to close my eyes and concentrate to think in images.

On what evidence do you assert that. Has a scientific study been made to see how many think with in internal voice and how many with images? I do both, but more frequently with an internal voice. But that is me. I have not made a statistically valid study of the matter. Do you know of such a study?


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10 Jun 2009, 11:10 am

I used to hear voices in my head, I thought they were evil spirits, I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia and take antipsychotic medication, I hardly ever hear them now.

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10 Jun 2009, 11:51 am

Seems like some of you guys might be getting internal monologue and subvocalization mixed up with auditory hallucinations. Internal monologue only becomes abnormal if the voice seems to come from outside your head or is audible, akin to when you hear sounds from an on-setting dream before you fall asleep.


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10 Jun 2009, 12:01 pm

typ3 wrote:
Seems like some of you guys might be getting internal monologue and subvocalization mixed up with auditory hallucinations. Internal monologue only becomes abnormal if the voice seems to come from outside your head or is audible, akin to when you hear sounds from an on-setting dream before you fall asleep.

Absolutely. Internal monologues, and sometimes dialogues, are commonplace, even among NTs. It's only when a person is unable to differentiate between internal and external dialogues - ie, they think the voices in their head are actually real - that they qualify as auditory hallucinations.

One way to reduce internal dialogues if they're too overwhelming is Transcendental Meditation, allegedly - although I've never tried it myself.

Last edited by Locustman on 10 Jun 2009, 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.