There's no such thing as a "higher" or "lower" functioning aspie is there? Are you talking about HFA and LFA? Cause I would obviously want my group to be HFA and AS, but other than that it would feel weird not allowing someone to join coz they are more "severe" than other aspies. And aspie isn't a nickname for autistics in general, autie is.. okay maybe u knew that. i was just wondering what you meant. but maybe groups should be open to EVERYONE on the spectrum, who knows, i dunno if i'll even get a group going, as i only know like; 3 people in my area, and its only online...
Berta--I didn't know that " auttie " was even a word, actually. This is only my third week after my diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome, so forgive me for my naivette of the different conditions.
I'm not talking about excluding people, I'm just saying that I personally would have a hard time in a group full of Low-Functioning Autistics. When people think about autism and AS, they tend to come up with images of the lower-functioning people; in the meantime, many of the high functioning autistics don't even know about their condition ( I spent 20 years oblivious to my AS ). If a group were created in my area, it would be a good thing, but it probably wouldn't be something I would benefit from, is all.
Still, the alternative ( learning to socialize better with NTs ) makes it a rock and a hard place situation...