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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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27 Jul 2009, 5:09 pm

I wonder, because I just got done sending someone a "Ban Anime Now" petition as a practical joke, and the person knows that I am an ardent anime fan, as well as he. He thought that I had been hacked.

Do NT's have a totally different way of telling jokes. If it is true, I certainly don't understand how to tell jokes then.

I look at the verbal meaning, and it seems like they infer other meanings.

Or I say something and sound too literal, so that may be the problem.

Under any circumstances, I have probably invariably offended many people. I never intend to hurt people.

Has this ever happened to you? Any suggestions?


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27 Jul 2009, 5:14 pm

yeah, when i try to tell jokes, people think i'm serious either that or it doesn't come out funny.
but sometimes when i'm being serious, people think i'm being funny.

it's sorta frustrating...

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27 Jul 2009, 5:17 pm

I tried to tell jokes as a kid, but they were rubbish. I am getting better now and some people think I have a good sense of humour.

It can be hard with things as petitions, especially online ones. The only thing I can think to do is claim at the bottom of it that it is a joke, possibly also saying that you like anime.

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27 Jul 2009, 5:39 pm

When I was a kid we sometimes had a joke telling session in class. The standard response to my jokes from my peers was usually a guffaw. One time, I told a joke during the class and I got the standard guffaw. Two minutes later the most popular kid in class told the exact same joke, word for word, and everybody laughed at it.

At the time I thought it was a conspiracy. I figured that the teacher told the class when I was home sick that I couldn't tell jokes, and anyone caught laughing at any of my jokes would be seriously disciplined.

Then, one time when the teacher wasn't around, I discovered I actually could tell jokes and make people laugh. The only thing was that they had to be dirty jokes. Then I learned something. I couldn't go wrong with a dirty joke.


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27 Jul 2009, 5:41 pm

Seanmw wrote:
yeah, when i try to tell jokes, people think i'm serious either that or it doesn't come out funny.
but sometimes when i'm being serious, people think i'm being funny.

it's sorta frustrating...

Same here, but it doesn't stop me from trying. That's the only way I really know how to socialize is by trying to tell jokes. A few people think I'm kind of funny.


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27 Jul 2009, 5:44 pm

I got dry sense of humor and can make observations but not jokes like man from Nantucket or whoever walked into a bar type of stuff.


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27 Jul 2009, 5:46 pm

XGM wrote:
When I was a kid we sometimes had a joke telling session in class. The standard response to my jokes from my peers was usually a guffaw. One time, I told a joke during the class and I got the standard guffaw. Two minutes later the most popular kid in class told the exact same joke, word for word, and everybody laughed at it.

At the time I thought it was a conspiracy. I figured that the teacher told the class when I was home sick that I couldn't tell jokes, and anyone caught laughing at any of my jokes would be seriously disciplined.

Then, one time when the teacher wasn't around, I discovered I actually could tell jokes and make people laugh. The only thing was that they had to be dirty jokes. Then I learned something. I couldn't go wrong with a dirty joke.

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27 Jul 2009, 5:46 pm

I can tell jokes just fine. My humour isn't classic "knock knock" joke stuff, but when I do display my own humour (rude and sarcastic with a sprinkle of silliness) I can get people to laugh. I was just messing around on MSN with my mate earlier and she said "I crack her up big time" so I said "yes I like to crack people up, preferably to smitherines" and she was like "you did it again!". But there have been times when my rude humour just goes over the top and suddenly *cricket chirps* and I just go embarrassed and dig myself an invisible hole, or I have felt the need to explain my joke thoroughly afterwards thus making my hole 100 times deeper, but but but those moments get less frequent over time.

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27 Jul 2009, 5:48 pm

animeboy wrote:
I wonder, because I just got done sending someone a "Ban Anime Now" petition as a practical joke, and the person knows that I am an ardent anime fan, as well as he. He thought that I had been hacked.

Do NT's have a totally different way of telling jokes. If it is true, I certainly don't understand how to tell jokes then.

I look at the verbal meaning, and it seems like they infer other meanings.

Or I say something and sound too literal, so that may be the problem.

Under any circumstances, I have probably invariably offended many people. I never intend to hurt people.

Has this ever happened to you? Any suggestions?

Not all jokes hit target; I've seen it happen often enough on message boards that joke threads (started by people who aren't autistic, I do believe) are misunderstood and aren't appreciated for the irony they hold; and as a consequence, the thread starter will be accused of trolling, though it was in good fun and not offensive.
In the media, it may also happen that a joke is misinterpreted, although then it most often will happen with jokes that are more or less in bad taste.
Both off line and online, I have at times managed to land a good (verbal) joke, provide ironic statements or even snide sarcasm (rarely, mind you)... and the only thing that's stood in my way when it comes to 'telling' jokes (of the type "a doctor, a rabbi, and a cop enter a bar..."), is that I may laugh before the punchline, or don't deliver it well.

Otherwise, I think we've a healthy sense of humour in general, but the handicap lies in our ability to put things into perspective - which we sometimes fail at - , and in extension of this, we also tend to take things literally... so I suppose the notion that 'autistic people have no sense of humour' stems from there. But those are just my thoughts on how our jokes may sometimes be a little awkward.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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27 Jul 2009, 5:50 pm

I find that my jokes work best when I try to tell them with an accent or something, lets people know right away that I'm not serious. Telling a joke is also an art form unto itself, most people don't give comedians enough credit. It's going to be harder for people like us but it's still possible, it just takes a little more planning, less off the cuff.

That being said I seem to have a different sense of humour than most people. What they find uproariously funny I find just kind of, what I find hilarious they just go well that's kind of odd, but not really funny. Though I'm not really a huge fan of punch line jokes, that's where I love comics that are actually funny for several panels rather than just the end one.


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27 Jul 2009, 6:09 pm

Yeah, especially in the group I hang out with some years ago I pratctically based all my participation on jokes. It's the only alternative to normal small talk that allows me to carry on some kind of "group conversation".


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27 Jul 2009, 6:31 pm

People are always laughing at my jokes, even when I don't realize that I've made one - I'm always getting compliments on my sense of humor.

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27 Jul 2009, 6:48 pm




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27 Jul 2009, 6:50 pm

I read Sickipedia a lot and tell some of the funnier jokes from there.


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27 Jul 2009, 7:07 pm

CyclopsSummers wrote:
animeboy wrote:
I wonder, because I just got done sending someone a "Ban Anime Now" petition as a practical joke, and the person knows that I am an ardent anime fan, as well as he. He thought that I had been hacked.

Do NT's have a totally different way of telling jokes. If it is true, I certainly don't understand how to tell jokes then.

I look at the verbal meaning, and it seems like they infer other meanings.

Or I say something and sound too literal, so that may be the problem.

Under any circumstances, I have probably invariably offended many people. I never intend to hurt people.

Has this ever happened to you? Any suggestions?

Not all jokes hit target; I've seen it happen often enough on message boards that joke threads (started by people who aren't autistic, I do believe) are misunderstood and aren't appreciated for the irony they hold; and as a consequence, the thread starter will be accused of trolling, though it was in good fun and not offensive.
In the media, it may also happen that a joke is misinterpreted, although then it most often will happen with jokes that are more or less in bad taste.
Both off line and online, I have at times managed to land a good (verbal) joke, provide ironic statements or even snide sarcasm (rarely, mind you)... and the only thing that's stood in my way when it comes to 'telling' jokes (of the type "a doctor, a rabbi, and a cop enter a bar..."), is that I may laugh before the punchline, or don't deliver it well.

Otherwise, I think we've a healthy sense of humour in general, but the handicap lies in our ability to put things into perspective - which we sometimes fail at - , and in extension of this, we also tend to take things literally... so I suppose the notion that 'autistic people have no sense of humour' stems from there. But those are just my thoughts on how our jokes may sometimes be a little awkward.

President Obama, undeniably very NT, tanked with his "I should be in Special Olympics" joke. Sometimes a joke just misses. (That one deserved to miss.) I've read a fair number of comical things on WP, mostly people riffing humerously on other people's posts, so it's not like humour is some sort of NT skill. President Obama can fail miserably at telling a joke. Posters here can succeed.


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27 Jul 2009, 7:19 pm

I have an online Aspie friend who is a stand-up comedian.

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