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27 Jul 2009, 3:06 pm

I like introverts, mostly females who are less feminine than most women. I prefer those who are very bright, and highly intuitive.


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28 Jul 2009, 4:13 am

Overall I get on with guys much better than girls so MALE is the first. In addition it's good if they're STRAIGHT because when I don't know what to say I have a tendency to look a little flirty, which works well with straight guys. It's good if they're INTELLIGENT as I usually go on pretty fast rants and associations and if they appreciate my HUMOUR that's even better, because when I get going some people find me rather entertaining. It's important that they can tolerate BLUNTNESS and that they can express themselves clearly so I get it when I cross the line and don't just keep going. Subtleties are not my forté, at least not in direct interaction which is so terribly fast. It doesn't really matter if they're outgoing or introverted.

And they shouldn't have overly fragile egos because I like to poke fun at others as well as myself, so I'm sometimes overly sarcastic, and I often don't realize it until after I've done it. :oops:


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28 Jul 2009, 6:59 am

LipstickKiller wrote:
Overall I get on with guys much better than girls so MALE is the first. In addition it's good if they're STRAIGHT because when I don't know what to say I have a tendency to look a little flirty, which works well with straight guys. It's good if they're INTELLIGENT as I usually go on pretty fast rants and associations and if they appreciate my HUMOUR that's even better, because when I get going some people find me rather entertaining. It's important that they can tolerate BLUNTNESS and that they can express themselves clearly so I get it when I cross the line and don't just keep going. Subtleties are not my forté, at least not in direct interaction which is so terribly fast. It doesn't really matter if they're outgoing or introverted.

And they shouldn't have overly fragile egos because I like to poke fun at others as well as myself, so I'm sometimes overly sarcastic, and I often don't realize it until after I've done it. :oops:

Funny you thought of the gay straight thing. I used to live really close to this McDonalds that was open 24/7, and I always went there in the middle of the night for a snack (like from midnight to 5AM). I also always drove thru. But, for a good month before I moved, they had this gay guy working, and he was a flamer. I loved him. We'd talk for like a half hour everytime I went through (unless there was other customers behind me, but being small town along the interstate, most of the time, I was the only customer when I was there). I would constantly catch myself flirting by accident because I was into the conversations, not the guy (I had no physical attraction to him). I suppose I felt more comfortable because I'm married, and my husband had nothing to worry about. Anyway, I was so scared this guy would take me the wrong way and be so apalled at my behavior never wanting to speak to me again, but really, he'd just get into it and flirt back in a girly sort of "I know I'm sexy, you go girl." I wish I kept in contact because that was like a relief and comfort that sex was never an issue and I was so allowed to be myself, even my flirty self.


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28 Jul 2009, 7:09 am

the ones that dont have like 9884749 friends that are all around them all the time intimidating me, the ones that can actually understand and are interested in the topics i am, the ones who share the same problems or concerns as me..but NT's that share the similiar traits like not having many friends, i dislike, because they dont have only a few or no friends because of their social problems..but they just tend to be annoying or jerks lol. And most of all, NT's that accept me ^^

"Loved by few, hated by many. Envied by most, wanted by plenty. Remember my name, remember my face-Because there ain't no other that can take my place."


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28 Jul 2009, 7:24 am

I concur with those who prefer the non-introverted NT. Since I'm both introverted myself and pretty clueless to the thoughts of others, the last thing I need to do is second-guess someone else. On the other hand, I am overwhelmed by extreme extroverts or emotionally needy people. I just can't be what they need me to be. I like intelligent, optimistic, creative, fairly laid-back, yet focused people. Their interests don't have to be mine. In fact, if I can get them to tell me what makes their areas of interest important to them, I usually love listening to their stories. As long as the interest is not their grandchild (I've already heard that one).

I usually don't get on well with pessimistic or paranoid people (have some former long-time friends who have drifted in that direction). Actually it takes several days to recover from encounters with them.

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28 Jul 2009, 7:57 am

toasted with potatoes

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28 Jul 2009, 9:26 am

I especially love it when I find another whose mind is scattered, and jumps from subject to subject and back, like mine. Talking with another person who is this way is so stimulating. You are talking about two subjects, sometimes three, at the same time, and neither party has trouble discerning what statements apply to which subject, and when we do this it drives others around us totally crazy because the conversation is totally random.


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28 Jul 2009, 10:11 am

For starters : divergent individuals ; ones that are un-hypnotized by the 'mass mind' and can see that emperor not wearing his clothes .
(People that are too provincial with their view points will drive me away.)

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28 Jul 2009, 9:58 pm

Call me strange or whatever, but I absolutely cannot stand NTs that are too bluntly honest. I mean I'm a guy who obsesses on being polite and respectful, and when someone points out my flaws without saying something like "Sorry but..." or don't take consideration that sometimes the truth hurts people, it gets on my nerves and I refuse to have anything to do with those people. If you're going to be honest at least be polite about it. :roll:

I like NTs who are friendly and actually feel remourse for hurting people's feelings.


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28 Jul 2009, 11:40 pm

I tend to get along best with NTs that are in the various "subcultures" that I identify with: mainly artsy/creative people who love exploring ideas rather than typical NT chit-chat.

I also feel at ease with stoners, artists, film geeks, music nerds, deep thinkers, animal rights activists, and those who are neurotypically different (i.e. people with developmental delays).

Given a “tentative” diagnosis as a child as I needed services at school for what was later correctly discovered to be a major anxiety disorder.

This misdiagnosis caused me significant stress, which lessened upon finding out the truth about myself from my current and past long-term therapists - that I am an anxious and highly sensitive person but do not have an autism spectrum disorder.

My diagnoses - social anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

I’m no longer involved with the ASD world.


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29 Jul 2009, 1:59 am

WXDustin wrote:
Damn, I swear all autistics are the same. It is so annoying sometimes, that I can't even fit in with other peopel with AS. :cry: All you guys care about is interests interests interests interests, oh my god.

For me, I can get along with an NT that is fun loving, sorta quirky, ADHD, but not types that are real athletic, real quiet, or geeks.

Are you that really mild AS person that wishes he was never diagnosed? If not, sorry for making that assumption.

You need similar interests to talk to or do things together, even NT's do that. My NT friends are separated into groups of music taste; indie, punk and You Am I (er older rock and roll). None of them have met each other, but me with my different music tastes can actually get along with them.
I actually get along with my mum's friends too.

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29 Jul 2009, 2:08 am

Huh... I dunno, all my NT friends are different. I don't feel like a screw-up around them, heh. And they're less likely to look at me like I'm a little kid.
Actually, I tend to get along better with extroverted and very direct people. Since I'm really, really bad at nonverbal stuff, it helps when people are SAYING what they're thinking. If someone is quiet, I can't communicate with them. I wouldn't know whether they're interested in a conversation at all.


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29 Jul 2009, 5:36 am

Undeniable wrote:
How do you like regular NT's to interact with you? Is there anyone you've been particularly keen on because of certain character traits?

Personally I find I get on better with geeks and NTs who are socially awkward. If someone is really 'normal' and 'ordinary' I actually feel really uncomfortable around them.

I don't really feel uncomfortable around them, but don't usually have the chemistry to really make things succeed. I also get along best with geeks and socially awkward NTs.

The only downside to 'em is that I'm a 40-year-old stuck in a 27-year-old's body...and they're still mentally 27, so they don't really have the goals in mind that I do.

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29 Jul 2009, 6:49 am

I know what that's like, ever since I was 14 I always felt like a grown-up trapped in a teen's body. I always respectful, took responsability, and wanted to talk about serious things, not things like the latest music or the hundreds of people I wanted to have sex with. One of my biggest problems with making friends with people my age was that nobody ever wanted to discuss the problems our country has, or talk about things I thought were cool like mythology.

Also it seemed like all anybody my age wanted to do was do drugs and break the law just because they think they can. I'm strongly against that, which is why just about everyone hates me. I've always gotten along with older people more then I have other teenagers.


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29 Jul 2009, 6:56 am

Mods, Hippies and Punk Rockers.

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29 Jul 2009, 8:30 am

Female NTs with beautiful sexy bodies.
