LipstickKiller wrote:
Overall I get on with guys much better than girls so MALE is the first. In addition it's good if they're STRAIGHT because when I don't know what to say I have a tendency to look a little flirty, which works well with straight guys. It's good if they're INTELLIGENT as I usually go on pretty fast rants and associations and if they appreciate my HUMOUR that's even better, because when I get going some people find me rather entertaining. It's important that they can tolerate BLUNTNESS and that they can express themselves clearly so I get it when I cross the line and don't just keep going. Subtleties are not my forté, at least not in direct interaction which is so terribly fast. It doesn't really matter if they're outgoing or introverted.
And they shouldn't have overly fragile egos because I like to poke fun at others as well as myself, so I'm sometimes overly sarcastic, and I often don't realize it until after I've done it.

Funny you thought of the gay straight thing. I used to live really close to this McDonalds that was open 24/7, and I always went there in the middle of the night for a snack (like from midnight to 5AM). I also always drove thru. But, for a good month before I moved, they had this gay guy working, and he was a flamer. I loved him. We'd talk for like a half hour everytime I went through (unless there was other customers behind me, but being small town along the interstate, most of the time, I was the only customer when I was there). I would constantly catch myself flirting by accident because I was into the conversations, not the guy (I had no physical attraction to him). I suppose I felt more comfortable because I'm married, and my husband had nothing to worry about. Anyway, I was so scared this guy would take me the wrong way and be so apalled at my behavior never wanting to speak to me again, but really, he'd just get into it and flirt back in a girly sort of "I know I'm sexy, you go girl." I wish I kept in contact because that was like a relief and comfort that sex was never an issue and I was so allowed to be myself, even my flirty self.