Aleph0 wrote:
Yes. But that's simple, me dog's body language desn't ever say anything like "I'm upset with you, because of something you did a few days ago"...
Yeah, dogs tend not to keep grudges. Birds on the other hand seem to be able to keep one forever.
I understand my pets pretty well. The birds are simpler because, well, they talk; but I have no problem catching on to what the cat wants or her general mood. I kind of wish people would listen about the birds when they come over though. If I tell you one of them is getting pissed at you and is going to bite you, don't laugh me off and then get mad when you do get nipped.
My cat is a total spaz, and I honestly think she is aspiring to be a dog when she grows up. My cockatoo is pretty much just as much of a spaz (no surprise that they are best friends). My macaw is a total trickster and loves to play jokes, but for the most part prefers to be allowed to do his own thing. I had two cockatiels until recently, but one passed from complications while laying her first brood and the other suicided later that day. (If you need any proof that animals have personalities, there you go. Suicide in breeding pairs is common when one of them dies). I miss them a lot, especially because they would act much as Jaydee described their cat. If I was the least bit depressed there they would be wanting cuddles and trying to preen me until I felt better. One would always stick her beak in my ear if she thought I was about to cry because it made me laugh.