Well, I know this is a intellectual "giftedness" thing. Gifted individual tend to be very curious and interesseds in a great variety of subjects. For asperger though, I'm not sure and I kinda doubt it.
I already been to some aspies meeting groups, and they did not appear to me more intellectual or curious that what you will get from a typical group of NTs.
The diagnosis criteria also talking about narrow interests, meaning that a great diversity of interests among us is atypical. Of course, because asperger don't affect intelligence ( a least no globally) some of us turn out to be "gifted" and manifest a great curiosity and a great variety of interests. But it will be coming from "giftedness" not from autism. A least this is my theory, but there is no source for verifing that.
Also noting, that if someone got a natural abilitie for something, it will be naturaly curious for this thing.
Some aspies can wrongfully see the differences and "weirdness" coming from their intellectual abilities as coming from asperger. After all asperger is the main reason why we're "weird"
O.K., as for me I did had been quite curious as a child. I get a urge to explore and to look and touch everything. I didn't asking a lot of questions though. I was never been interessed in spelling. (It's only memorisation, eurk.)
In 8th grade I was asking A LOT of questions during history lessons. The teacher liked that , but the kids found me quite annoying. It may be had come from "special interests" rather that "intellectual curiosity" though . Or maybe not. , after all I did impressed the teachers with my questions during my high-school years.