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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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07 Jun 2006, 5:12 am

nihilist, relativist, extremely objective

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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07 Jun 2006, 11:57 am

I see the world through logic. Anyone else?

For instance, I had to clean up puke in my last job and it was an outside job. Why did people puke NEXT to the garbage cans and on the grass? Why didn't they puke on the pavement so it could be cleaned better?

Or, if someone tells you that you can't do something because it's against the rules- don't yell at the person enforcing it. Yell at the idiot that made the rule.

I also came from naivete into a state of reality. People will always oppress each other, hate each other, and be dysfunctional. There is no point to it.

Due to being bullied, I came to the conclusion that we are all equal. (insert orwellian reference here.) We're all made of the same s+++, we have souls, so... why the ablism, racism, and sexism? NT is not an ideal.


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07 Jun 2006, 7:46 pm

I think NT's are scared of us because we can cut though the BS and get right to the point. I don't see the point of socializing and all that crap the ar so important to NT's. NT's want to try and cure us becuase we are better. They see us as a threat. We need to organize and let the NT's we are happy the way we are and there is nothing wrong with us.


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08 Jun 2006, 12:35 am

KenM wrote:
I think NT's are scared of us because we can cut though the BS and get right to the point. I don't see the point of socializing and all that crap the ar so important to NT's. NT's want to try and cure us becuase we are better. They see us as a threat. We need to organize and let the NT's we are happy the way we are and there is nothing wrong with us.
I think what it really is that NTs cannot understand us. We just freak them out because we don't fit very well on their scanners. It has nothing to do with better and everything to do with not being able to understand how we work. Extraverted NTs cannot understand Introverted NTs the former would most certainly not be able to understand all of our introversion and especially not our oddities, when they see us they think that we are weird or crazy or something.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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08 Jun 2006, 4:03 pm

newchum wrote:
It is true that Aspies either have a naive, innocent view of the world or a very dark, gritty, negative, fatalistic view of the world. These days I am in the latter because of my life experiences, I am deeply attracted to the ideas of the Goth subculture and it's art.

both of these pretty much sum up my world view, I flip from on to the other or they both exist at the same time, from second to second

don't know 'bout the Goth stuff though

a squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast and me?


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13 Jun 2006, 3:47 pm

Aeturnus wrote:
That's not to say, however, that there aren't far worse countries in America. I'd rather live here than in South Africa, for example.

Anything in particular you have against South Africa? My biggest gripe is Telkom's lousy Internet packages...

The plural of platypus.


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13 Jun 2006, 5:50 pm

I'm getting there I guess. I am 26 years old, and up to recently I used to be completely gullible.
I trusted everyone. I didn't know people could actually lie, since I never told a lie myself.
I was in a "Love thy neighbor"-sorta state of mind.

One of the things that has always been an issue with me is the the way the NT world embraces lying, all the while it is constantly telling each other that it is bad! I remember vividly as a kid all sorts of fables and short stories that were told that demonstrated the bad consequeces of lying. Our parents constantly drilled it into us that lying was bad.

Well...welcome to the real world! Everyone lies, and nobody's word can be trusted!! ! I do service work in the audiovisual world, and my co-workers and management is always telling me not to be so honest about stuff. I mean, what am I supposed to do when someone asks me why a projector failed, and I have already evaluated that the projector and found it has a serious design flaw. While I could withhold the information from the user, but then I must tell them something...I'm not supposed to lie because it's bad, and wrong right???

Of course, I get this crap in my face from the manufacturers, and my vendors too. When I call someplace looking for a part, they may tell me they have it and it will arrive in a few weeks. BUT they don't have the part! they are LYING about it just to get me off the phone! I know how much that pisses me off, so I'm sure as hell not going to do it to my customers!

Outside of the office, I encounter so much lying from the NT world, and their fragile emotions. One of the most common things that NT's lie about is appointments. Numerous times, I have spoken with people that say they are going to attend something, or be somewhere at a specific time, like a dinner, or some other leisure event, only to have them not show up, or show up terribly late. To me, this is the ultimate in rudeness, because you have caused someone to take time out of their schedule, and money out of their wallet to serve them, and they didn't even have the balls to show up. Or, this usually ends up coming into the next lie...excuses. They are just lies! If someone actually does have the politeness to call and say they cannot attend, or they will be late, they don't just say they are not interested, they will make up some stupid lie or story to make it sound like some "emergency" or other last minute issue has cropped up.

One of the worst things about NT lying is what I call emotional lying. You've seen's that smiling face at the cash register of the big-box store! You know that person is not happy about being there, but their boss has told them to emotionally lie to their store patrons, and display a smile, even though they are definitely not happy about what they are doing!

Of course, emotional lying also happens in the dating world too, as I have yet to date a girl that really truly acts like she's not interested in me. They ususally use just about every form of lying previously described to get out of actually saying the truth.

...well, I say good riddens! Because if you don't even have enough balls in you to speak the truth, well, how could I ever trust you in a realtionship anyways!! !


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14 Jun 2006, 12:17 am

It depends. I'm an Idealist at heart, my veiws of how politics and human interactions should be are very innocent. But if I'm in the right mood, usually angry, I am very dark. really dark.

As for NTs: I only hate the stupid ones who hate us/insult us for who we are. I'm a people too! (grammar misaplication purposeful)
I want a shirt that says either that/We're a people too! or: I'm an Aspie. Deal with it.
I also hate that (most) NTs have no sense of Honor. (that goes with lying.)