Milady_Firearms wrote:
I'm not sure of this is Aspergers or if I'm just need to get a life, but I tend to still like collecting/buying baseball cards and buying Lego kits, as well as other "kidish things".. mainily toys.
Just recently I bought two lego kits. They where creatures from Bionicle that I admit I enjoyed putting together and posing them.
Same with buying baseball cards, or a yo-yo or what not. I like playing with them. I find yo-yoing fun as well as the excitement of opening a new pack of baseball cards. Just recently I had a fascination with obtaining light sabers. I even pranced around my room fending of evil sith.
The thing is I'm 21 and I feel as if I should be over these things.
I have adult interests as well. Such as reading, and other such activities and I try not to let on of my inner child to anyone, or well... except here because I'm posting.
Still the other part of me likes playing "war: with water and nerf guns.
I'm not obessed with these things. Meaning I don't talk about the cool new creature I made out of legos, nor did I "play with them 24/7. I'ts more like a hobby. Still I can't help but feel something like a loser for being so old and still playing with toys.
Childish interests
1. Watching animated films - Like I just bought The Hunchback of Notre Dame after the fire this week
2. Going to science festivals that have live experiences that one can participate in though I enjoy going to free lectures for big boys and girls related to science at universities
3. I sometimes still watch Arthur on CBS
4. I still enjoy going to Disney World and collecting Stitch