Why are haircuts and shaving important to people?
I do it because I do not like long hair. It makes it soooo hard to brush and cream rinse doesn't seem to help because I still get knots. When my hair it short, it makes it sooo much easier to brush and there is no knots and they are easy to get out and they don't hurt.
The reason why I shave is because my air is thick and course and I have to shave it or I look ugly with dark hair. I hate under arm hair and pubic hair. Gross. At least I don't shave my arms and upper legs and all. Mom told me to not do it because she has ugly hair on her upper legs and she said it was because she started o shave up there as a teen. Now she is stuck doing it. I heard it's a old wives tail that hair grows back thicker and longer but if that is no true, then why does the hair look coarse and dark when you keep shaving there when it grows back? The hair even feels coarse too where you shave when it's grown back.
Heck my ex aspie boyfriend shaved and it was because he hated body hair.
So this is not an NT thing