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01 Oct 2009, 8:19 pm

I was a very good little Aspie as a kid, just very clumsy and clueless.

Now I'm just a mean S.O.B.! :twisted: :mrgreen:

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01 Oct 2009, 8:39 pm

im not to sure
if i was left alone i was a good kid
quiet, keept to myself, would just play with my toys and play my video games
i only ever had 1 friend when i was a kid
teachers hated me
they couldnt understand me or accept me and i thought they were a waste of space
only had 1 good teacher that helped me
he showed me how to work out all the different things he was trying to teach in a way i could understand

if i was in a large group of kids my own age i was an arse
put me in the middle of a party full of adults and i was tellin jokes, talkin, everything
always got told i was older than i really am
i just seem to get along better with older people
so i guess i'm 50/50
half a turd, half a good lil kid


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01 Oct 2009, 9:05 pm


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01 Oct 2009, 9:19 pm

I was pretty good growing up, always tried to please adults. Turned moody in my teens, not unusual I guess. I was assumed shy throughout high school, though one teacher commented that "she seems shy, but it is a ruse, she is outgoing if you force her to be". He decided this when he signed me up to be a counselor at an outdoor camp for elementary school kids. I did well there because I got to work with my strengths (memorize things, ie plant types, and then spout back to a captive audience of little ones). :)

The only time I ever really got in trouble was in 8th grade. I was in the gym and a boy was tormenting my deaf friend (he was gesturing wildly about making fun of her using sign language) and I twisted his arm and pinned it against his back and told him off. I received a couple days detention though no one really reprimanded me since I was defending someone.

Those who cannot tell what they desire or expect, still sigh and struggle with indefinite thoughts and vast wishes. - Emerson

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01 Oct 2009, 10:47 pm

I was too afraid of screwing something up in social situations as a kid to do anything wrong... hell, I barely did anything I was so scared of screwing up. I always ended up analyzing everything on such a deep level that I wouldn't have time to react by the time I had arranged a feasible scenario in my head and gathered my courage enough to try it, and the moment had already passed with a new situation that had come to light.

So I pretty much became the quiet kid in the corner who thought about everything too much. I didn't really get the opportunity to get in trouble because I never participated. On the bright side, I never really got the weird label because when people tried to pin it on me, I couldn't come up with a response before they thought I just didn't care.

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01 Oct 2009, 11:05 pm

I definitely was a very good child. I think it stemmed from the fact that the only people relationships I had were with other adults (no peers at all until high school), so I imagine I was eager to please them.

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01 Oct 2009, 11:09 pm

Lightning88 wrote:
It would depend on which aspect you were talking about for me. Basically as soon as I started speaking regularly (age 4, went from next to nothing to paragraphs instantly), I started talking back a lot. I was also very controlling, very bossy, and had to have things my way. I wouldn't settle for less. I was also extremely good at manipulating people into getting me what I wanted. I was also extremely opinionated about anything and everything, especially the way people dressed, how they presented themselves, and how they lived. All of this coming from a four-year-old!

However, I was very smart when I was little. I was wise beyond my years. I also loved to organize and I was very social. I remember my biggest goal was to be popular, which I easily achieved. I knew all the best clothes, the best toys, and the best TV shows. I had a lot of friends around the neighborhood, daycare, and pre-school.

When it came to getting along with adults, it really depended on who it was. My pre-school teacher just loved me and thought I was an outstanding student. My mom remembers her saying that even. However, my kindergarten teacher couldn't stand me. That's how it's always been with anyone. They either love me to pieces or hate me with a passion. There's no gray area at all.

Pretty much little kid me to a T. Except when I hit Elementary school I became a major bully. lol

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01 Oct 2009, 11:13 pm

As a little kid, I was really quiet and didn't want to bother anyone. I remember being pretty good. As a teenager I would get in trouble for arguing but it was usually cause I didn't understand something...once my dad told me "go to your ***damn room!" so I got up and walked off. He yelled "what are you doing?" and when I said "going to my ***damn room" I got in trouble. I never understood. :D


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02 Oct 2009, 12:04 am

not too good i loved to be my own and play pretend-to-be but then also i cuttet hole in planket when i learned how to use cissors painted wall etc couple good friends

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02 Oct 2009, 12:57 am

Yes, I am very well behaved. So well behaved that most people leave me be. I keep to myself and study/do work during school. :lol:

Honestly, I think I was a tad bit bad during elementary and middle school, but I never get in big trouble.


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02 Oct 2009, 3:25 am

I was very well-behaved at school. I occasionally did things such as draw on the concrete floor with chalk, but would not get caught. I once drew a giant caricature of a girl who liked me and had just moved away, with a speech bubble saying goodbye; however, I got the date wrong and she came back and saw it and became angry, but did not know who drew it.

At home, I was the most well-behaved, but would regularly get into fights with my brothers; sometimes all of them at once.


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02 Oct 2009, 3:51 am

I was very ubidient as a child, probably because I dare to lost my mother (my parents fell apart when I was 1.5 years old). My daughter is the opposite.


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02 Oct 2009, 4:31 am

I was.

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02 Oct 2009, 8:30 am

I was known as disruptive at school from the word go, simply because I didn't understand what was going on...I couldn't be made to stand in assembly, I'd go exploring the other classrooms. I was put in remedial, and while that subdued me because I was made to sit still, after I came out even fewer people would talk to me than before. Later, I was the dreamy, looking out of the window in distraction kid, who was really smart but occasionally said really funny dumb things. I actually got on well academically, but I got bullied, and generally at my school when you got bullied, you got a talking to right along with the bullies because it was assumed you must have done something to provoke it. Apparently I provoked it by 'not being sociable enough', because one time I got called into the principal's office and given a long lecture about it. (That was after I was standing on the sidelines at a school disco reading a magazine, someone demanded to read it, I politely refused and she swung me round the room by my hair. Obviously, if you're sociable, people don't do that to you.)

At home, it was a different story...I was a very good kid because I was scared stiff of my mother, and later my father. They didn't hit, but they yelled a lot. I was actually a pretty good teen, as teens go: no drinking, smoking, drugs, vandalism or illicit sex - I wouldn't have dared, or in the case of sex, wouldn't have known how (although I still got victimized, perhaps because I didn't know, and then got blamed for it). Yet apparently to my parents I was still incredibly difficult to deal with, never known such an awkward kid, don't know where she gets it from, never had this trouble with your brother, we never argued till you came along, useless, will never get on in life, no common sense...all that...because I liked to stay in my room, (that was deeply suspicious, obviously), and preferred reading to styling my hair for hours like a 'normal girl'.

Oh yes, and I occasionally repeated things my folks had said in private to other people, to whom it turned out they'd told a completely different version. My mother was a stickler for 'truth' (aka her own brutal opinions), but when it came to me unknowingly stating things other people weren't supposed to know, she wasn't so keen. Also, when someone gave me something related to a special interest and I showed them other things I already had to do with that interest, my mother would go ballistic. She said it looked 'ungrateful'.

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02 Oct 2009, 4:24 pm

TouchVanDerBoom wrote:
...Anyone else a good little aspie?...

Yes! I'm not sure I even realized I was doing it - but rules were my way of making sense out of the world. I would actively seek out rules for every situation & follow them to the letter. This usually allowed me to get along with teachers & other adults (and usually made me seem like I knew what I was doing, socially) - but didn't win me any friends among my peers. Heaven forbid I break the "rules" - even when "everyone else was doing it."

Over the years, I've learned to loosen up a bit in certain situations - but I am still a rule follower.

Trouble is, NTs are the ones who usually make the rules - and they have no trouble with breaking those rules anytime it suits them - that drives me crazy!

Give me a rule & I can commit to it. Rules provide boundaries & direction to life - and put everything in context. They are something to cling to in uncertain situations - a way of bringing coherence to a jumble of social input.

I know this sounds like a love letter to rules (and in a way, it is), but they really do give me at least the illusion that I have some control over my life.

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02 Oct 2009, 5:21 pm

No I was quite a handful. Throughout primary school I was the usual suspect, was one of the rude and naughty ones but most of the time I was just being an annoying asipe but no one knew until I was 11 and I'd mellowed out by then. In highschool I was the total opposite and kept a low profile. the kids all knew who I was though :x

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