24th May 1974. I had to be induced and came out looking midnight blue because my mum's placenta broke away from the wall of the womb and I was starved of oxygen. Another minute's delaty and I would have been stillborn. Some people I know say that would be an improvement. My response is to flip them the bird.
steve m i born in the same year as my mum and dad are... their birthdays are
January 8th 1949 and
September 29th 1949
next is my brother
January 8th 1980 (yah the same day as day. neato havin to buy 2 presents 2 weeks after xmas when im skint lol)
and then me
June 2nd 1984 yeah geminis we rock lol
my cats are older than some people on this forum lol... we belive their brithday was around May 20th 1992
and the day instared playin the drums 27th june 1997. ... 28th june 2006 today... 9years and 1 day so far!! !
i got a rabbit- george 2nd june 1990 it ran away 1st june 1993
i got 2 cats sam and sandy 17th june 1992 both are still find and well
i got a guinea pig - poppy 25th december 1994 died 19th february 2001
got a goldfish - sharky 26th august 1999 died november 2nd 2004
as u see.. i rember dates.. i dont write them doiwn.. they are imn my head i could reel on loads of dates that different things happened.. im a walking diary and telephone directory and bus timetable all in one lolo