Partly, I just don't want to pass on my genes. People in my family are so prone to depression and stuff.. it seems like it would be cruel to create new lives that would have my genetics.
Also, it seems kinda selfish to make new kids when there are so many unwanted ones.
I've only ever encountered one person who had a good argument for having kids.. This guy I used to hang out with said that the love a parent has for their child is the greatest love a human can have, and why wouldn't you want to experience that? I'm sure he'll make a great father someday. (Or already is one, for all I know..)
But of course, I'd hope it's possible to feel that love for children that aren't biologically yours as well.
If adoption wasn't so expensive, I would have taken in a baby. I wouldn't want an older child TBH because then it be hard to break their habits and lot of them are already messed up because they come from abusive households or come from parents who were f****d up and did drugs and stuff and messed up their own child, especially during their pregnancy. Those kids are not for me. That's why everyone wants a baby and I am one of them. They all want a child they can mess up on their own or screw up and then blame themselves for for their mistakes they've made in their parenting. They don't want a child that has always been screwed up by another parent and then they have to try and fix it the other parent made.
If I were rich, then yeah I would go for adoption and I wouldn't have to worry about pregnancy and the side effects to it like spider veins, extra skin, stretch marks, wider feet, and weaker bladder (my husband says I'll probably be in diapers 24/7 and be incontinent by the time I'm 50 because I already am wearing them and have to go more often).
I wanted children from the time I was a child myself, loved babies even when I was four, played with my dolls until my teens -- took up sewing and later made some dolls -- very simple ones but any excuse to keep playing with dolls. I started babysitting as soon as I was old enough, and was doting auntie to my first nephew when he was a baby. But later I was busy working, family moved away, and I never got to know my other nephews and niece very well, which I regret.
My husband didn't want children right away, we didn't have much money, and when we finally did try, I couldn't get pregnant. We couldn't afford fertility treatment and didn't want the stress on our marriage that might cause anyway, so we didn't pursue it.
Now I'm too old. Well past that at 53. But in the mean time my attitude has changed. I'm relieved now, that I don't have children, because I couldn't have taken early retirement if I had a child. I'd have kept working and wanted to put them through college if possible. You want to give your kids the best start in life that you can. Parenthood is a huge responsibility, and remains one for most parents well after their children reach 18. As it should.
I also have more wide-reaching reasons for being relieved that I didn't have children. It is a difficult world, though there's a lot of beauty and joy too. But sometimes the difficulties can be overwhelming. It's also a very CROWDED world, with nearly 7 billion of us now. If there weren't those of us who don't have children, it would be even more so by now. In order to keep the planet sustaining the human race, a certain number of people will need to choose not to reproduce. Otherwise future generations will have much more of a struggle than we do now. I don't want that for anyone's children, grandchildren, or any future children.
But the choice is up to you. It's your life. Don't let anyone pressure you into having children or not having them. It's not their business! I think it's RUDE of anyone to try to persuade another person one way or another regarding having children. I have at times seen it as sexist as well, since it's usually young women who get pestered to have children.
It's your life. You live it your way. But I'm sure that if your mom's mistakes bothered you that much, you'd be a different mother than she. We do tend to remind ourselves of our parents when we get to a certain age, but that doesn't mean we are them.
I find it very rewarding to put my maternal energies into caring for my pets -- and my husband when he occasionally needs it.
You go ahead, do it for me.
It is kind hearted of you
that you will take
on a task that I am not able of doing,
for that I honestly thank you.
But for me, it would only end in disaster,
plus, you know how people love to accuse,
one false accusation and I am branded
a prevert or a child abuser, no thanks,
according to society I "don't handle it well"
to be acused of this, it makes me have
violent meltdowns at my accusers,
I did say that I was too much of a child
myself, and one time was enough, I must
have kicked every lawn chair in the garden
and when that was done, I was told I kicked
the barbecue and sent hamburgers and
charcoal everywhere, I don't remember that,
could have been another false acusation.
I know my limits by now, and I no what to
stay the heck out of.
Sure I'd love to have a son, to teach
electronics to, to teach him how to
love kittypusses and even other aminal
lifeforms, but I would need either you
or someone else there always to help out,
if I had a malfunction, what would that do
to my son? Not that I would harm him, but
I mean my way of hadnling things, if I gor frustrated
I'd stamp out of the room and kick things outside
and I am also afraid i would forget things like
dr. appts and things that i'm spoorst to rmeber
and paying bills too i forget and get in trouble,
well not too badly i guess i did ok on myown
before but with so much to rmeeber id screw
up somwwhere and probably forget to be a
growedup and play too much and forget to be
Besides, there is no one for me to reproduce with,
she does not exist, and my late wife, well, she
has passed away uyears ago and that is th e end
of that story.
theres just too much room for me to screw up
and then child services would acuse me of everything
they cood think of and falsely brand me
the worst kind of abuser they cood think of
and so wood everyone else, then I'd have a
tantrum on them too.
Besides, everyone would always be telling
me that I'm not donig it right, "thats wrong"
"your not doing it right", nothing eis ever
good enough for society, or the law.
I Am Not Able.
I am however happy that you can do it, so please
do it for me, have kids in my stead, raise them
love them and everything.
And I will thank you for it.
Most pathetic of all is, what's the point? Was somebody being held down and impregnated against their will or something? If you don't feel child-rearing is for you, don't do it. Who are you trying to convince? Why do you feel the need to create a rant list to justify a simple personal decision?
In spite of what Christianity teaches, children are not inherently evil. Most humans actually come into this world in a nicer state than they will ever attain again during their lifetimes.
If you don't want to have the experience of holding a newly minted life so pure and so helpless that it's very vulnerability gives your life a more clear and useful sense of purpose than anything else you could ever do, then pass that up - you have that right.
If the fear of being temporarily annoyed by crying outweighs the sheer joy of hearing a little version of yourself bubble over with laughter, by all means don't subject yourself to that.
If a few months out of your entire lifespan dealing with diapers is so disgusting as to render years and years of loving hugs meaningless, then you certainly wouldn't want the torture of having a warm, happy child fresh from the tub snuggling in your lap for a bedtime story. You might puke.
If seeing another human being who is an independent personality and yet an extension of yourself achieve successes and accomplish goals you yourself were never able to, and knowing they couldn't have done it without your help and support is not worth giving up personal time and spending money you could easily have spent on yourself, gods forbid you should drag yourself through that Hell. What reasonable soul could ask you to?
There is, however the practical consideration - the main reason humans have developed the type of nuclear family unit they have over millions of years - when we get old, we become helpless all over again. While our wisdom may continue to be valuable for many years yet, our bodies slowly succumb. Its then when the years and the efforts of child rearing pay off in practical terms (providing of course, you've done it reasonably well). Realistically, for people who already know they're operating with a very limited EXECUTIVE FUNCTION, it's something very seriously worth considering. But I wouldn't try to sway you, your minds are made up - and frankly if none of the positives ever even occurred to you, then you probably have no business even being around children. They deserve better than that.
As for the 'state' of the world - every generation of humans since the beginning of time has whined that pitiful notion when the conversation lulls. "Oh, the world is in such a sorry mess, I don't know how we'll ever survive." Now that we're bombarded with 24/7 television News Networks whose guiding philosophy is "If It Bleeds, It Leads", its very easy to swallow that poison pill. But its as much BULLS**T as it ever was. Take a walk in the nearest park. Most likely you'll see its not nearly as ugly and hopeless out there as the Eeyores of this world would have you believe.
Oh, BTW: just because you have AS, it does not automatically follow that any child you might ever have will have it as well. Its not a disease virus that infects everything you ever touch. And if you use THAT as an excuse for not wanting children, you're EXACTLY THE SAME as the people who want in utero testing so they can abort any potentially autistic (or dyslexic or redheaded) fetus before it becomes viable. Lets not create anything less than the perfect superman. Sig Heil.
A Boy And His Cat
When society stops expecting
too much from me, I will
stop disappointing them.
Thank you for not being a jerk and pulling "You were a kid once!" crap, I put this on Facebook and a Mother was complaining about it and I even had a father send me a message saying "You need help!"
I'm Nicole Marie Doherty, the creator of Stewart Mango the cartoon show.
I'll even give 20 reasons why I don't want them:
1. Birth.
2. Responsibility. All of life's prior responsibilities pale in comparison.
3. Diapers.
4. 3am wake ups. Caring for a child takes a lot of physical and emotional energy, made all the harder by babies that only sleep for ninety minutes at a time.
5. Hard on marriages. A baby takes so much time and attention that spouses must already have a great friendship and work well together before the baby arrives.
6. Advice. Total strangers leap forward to offer advice about how to raise your child. Most of the advice is contradictory and flat out wrong. Strangers will be much easier to ignore than your friends and family, many of whom have raised children quite successfully. Some advice you may want, but lots of it will be unsolicited and unappreciated.
7. Changed relationships. When your family expands by the addition of a child, your relationships with everyone, and I mean everyone, changes.
8. Free time. You will have none. Most time not spent with your child will be spent catching up on work you need to get done.
9. Worry. Parents always worry about their children, monitoring how fast they reach each milestone and how well they grow, eat, sleep, crawl, walk, read, make friends, and so on.
10. Money. Children are expensive in several ways.
11. Laundry. Children do not contribute to household chores until they are older, and even then they generate more work than labor.
12. Tantrums.
13. Rebellion.
14. Dissonance.
15. Pain. Your child will cry and you won't know why or how to fix it.
16. 6 billion people.
17. Failed expectations.
18. Lost freedom.
19. Hard work.
20. The unthinkable. The death of a child, while unlikely, is devastating.
Will you marry me?
The panda made me do it.
I get the feeling there is a connection between the spectrum and not wanting to have kids. I makes a lot of sense to me too. I mean, most aspies think a lot and are introspective; it seems most of the people in this topic have spent a lot of time thinking about having kids or not. I don't see many NT's near me that have thought it trough so thouroughly... When you take the time to think about such a huge responsibility rationally; there probably is a better chance you'll say no.
Yet autism seems to be spreading, how does this happen?
I'll even give 20 reasons why I don't want them:
1. Birth.
2. Responsibility. All of life's prior responsibilities pale in comparison.
3. Diapers.
4. 3am wake ups. Caring for a child takes a lot of physical and emotional energy, made all the harder by babies that only sleep for ninety minutes at a time.
5. Hard on marriages. A baby takes so much time and attention that spouses must already have a great friendship and work well together before the baby arrives.
6. Advice. Total strangers leap forward to offer advice about how to raise your child. Most of the advice is contradictory and flat out wrong. Strangers will be much easier to ignore than your friends and family, many of whom have raised children quite successfully. Some advice you may want, but lots of it will be unsolicited and unappreciated.
7. Changed relationships. When your family expands by the addition of a child, your relationships with everyone, and I mean everyone, changes.
8. Free time. You will have none. Most time not spent with your child will be spent catching up on work you need to get done.
9. Worry. Parents always worry about their children, monitoring how fast they reach each milestone and how well they grow, eat, sleep, crawl, walk, read, make friends, and so on.
10. Money. Children are expensive in several ways.
11. Laundry. Children do not contribute to household chores until they are older, and even then they generate more work than labor.
12. Tantrums.
13. Rebellion.
14. Dissonance.
15. Pain. Your child will cry and you won't know why or how to fix it.
16. 6 billion people.
17. Failed expectations.
18. Lost freedom.
19. Hard work.
20. The unthinkable. The death of a child, while unlikely, is devastating.
Will you marry me?
I'm Nicole Marie Doherty, the creator of Stewart Mango the cartoon show.
I have never wanted children --I have a hard enough time getting by in this world as it is-- but many years ago I figured out that it was a lot easier to simply lie to people and say something vague like, "I don't know. Maybe if I met the right person". These days I have very little interaction with other people, so the question never comes up.
Guidance for UK assessment and diagnosis through the NHS: http://www.wrongplanet.net/postt227311.html
Well, I'm not gonna lie. I'm sure there is a part of me that does carry some sort of maternal instinct. So when I hit my mid-30s and my biological clock starts ticking, it wont surprise me if I have a breakdown or the like.
But Matt55, you've pretty much summed up my reasons why I really should not be allowed to have children, period. I'm still with StewartMango on her beliefs. I have a poor diet and I would not be willing to give it up for nine months plus the way I imagine I will have childbirth, I'm more likely to suffer PTSD-post childbirth. I know people suffer from post partum depression. But I was researching stuff for a story I was writing and I've read so many horror tales about childbirths where the mother's pains were completely ignored or ridiculed by doctors. Some of these moms (even after having healthy babies) ended up committing suicide because childbirth became a traumatic experience for them instead of a joyful one. Given my life and how people have been known to see my problems, the first thing that came to my mind was 'thatis going to be me if I ever have kids'.
More importantly, I dont feel it's worth bringing a child in the world that won't get the love and support from society that it should (especially if the kid inherits my AS). I dont trust my own ability to do this and I dont think it's fair to bring a child into the world for your own selfish purposes as I feel most people do (like needing human companionship, needing someone to carry on your legacy, etc). You hear of moms who are bipolar and have to give up their kids and such. Well, I figure if that's gonna be me anyway, what's the point?
It's not a total downer situation though. I agree that overpopulation is a problem. The thing that always baffles me is when parents are desperate or are having difficulty having children, they're willing to spend millions and millions of dollars on fertility treatments. My question to these people is: why dont you adopt a child? Why is it so damn important for you to have your own perfect gene pool child while millions of children worldwide are left to be unloved, starving, and fending for themselves without parents? If I really become desperate for a kid I know adoption will be the only way to go for me. From a religious perspective I think that children who are already alive and existing should take priority over making new ones or "being fruitful and multiply".
Joined: 18 Dec 2007
Age: 70
Gender: Female
Posts: 6,313
Location: The Castle of Shock and Awe-tism
Not kid-ding topic
Not having kids is only a problem if the person ends up having them. As was mentioned by others, the world is in enough mess right now and there are many unfortunate children who should probably have not been born. But they are here, and I wish they could all have nice parents. Also, I wish I could adopt/foster a child with AS. I have three NT* children.
(*My youngest has ADD, but her personality is NT.)
Radiant Aspergian
Awe-Tistic Whirlwind
Phuture Phounder of the Philosophy Phactory
NOT a believer of Mystic Woo-Woo
I have mixed thoughts about this one.
I feel I don't want to have any kids because I feel I don't think I'm the father material and plus I probably would of been like my dad who doesn't understand a thing about parenting.
But at the same, I feel like I want to make a big happy family with the girl of life But then if I wanted to have kids, the worrying thing is if she would hurt herself and the baby when she's having a meltdown
Basically it would be difficult for me to answer that question.
BACK in London…. For now.
Follow my adventures on twitter: @superboyian
Please feel free to help my aspie friend become a pilot: https://gofund.me/a9ae45b4
^A woman gave me that comment when I posted this on Facebook, so I tried to write 20 ways I can grow up, to mock her immaturity.
I'm Nicole Marie Doherty, the creator of Stewart Mango the cartoon show.
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