There are SO many things I hate of cannot STAND, but I'll just list the worst ones that come to mind right now.
Touching is the absolute worst, and the worst of the worst is soft touches. AAAAGH, I can still FEEL it!! I hate to be touched by anyone but my mom.
Chalk, charcoal, chalkboards, some rough wood, and dust.
being partially wet, soap, grease (UUUGH), and evil lotion. (No such thing as good lotion, lol)
Having my face covered by anything when I'm not holding my breath.
Damp clothes, and the list just keeps going on and on...
But the worst off all is still touching. Hating even the slightest touch is something that has really shaped a big part of my life, and I feel so bad when I have to pull away from someone who is just trying to comfort me or shake my hand. The sad thing is that I crave social interactions and physical contact, but I just CAN'T, and my mom hates hugs now as I ask for them so often.