Rose_in_Winter wrote:
Not at all. This is my family. They know and love me and accept me. I know I'll probably say something that will make my brother go, "ROSE! Don't say things like that!" (For example, telling my father I wanted to inherit a certain antique bookcase when he died; my poor brother nearly had a heart attack.) I know I'll say something in an attempt to be funny and people will either ignore it or give me weird looks. I know I won't understand a lot of their jokes, but on the other hand, they know I won't laugh and not let it bother them. I know they will tell me, "modulate your voice," or "you are talking too fast," or "I would like some quiet," or "let someone else get a word in edgewise," and they know I won't be offended (and will do as they ask). Although my diagnosis is recent, I've always had AS and they have learned to cope with me, and appreciate my good qualities.
What terrifies me is spending the week around Christmas with my in-laws. They absolutely do not know I have AS. I doubt most of them know what AS is and would behave differently around me if we told them. Plus, my mother-in-law...think Angela Petrelli (manitpulative, cold, self-centered, bitchy) from "Heroes" and multiply the b***h factor by 10, and there you have my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law is the stereotypical single mother of an only son. My husband is apparently the Second Coming and I am the evil Devil Girl who stole him. I really dread having to spend any time with her; 7 days is 3 over my stated mother-in-law limit, but she lives far away and my husband feels we ought to visit her regularly.
Wow Rose you really understand your AS and are not upset with your traits. I'm still coming to terms and when I do some of the things mention (loud voice,saying wrong thing) as you've done I'm at the state in life I feel bad about doing it. Maybe over time I can understand my traits of AS better and understand that it's more about me being me and not being upset over my traits. Thanks Rose!! !!