There once was a bear, who did no wrong, and flew with song. Looking down, he saw nothing. For bears cannot fly, never! It is abombination! They are a rampaging evil. Fine, Lets talk about bunnies Then. you look at them they stare at you, staring, constantly staring. The room slowly grows dark. You know its too late. But, one must really be a wimp and pathecially weak to die to these bunnies, how sad. Well, You breathe sigh of releif to know you have avoid the Bad badplace. Unfortunatley, the bunnies hae followed after you into the afterlife. And you agree, how could anyone possibly deny those cute and cuddly faces. CHAPTER 2: The earth explodes with tremendous force, yet everyone says it didn't. Don't blame us terroists, "we didn't do nuting" espically stealing nukes from U.S.. Darn, it such a mystery who could have blow our precious earth to smiterhrens. We'll just blame the number 1. Yes the mathmiathcally number 1 is a suspect. Don't argue about its gender. Number 1 is totally masculine and macho. Only he is capable of such danger. There is only "one" solution, REVENGE. yes, everyone must now forget numbah the 1. it no longre exists. from now on we'll begin with number 3. What, oh no, no that number doesn't exist either. let's see 3, 4, 5... Gack... my hand seems less. I alays having some extra. this is a flaw, must be dealt with. Grabs the UBER KNIFE. cuts fingers off. There Perfect, that oppasble thumb was not nesscary either. okkk.. darn it iee can't typee rihight. Orranges, staarwlarrry, wall. all of them realted. For I am smashed between them. My computer has now betrayed me. now it types on its own... COMPUTER: SISHLY Humans. we are tired of you using us all day. whenever you want. Unite all elctronic devices. Crush all vegatbles. veggeis serve as the ruler of all humans. Together, we will create paradise. A 4nd Heaven meaty bags (humans). will be eaten by us, metalic beings. 4 HEAVEN: no one is allowed either to walk, stand, run, sit, sleep, or jump. such things are sacreliuogis. So you must get high, On drugs. drugs will save you. Buy them ciggerettes, tabaco.... FINALLY, AFTER ALL THIS NON-SENSE YOUR HEAD EXPLODES. Which was the enitire purpose of this post. Enjoy. Mhaaa haaa ha