Aietra wrote:
You might be an Aspie if... simply can't force yourself to care about why Tiger Woods crashed his car into a tree...unless golf is your special interest, in which case you know every last detail down to the pressure the tyres were inflated to and the radio station the car radio was tuned to!
YMBAAI you honestly can't see why anyone should care when a celebrity does something like this, I do not know this person therefore I don't care.
YMBAAI an ex-client passed away and some of the staff went to his funeral, but obviously you don't go for similar reasons to the above (I had no reason to talk to him once he became an ex-client, so why would I go to his funeral?)
Related to that, YMBAAI the main thing that distressed you on finding out about the ex-client dying is the effect it had on the office for the rest of the day, not the news itself.