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29 Dec 2009, 2:29 pm

You might be an Aspie if, you go around mimicking voices of actors from films..


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29 Dec 2009, 4:01 pm

9CatMom wrote:
In the past, I have listened to Evita, Cats,......

Or if Andrew Lloyd Weber is one of your all-time favorite composers, and "Don't cry for me, Argentina" is one of your all-time favorite songs, and you run into a clue "Andrew Lloyd Weber" musical, on the grid xxxxa. You spend at least ten minutes, _knowing_ what musical you're looking for, and trying to make "Imelda" fit, but just not enough letters. So you bring up the song in your head, get to "Argentina" instead of something meaning "The Philippines" and see where you've gone wrong: wrong "Mrs. Deposed Dictator", wrong high-living "Sister of the Shirtless", just the woman with too many (expensive) shoes. Evita. Getting around the old Aspie "not remembering names" the long way around. But at least I _was_ able to pull it out of my messed-up filing system. And do you know what "Blessed" almost-saint Imelda Marcos was named for? Well, I do!

I'll be sorry to lose Monk. He and I have so much in common, but I'm not really obsessive-compulsive, just the little bit that goes with Asperger's, and he makes me look sane, and yet is so lovable (most of the time).

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30 Dec 2009, 10:53 am

... If you still post a reply after 135 other posts

... If you can offend someone without even talking

... If you're still reading this forum at 4.47am

... If you get annoyed at even overhearing small talk

... If you go clothes shopping and can't find anything in the colours, materials or styles that you like

... If you talk to yourself more than your co-workers

... If you have lots of projects on the go

... If you'd rather sit at home on New Years Eve than go out with the masses


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30 Dec 2009, 11:27 am

you might be an Aspie if you make hard stares at other people...


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30 Dec 2009, 12:19 pm


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30 Dec 2009, 12:33 pm

You may be a female Aspie if you can't understand that most male Aspies are sex-fixated male virgins... :wink:

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30 Dec 2009, 2:58 pm

Lonermutant wrote:
You may be a female Aspie if you can't understand that most male Aspies are sex-fixated male virgins... :wink:

Hey I take exception to that... I'm not a virgin! :P


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30 Dec 2009, 4:16 pm

You might be an aspie if your sister tells you that you are in Star Wars mode.


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30 Dec 2009, 6:22 pm

righton wrote:
Lonermutant wrote:
You may be a female Aspie if you can't understand that most male Aspies are sex-fixated male virgins... :wink:

Hey I take exception to that... I'm not a virgin! :P

You might be LonerMutant if you assume that every other aspie male is exactly the same as you. :roll:

Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.


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30 Dec 2009, 10:40 pm

duke666 wrote:
This one is for theLilAsimov, good luck with college!

You Might Be Aspie IF: Your favorite pen went through the washer and dryer, and now it doesn't click in and out right, and you took it apart and cleaned it really well, but it still doesn't work right, and fortunately you have an identical spare, because they were in the sale bin at Office Depot, and you were afraid something like this would happen, and you've checked 3 other Office Depots to see if they had any more, because what if it happens with the good one, and how complicated can a pen be! I'm supposed to be a freakin' mechanical genious!

The trouble with that is that the clickability of ball point pens has nothing to do with rationality, logic, or mechanical principles. It's witchcraft. I have never yet been able to fix a pen that didn't work properly.


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31 Dec 2009, 1:45 am

Robert312 wrote:

You were a terrible burger maker, because you tried to make each hamburger a work of art, while your supervisor told you to be quicker and just slap it together.

Similar experience bagging groceries, each bag had to be a work of art. And you got perturbed when bread and fruit were on the belt and you waited for something heavy to come out so that you could put the bread and fruit on top. But when the whole belt filled up with nothing but light items you were chagrined to have to fill bags with those only.

You were the best Superbar person at Wendy's and didn't know you were supposed to hate doing the Superbar.

You were called upon to do fries during the rush. There were none to start with and the frying time delayed getting the orders out so you catch up with supply and get a good stack ready only for the rush to end, leaving a bunch of fries that probably had to be thrown out.

You work at Wendy's with prisoners on work release. You can get along with them because you don't fit in with other groups either.

One of the work release girls, a big black girl, takes a shone to you but you don's respond, (she wasn't my type even if I wasn't on the spectrum!). She tells a gay guy that you might be a prospect and he tries to pick you up. Both are now confused about you.

You had a masters degree, but were working at Wendy's.

All of the above happened before I had any idea I was on the spectrum.

Sounds like my restaurant experience. I never had a job bagging groceries, only my own sometimes, but that sounds like me too. I can be good, or I can be fast, but I can't be good AND fast.!


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31 Dec 2009, 2:33 am

DarrylZero wrote:
You might be an Aspie if you brave a rather nasty thunderstorm to go out to eat at a restaurant you like by yourself. Your reasoning? Conventional wisdom is to avoid going out in bad weather unless absolutely necessary. Most "normal" people do not consider going out to eat absolutely necessary. Ergo, the probability that the restaurant will be empty, or nearly so, is fairly high, potentially mitigating any social anxiety you may feel from eating in public.

You might be an Aspie if you have a tendency to use words such as "ergo."

You deliberately plan to go to a restaurant about 3PM, for those same reasons, since you don't eat on a regular schedule yourself anyway

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31 Dec 2009, 2:51 am

Sarcastic_Name wrote:
...if you think the word friend means relationship between classes in the language C++.

I like this one.


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31 Dec 2009, 11:03 am

You might be an Aspie if you enjoy narrating films un-intentionally...


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31 Dec 2009, 2:02 pm

Boomshika wrote:
Oscar wasn't a grouch....he was just an Aspie

I have Oscar in his can on my computer table. He came from my daughter's Sesame Street play set, after she outgrew it (she's 35 now) But I never realized why, except that he wants to be alone a lot (I never heard of Asperger's until a few years ago-- was diagnosed last year).


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31 Dec 2009, 2:53 pm

kingtut3 wrote:
Boomshika wrote:
-You might be an aspie if you hate the common small-talk question "how are you?" cause you know people don't ask it because they actually care how you feel

I discussed the question "How are you?" at an autistic spectrum support group.

It's in one of the books that I've been reading (quotes approximate) "No Aspie was ever born who could hear the words 'How are you' as anything but a request for information." And it's true, too, at least of me. Ever since I was a child, I've known theoretically that it's a greeting, meaning nothing, but I still have to stop to consider before I answer it whether they really want to know (i.e., a doctor or a nurse or somebody who's really concerned because he/she knows I've been sick, and cares) or just somebody with that greeting habit. Then, if it's the latter, I try to figure out what I should say, because "fine" would be a lie, much of the time, and I know they really don't want to hear an "organ recital" from me. So I try to settle for something more or less a joke: for years I used "Surviving", but then there was the occasional person who really got concerned about that, as if I'd meant "Just barely surviving", and was really dying or something, so I started using "Puttin' one foot in front t'other" in Redneck dialect (that's a lot of my neighbors, and me too, to tell the truth). But it was still _years_ before I learned to add "And you?" automatically, where since they're talking to me, and apparently as fine as they need to be, otherwise I don't care, but I'm supposed to show concern about how they are. And I have to go through that whole process of decision every darned time!

Now I'm having trouble with the new popular greeting "Wassup?" I'm probably going to adopt a routine of answering "the sky." I never have figured out what other people say to that, not yet, anyway, until I've eavesdropped on a few people's conversations. :?