I need your help. Gift for low functioning autistic adult

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Emu Egg
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01 Jan 2010, 5:30 pm

My aunt is 38 and was born with both down syndrome and autism. She has been non verbal since about age 5. Her last few birthdays and christmasses she got stuff like , clothes, music, a disco ball, a swinging chair, a trampoline,and a lava lamp etc (not all at the same time! ).

At this point we are a little stumped as to what to get her that she would appreciate and use.

Soft toys etc get thrown across the room.

She knows what she likes and its obvious that she loves music, water, snoezelen, swimming and her trampoline.

It would be great if we could get her something she would enjoy but as she doesn't speak its hard to know.

Has anyone any ideas? I know that most members on here have a totally different degree of autistic tendencies but I'm guessing that you might have more ideas for what kind of things she is likely to enjoy.



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01 Jan 2010, 5:46 pm

Welcome to WP!

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01 Jan 2010, 5:50 pm

What about one of those electric fountains? Those are very calming for my bf, my gerbils, and me. What about water themed music? Pool toys? Water sports are awesome. What is more awesome is a pair of flippers. Whee!

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01 Jan 2010, 6:28 pm

Lego bricks?


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01 Jan 2010, 7:14 pm

I work for a company that helps adults with development disabilities live out their lives in as much comfort as we can provide. It seemed like an obvious choice given my own difficulties. So, what I can say about the women with Down Syndrome that I serve is that they tend to like things soft and things bright (although many are seizure sensitive and we have to be careful). The two most popular with the women are stuffed animals, no matter the age, and things like crystals or a fish tank with a fish in it. Coloring books are also awesome for them, but that is best given as an add on. But, once again, this depends on their degree of function. Given that she is NV, she would be very regressed on the emotional spectrum, so think very very young. I hope I was able to help as much as I can given that I don't know her. And good luck, I am sure she will love whatever you give her, because it's from you :)

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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01 Jan 2010, 10:26 pm

Thanks everyone so far for the replies. You have given me quite a few ideas already, especially the water fountain and fish tank. Just to add a little more detail, because she is nv she does seem quite regressed, I wouldnt think the Down syndrome helps much either. She cannot figure out anything complicated really at all. For example she loves music and will bring you to her cd player but she cannot turn it on herself. Then again I often have the feeling that she understands more than she lets on. :wink:

Keep em coming guys :D