Should people with Aspergers be able to own guns?

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08 Jan 2010, 2:55 pm

Spokane_Girl wrote:
He sounds like a dumbass.

You got that right!
We keep contributing all the "unusual" behavior to Asperger's and Adult ADD/ADHD. Is it not?
I'm confused. I don't want to hurt his feelings or anything like that, if it's something he was born with or has no control over. It's not easy though. I really do care.....I don't think he does though. :(

08 Jan 2010, 3:04 pm

Well I have a thing about lazy people. I had an lazy ex so I am very negative about them and think low of them. I think caring aspies wouldn't act this way because I sure don't. I have also spoken to some good aspies online and they were all nice. I would not want someone living in my apartment not following my rules. If they were disrespecting them and being slobs and not being considerate of my stuff, they're out of there.

Yes AS is something you're born with. I think the way he is acting is no excuse for his rude behavior. If he refuses to do something about it or he isn't even trying, that's just him. But I only know you side of course so who knows what his side is.

I don't know what you want to tell him you're afraid about that would hurt his feelings.

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08 Jan 2010, 3:21 pm

I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I wanted to ask you if you had Asperger's but was afraid it wouldn't be polite. You seem like such a nice person! I think it's entirely possible I have the wrong impression of people with Asperger's. I only have this one guy to base my opinion on though.

As for what I'm "afraid" to tell him- hmmmm, stop stealing from us, clean up after yourself, don't slam the door every single time you use it.........I could literally go on forever. I actually do tell him almost daily about something he needs to work on. It gets old though cuz he doesn't seem to be trying AT ALL. If it was up to me, I'd make him leave, but it's not. Our landlord doesn't want to lose him because he follows the lease to the letter, never being a minute late on rent, etc. There's nothing in the lease about taking others' things or cleaning up. Ya know? The landlord doesn't have to live with him though! I would move but it's a bad time for me and I'd lose my $1000 deposit, which I can't afford to do. :?


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08 Jan 2010, 3:37 pm

Eggman wrote:
How else will you ward of zombies and the King of England?

Zombie George the 3rd is not amused

08 Jan 2010, 3:45 pm

staceybugg wrote:
I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I wanted to ask you if you had Asperger's but was afraid it wouldn't be polite. You seem like such a nice person! I think it's entirely possible I have the wrong impression of people with Asperger's. I only have this one guy to base my opinion on though.

As for what I'm "afraid" to tell him- hmmmm, stop stealing from us, clean up after yourself, don't slam the door every single time you use it.........I could literally go on forever. I actually do tell him almost daily about something he needs to work on. It gets old though cuz he doesn't seem to be trying AT ALL. If it was up to me, I'd make him leave, but it's not. Our landlord doesn't want to lose him because he follows the lease to the letter, never being a minute late on rent, etc. There's nothing in the lease about taking others' things or cleaning up. Ya know? The landlord doesn't have to live with him though! I would move but it's a bad time for me and I'd lose my $1000 deposit, which I can't afford to do. :?

You click on our profiles and it tells you if they have AS or not or other autism spectrum disorder or if they are NT or if they aren't sure if they have it or not.

I don't see how any of that would hurt his feelings. People need to be honest.

Maybe you can start a thread about how to deal with this aspie.

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08 Jan 2010, 3:52 pm

Thank you so much. I think I'll try that.


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08 Jan 2010, 8:18 pm

@ staceybugg: I was somewhat offended by the way you attributed all of your roommates undesireable qualities to Asperger's and then proceeded to stereotype the rest of us based on your observations of your roommates behavior. However, since I believe this occured due to lack of education and awareness of Aserpeger's, I'm not going to jump on it. I think it's better to educate you on the true nature of the disorder, then perhaps you'll see us and your roommate in a new light.

Firstly Asperger's Syndrome is not a definite diagnosis. There's no cut-and-paste method for determining whether one is Aspie or not. Our personalities are as varied and different as neurotypical people.

Secondly, based on your description of your roommate, I think his problems have less to do with Aspergers and more to do with a general lack of responsibility. It is probable that he is used to people "going easy on him" due to his diagnosis, which would explain his laziness and his response to being told to clean up his act. As for his "dark" attitude, he could also have a host of other problems.

Based on your description of him, he doesn't seem like he SHOULD be a gun owner; however, that applies to him individually, and not to Aspies as a whole. There are many of us who are much more responsible and better able to cope with life, and I do believe we even have Aspies on this thread who own guns legally, and know how to carry them responsibly - especially those with gun-related obessions. I know a few people here on the board who collect guns and such as a hobby, and they know how to care for these guns in a safe and secure manner. Like I said, it varies.

I hope this has enlightened you a bit, I was pretty offended by your earlier statements but hopefully you will see things differently now.


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08 Jan 2010, 9:03 pm

I definately appreciate the information. Since my original post, I have gained much more knowledge on the subject; that's much in part to a very nice young lady with Asperger's. I tend to pretty much agree with what you had to say. I wish you would read all of my posts though. I was genuinely trying to be polite. I was concerned someone would take me wrong or be offended. I'm sorry to have made you feel that way. I do see your point, but I don't know how to tell which of his behaviors are related to Asperger's, which are related to Adult ADD/ADHD, and which are just HIM. I admitted my ignorance from the beginning. I know certain things are most likely do to his AS like: lack of coordination, getting right up in your face when he's speaking to you, non-stop talk about comic books!....the obvious stuff. I was frustrated when I wrote that, as well. Again, I'm so sorry, to you and to anyone else who may have been offended. Have a great night!


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08 Jan 2010, 9:33 pm

staceybugg wrote:
I definately appreciate the information. Since my original post, I have gained much more knowledge on the subject; that's much in part to a very nice young lady with Asperger's. I tend to pretty much agree with what you had to say. I wish you would read all of my posts though. I was genuinely trying to be polite. I was concerned someone would take me wrong or be offended. I'm sorry to have made you feel that way. I do see your point, but I don't know how to tell which of his behaviors are related to Asperger's, which are related to Adult ADD/ADHD, and which are just HIM. I admitted my ignorance from the beginning. I know certain things are most likely do to his AS like: lack of coordination, getting right up in your face when he's speaking to you, non-stop talk about comic books!....the obvious stuff. I was frustrated when I wrote that, as well. Again, I'm so sorry, to you and to anyone else who may have been offended. Have a great night!

Well, as long as you understand. I am happy that you are taking the time to learn more about Asperger's; it shows that you really care.

Arigato, Roxas.

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08 Jan 2010, 9:36 pm

Should I be allowed to own guns? yes. Its my constitutional right. I own many guns and have a carry and conceal permit.

I have many guns that pre-date serial number stamping requirements, so even if the Gestapo shows up to collect them, I have many that are not traceable. So they won't get them all.


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09 Jan 2010, 12:06 am

While I don't know that people with AS should be automatically excluded from owning guns there often seems to be issues with blind anger that should be addressed on a case by case basis.


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22 Jun 2010, 3:26 pm

yes :roll:


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22 Jun 2010, 4:44 pm

yes :roll:

as long as it's not Halloween.

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22 Jun 2010, 6:03 pm

Like everyone else, it should depend on how responsible and good your judgment is.


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22 Jun 2010, 6:24 pm

I have been around firearms since I was 5. My father in grained in me a sense of saftey while being around firearms and while using them. I have never had a single mishap with a firearm but my cousin's NT husband has had several. I nolonger go hunting but I do like the idea to have firearms for home protection and target shooting.


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22 Jun 2010, 6:45 pm

Since getting my concealed carry permit, my gun has become just another part of my wardrobe. When I put my belt on for the day, the holster goes on too, and stays there until I go to bed, whether I'm at home or outside. After a while you don't even think about it; you can forget you have it on. It's just another piece of clothing, albeit one that could save my life in an emergency. I practice with my carry piece, and am confident I could use it properly in an emergency.

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