Autism and a heightened sense of psychic abilities

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Pileated woodpecker
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08 Jan 2010, 6:11 pm

It is arrogant to presume we already know everything. Evolution has barely begun. What would have seemed outlandish 100 years ago is commonplace now.

Ppl have different values, different things that catch their attention. If a person is alert to something he will notice it more. Very simple. What drives awareness? When man discovers that answer many woo-woo subjects will become scientifically evaluated.

I am about to get a puppy, a Newfoundland, who will grow up with training to become my service dog. He will be aware of much I am not cognizant of. But I will not call him crazy because of it :alien:


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08 Jan 2010, 6:16 pm

If I had psychic abilities, I'd love to do this:


Yes, I'm still alive.

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09 Jan 2010, 12:02 am

I've had lots of strange experiences, I'm not sure what to call them, or whether is would be correct to label them psychic. I'll tell you about one that happened fairly recently. It's a bit long.

I went to see my therapist for our weekly session. He is located on the 8th floor of a 15 floor building. As I was opening the door to his waiting room I noticed a woman down the hall standing in front of the fire alarm on the wall with her back to me and doing something. I shrugged it off.

During our session the fire alarm went off. At first we ignored it. It continued. I asked my therapist if we had to leave. He made a phone call and said "yes" we had to evacuate the building. The exit stairwell was in the alcove where I had seen the woman doing something with the fire alarm. The stairwells were packed with people evacuating the building in an orderly fashion. I said to one woman, "Imagine those poor souls trying to get out of the twin towers on 9/11." That's what came to my mind. As we got to the bottom or ground floor you could smell smoke, but it wasn't suffocating or anything, more like someone had been burnt something in a toaster oven. Fire engines came. I sat on some steps down the street for a while, finally my therapist found me and said it would be best to reschedule the session, which I did, and then went home.

When I got home I recalled that the night before I had been doing an experiment for a group project led by a modern day Mexican Shaman. The experiment entailed sitting in a candle lit room staring into a crystal bowl half filled with water and containing a piece of a plastic compact disc. The disc in the water picked up light from the candle and produced all kinds of neat shapes and colors. We were supposed to look for images and record our findings. I did a rough painting of what I saw using MS paint:

Two cloaked figures on the left, a forest, a prominent stairway in the center, with small fires burning at the bottom or base of the picture. I think it is very curious that the day after I saw this picture in my mind or on the disc, a fire broke out in the basement of a tall building and we had to evacuate using the stairwells and on the way down I felt compelled to remark to a strange woman about the tragedy of 9/11. Also strange that I saw that woman before hand in front of the fire alarm. There is a conspiracy theory that says the fire that consumed the towers was started in the basement. I never mentioned this to my doctor because I don't want him to think that I am completely bonkers. I'm probably leaving a lot out, but this is long enough, I'm tired and I can't remember any thing else right now. I have many stories of experiences like or similar to this.


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09 Jan 2010, 12:36 am

My cousin passed away yesterday and around 2ish before we knew me, my mom and my sister all got a sudden warm calm feeling and suddenly felt he was no longer with us. we were all in different places.


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09 Jan 2010, 3:47 am



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09 Jan 2010, 4:52 am

Hi cosmicat,

I label most of my strange shift in time experiences as deja vu from temporal lobe epilepsy partial seizures.

Deja vu that ends up matching reality too much, I try to just shrug off as strong coincidences, tainted with limbic false sensations, but some of them are spectacular; the best one was in 1972 at the University of New Mexico on the first day of an English class and I already "knew" the classroom of strangers, with details of most of the semester with a few of them, just about like a 3-4 month long single replay version of the movie "Grounghog Day." I wish one would occur with Lottery numbers, but no luck so far!

Most of them are way too short to exploit the advantages of becomming unstuck in time.

Todd Murphy at a Canadian University has videos on Google about psychic skills and experiments with the "God Helmet" listed at:

Some of them are long and repetitive, but have plenty of interesting parts on psychic skills, religion, and neurology.


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09 Jan 2010, 11:51 am

i've had many "psychic" experiences (i'll name a couple shortly) but frankly, i don't like the word "psychic" nor the connotations of it. i think that (a) the universe itself is teeming with information, and the brain is designed to filter much of it out (so we can function) more than to take it in; (b) i think many, many people perceive things all the time that our culture says can't be perceived, but usually they ignore or fail to consciously notice this.

even so, i have no way to explain more specifically many, many things i've experienced, and many things i've seen occur to or with others. i do know from a very good parapsychology class i took in college that precognitive dreams are far more common than people realize, and there is documentation.

ok, the two most dramatic examples in my own life: twice i've dreamed of (one) or daydreamed of (one) someone, then met them. the first time, i was 19. for no reason whatsoever, i started thinking a lot of a girl my age, with long brown hair, who dressed somewhat like rennaisance times, who played music and sang, and who could read palms. i'd never had my palm read, never really thought of having it read, and didn't care much about the subject. a month later, i visited my family in socal (i was doing the daydreaming in SF). i got invited to a music party. i was sitting on a couch in the front room, trying to decide which room to go into (different music types in different rooms) when i "felt" something behind me. i turned and a girl was coming thru the front door. long brown hair, a rennaisance outfit (for the party, no one else wore a costume to it, but she did). we made eye contact, and she came directly to my couch, sat down, introduced herself, and said, "i read palms. would you like a reading?"

this is hard to brush off as "coincidence." and if anyone can find it, she later did an album called Music of the Rolling World (cindy smith and ruth barrett). this was in 1979 (her name was cindy). there's more, but i'll mention the other incident.

1982, i'm living in the mountains with my two small children (mt shasta). marital problems cause me to move with them into a small trailer in a little park. our neighbor turns out to be a very nice man (ron otrin, worked for park and rec at the time) who offerend to build a bunkbed for my kids. a few days later, he asks if i will help him set up a room he's rented to hold dream workshops. how can i say no, right? so i go there, i'm setting up chairs, no participants have arrived yet.

back up a bit: about a month earlier, i'd had a dream so vivid i recall it to this day: two women enter my home, one a former roomate i hated, the other an unknown dream character. they play a game of chess with me that somehow involves mirrors. the donovan song "guinneivere" plays the whole time. i wake up feeling like this "meant" something but who knows what.

so it's a month later, i'm setting up chairs, and in walks a woman who looks *exactly* like that second girl in the dream. weird, i think. experimenter that i am, i decide to try something for no good reason. i go over to the bookcase and start whistleing guinneivere. "let's see if she comes over and asks what song it is. if so, i'm gonna tell her the dream." sure enough....

her name was colleen, btw, and after we talked she lent me three books by lynn andrews (whom i hadn't heard of till then) that helped me tremendously at a tough time in my life.

one more small thing i'll mention: growing up, i was paid a little to answer the phone for my father, who had a real estate appraisal business. for years, i could tell if the call was buiness or not by the ring. it sounded louder and more abrupt when it was a business call. i thought nothing of this for the first two years. i just assumed it was like this for everyone, and only in the third year did i realize it wasn't, and start wondering about it.

last thing: my granmother once woke up and told us she'd dreamed my horse (only had a week, a bargain for straight A's on my part) had broken into the shed, eaten all the grain, and was lame now. we went there (to feed the horse, as we would every day for the 5 years we had her). yep: she's kicked thru the old shed and was gobbling up the grain mix (omeline i think it was called). a few weeks (or something like that, a month?) later, we learned about founder, which causes lameness and can be caused by overeating rich grain. we learned because she developed the condition.

gran never reported any such dream except that once, and only that once did Fair Lady ever break thru anything, despite my family being too stubborn to really change the physical conditions for her much.

so some may think i'm lying (i'm not), but assuming you don't doubt me, i feel these examples can't be blown off with "oh, you're just imagining things" easily, eh?


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09 Jan 2010, 12:16 pm

zer0netgain wrote:
I suspect the autistic and others like them are more likely to be "sensitive" to the true reality because we already operate outside the norm and its mental conditioning.

I would add the word "simply" there, as in "The autist might be one who is simply more likely ..."

I do not see any of us as being in any kind of divine or supernatural category.

Willard wrote:
I think one should be extremely skeptical of those whose personalities make them prone to attention-seeking behaviors.

Not necessarily "skeptical of", but certain very cautious about taking direction from such a person.

I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.


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09 Jan 2010, 11:01 pm

Odin wrote:
what proof is there that this stuff is not just hallucination or wishful thinking?

A friend and I are driving through a cemetary one night, my friend is telling me how there's little kids playing on the hill to our left, rolling down it, climbing back up, etc. He says there's black fog everywhere (which I've been told is not a good thing at all).

Fast forward to some time later, I'm ghost hunting with some friends I had just met. They don't know my other friend I just mentioned, but I did tell them that this graveyard was haunted, which was kind of a mistake, because I couldn't convince them not to go =/ I didn't give them any details on the haunting, and as we're leaving, the driver stops the car and says "I want to get my camera back out and get a picture of those kids."

It was the same exact hill, she said the kids were rolling and playing.

I really do not know how you explain that with hallucinations, wishful thinking, pattern recognition, cooincidence, or what-have-you.

Seriously, I do get "ESP" or whatever you want to call it a lot, and half the time I convince myself that it's just a cooincidence, or that I'm just seeing things out of the corner of my eye...but really, sometimes things happen that you just can't explain.

MartyMoose wrote:
My cousin passed away yesterday and around 2ish before we knew me, my mom and my sister all got a sudden warm calm feeling and suddenly felt he was no longer with us. we were all in different places.

I've heard a lot of similar stories from people who are devout Catholics, they always say that their loved ones appeared to them in person, or in a dream, or called out to them, before finding out that they had passed away.

It makes me feel like maybe I'm following the wrong religion =(

I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...

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10 Jan 2010, 3:06 am

I'm not convinced about psychic abilities, however if I have not experienced something it is diificult for me to accept. Best to respect anothers experience of the unusual/spiritual.

All through my life I have experience Deja Vu at different times. It is an unnerving feeling, like everything slows down and I say to myself, "This has already happened".

Since entering my forties it has stopped, but I now experience periods where I do not recognise my enviroment or people close to me. Once I did not recognise my daughter bedroom and then asked myself, "Who am I". Only lasts a minute or so and happens at shopping centres/gym. Come to the conclusion these experiences are a result of acute stress, well thats my take on things anyway.

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10 Jan 2010, 3:06 am

I'm not convinced about psychic abilities, however if I have not experienced something it is diificult for me to accept. Best to respect anothers experience of the unusual/spiritual.

All through my life I have experience Deja Vu at different times. It is an unnerving feeling, like everything slows down and I say to myself, "This has already happened".

Since entering my forties it has stopped, but I now experience periods where I do not recognise my enviroment or people close to me. Once I did not recognise my daughter bedroom and then asked myself, "Who am I". Only lasts a minute or so and happens at shopping centres/gym. Come to the conclusion these experiences are a result of acute stress, well thats my take on things anyway.

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10 Jan 2010, 11:52 am

Tadzio wrote:
Hi cosmicat,

I label most of my strange shift in time experiences as deja vu from temporal lobe epilepsy partial seizures.

Deja vu that ends up matching reality too much, I try to just shrug off as strong coincidences, tainted with limbic false sensations, but some of them are spectacular; the best one was in 1972 at the University of New Mexico on the first day of an English class and I already "knew" the classroom of strangers, with details of most of the semester with a few of them, just about like a 3-4 month long single replay version of the movie "Grounghog Day." I wish one would occur with Lottery numbers, but no luck so far!

Most of them are way too short to exploit the advantages of becomming unstuck in time.

Todd Murphy at a Canadian University has videos on Google about psychic skills and experiments with the "God Helmet" listed at:

Some of them are long and repetitive, but have plenty of interesting parts on psychic skills, religion, and neurology.


Hi Tadzio.
Deja vu is a strange thing for sure. Usually the content is too bland to be truly meaningful, or to interpret as some kind of psychic communication. I'm not sure if I can explain how I think it happens, I'm not an expert in any of these unusual mind states, but I do have my own theory in lay terms. I think deja vu occurs like a glitch. During the experience, normal processing is interrupted and waylayed. The information of the experience as it is happening is being taken in by the mind much more slowly, as in ultra or xtra slow motion, each minute or minuscule piece of the experience is being simultaneously experienced, taken in, processed and remembered. So even though it seems as though we seem to anticipate and know or predict what will happen next, it is only a fraction of what will happen next and this continuous loop of experience and memory of experience seem like separate experiences, or experiences separated by time, when actually they are simultaneous and ongoing.

Thanks for the link. I am definitely going to check it out. Sounds right up my alley.

Also, I wanted to ask if anyone has watched "Paranormal State". A Penn State University group of ghost busters, actually. I love that show.

PARANORMAL STATE is a half-hour series chronicling the extraordinary life of Ryan Buell and other members of the Paranormal Research Society (PRS) as they seek to find the truth behind terrifying real life mysteries, hauntings and ghosts Paranormal State


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10 Jan 2010, 12:25 pm

Yeah, I always though deja vu was like a mind glitch... like within a second, you experience something and your brain like forgot and rebooted so it's like you just experienced it again. But, last night I had a weird deja vu. I was chatting with someone from my past, and I almost felt like I had the exact same conversation with his mother in her living room, but like weeks ago rather than the what, 13 years it's been since I've seen either one of them. I think in that case, I might of actually had a dream about the conversation at least.

"In the room the women come and go talking of Michelangelo." J. Alfred Prufrock


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10 Jan 2010, 7:45 pm

poopylungstuffing wrote:
Umm...I have had a couple of precognitive dreams.
I don't claim to be psychic.
I have had a few crazy coincidences too....
I don't obsess on it, but I did when I was younger.

SAME HERE! I Have ALSO known what people were going to say, sometimes days before they said it, EVEN down to odd words I didn't think they would know. Sometimes I even knew what they were thinking. I once had an odd dream about an ODD area and my getting lost on my bike, and seeing an odd footbridge, COMPLETE WITH MURAL! Two years later, AFTER moving to a place I had NEVER been, I had the SAME experience on the SAME bike near a foot bridge that looked the same right down to the mural.

It IS odd, I CAN'T explain it. It DID happen!

BTW I tried for YEARS to control it. It was always too much effort, didn't always work, and later gave me a headache if I tried to do it to the same level.


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11 Jan 2010, 11:15 am

I sometimes have feelings that something bad is going to happen. The most significant was in 2001, February to be exact, it was a Saturday before the Daytona 500 and the next day Dale Earnhardt died. The next was in September of that year. The day before 9/11 to be exact.

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31 Mar 2010, 12:28 am

heliocopters wrote:
Disclaimer: Yes, I am a hippie-dippy new-agey frou-frou tree hugger, and this is my post.

Has anyone else experienced ESP-like phenomena, and think it is possibly linked to the way an autistic brain works?

Yes, and no, due to no evidence as yet discovered. I tend to feel very close to women when I am in a relationship with them. I'm tentatively open-minded to ESP due to the fact that once I was sitting at home minding my own business and looking forward to seeing my GF the next day, happy enough and not dwelling on the fact that she was out partying. Then out of nowhere, for no apparent reason, this hugely negative feeling came over me. It was kind of like a mood-swing but isolated and not as harsh necessarily. I don't remember so well as it was a long time ago. The interesting thing is, I forgot about it, got up the next day, and my GF was acting really strange when we met. I couldn't understand it. I ended up looking in her diary later (not cool if I sneaked a peek, but I think she showed me voluntarily for some reason). It turns out that at the same rough time of night (11pm or so), she had kissed another guy who she knew before me, and felt guilty about it. Since I had no inkling at all that she had cheated or would cheat I was puzzled at her behaviour the next day. So, I don't think it was sub-conscious, logical nor paranoia. Curious.

I had this feeling with my last GF, at about 2:20am on a night she was supposed to be at work on a bar and I was preoccupied in the middle of a long computer job. The difference there is that she was likely to cheat and admits to being a deceptive, unfaithful, kind of shallow person by nature, and I knew this more or less at that stage (and left her that week in fact). Although I wasn't as sure as I am with hindsight. But explain why I'd think about it at a particular given point in time?

My possible theory is that such an intense connection as I make with such women could create another invisible connection if such things are possible. Unfortunately there's no way to test this currently, it's kind of hard to recreate the conditions in the lab! But this, the fact that we don't understand the human brain very well and a few other coincidences make me simply open-minded (haha) to the possibilities.
Shame I can't detect this kind of thing in advance before getting involved with the wrong women though! Have to use logic instead.

The singer in my band is NT, highly educated and intelligent, mentally healthy and believes in such things in theory or so he told me.

That 'emulator' concept of processing social data is a new one to me, but makes perfect sense.

"No man can hold what the darkness can sow" - Agents Of Oblivion - Hangman's Daughter.