danlo wrote:
I'm also HFA. I have a large vocab, I understand what most words mean, but I can't use any of them myself.
That bothers me a fair bit, too, but probably not the way you would describe it.
It's like I have a one-way dictionary in my head. When I read or hear words I know what the person is trying to say, but when I have to say or write something back then I have a hard time finding the words that represent the ideas I want to convey.
A friend of mine is from China. He's always asking me "what does the word {some word} mean?" Most of the time I know exactly what it means but can't find any way to describe it. That frustrates both of us because he *knows* that I understand the meaning of whatever it is he's asking about. When he asks "what's a word that means {some idea}?" then I'm *completely* useless.
In short, I have good comprehension but poor eloquence (and it took me 5 minutes to come up with those two words). Writing is my best medium because I can take a lot longer and nobody cares if I had to take a break to think about it like I did this time....
What would Flying Spaghetti Monster do?