Tequila wrote:
I'll never be able to drive. Bad eyesight, see?

In many ways I'm quite contented with that.
Everyone else can drive me around instead.

"To the mall, Jeeves." I like saying that to my husband as a joke but he never thinks it's funny.
Quoting CowboyFromHell:
I don't think they meant it as an insult. If they mentioned "speeding ticket," obviously they could tell you were working with your coordination. I would have tried joking around with them.
"SLOWLY BUT SURELY, RIGHT?!" I would have shouted back, with a smile/thumbs up.
But you see, they all had their chairs lined up in a row facing me as if they were in a movie theater. I realize I am too sensitive at times (most of the time) especially when it involves having someone observing me when I am trying to learn something new or figure out how something works in order to fix it . Once I even told a boss "Don't stand there watching me please."

The copy machine kept jamming and she asked me if I could fix it. She looked at me as if she couldn't believe I had just told her to get lost and then she walked away muttering something under her breath.