Do any of you see a therapist regularly?

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Do any of you see a therapist regularly?
Yes - I have a few issues/am a psychological mess 33%  33%  [ 8 ]
Yes - I have a few issues/am a psychological mess 33%  33%  [ 8 ]
No - I am capable of helping myself 13%  13%  [ 3 ]
No - I am capable of helping myself 13%  13%  [ 3 ]
Absolutely Not!! Therapy is only for crazy people!! 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Absolutely Not!! Therapy is only for crazy people!! 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
I don't know 4%  4%  [ 1 ]
I don't know 4%  4%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 24


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20 Jul 2006, 12:08 am

Just curious

I have been to one in the past, but am not currently undergoing treatment of any kind. (I'm on the loose!) It seems like a lot of members have endured similar treatment or still are. I am not asking for any gory details, but feel free to share them of you wish. I am just curious to see how many of us are getting along just fine versus how many need a helping hand.

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20 Jul 2006, 5:06 am

Well, I have often thought I needed a helping hand, but thrapy (for depression) did not work for me. I was incapable of connecting and/or trusting a therapist. Knowing s/he was sitting there taking notes completely blocked me from getting to anything important.

I don't know if this has more to do with paranoia than Aspergers. Whatever the reason, I now believe my problems are mine to solve on my own.


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20 Jul 2006, 5:50 am

I’ve seen maybe a half-dozen different therapists at different times in my life, including marriage counselors. Only met one I didn’t like. He was a little “too” good. I’m currently seeing my employer sponsored counselor about once every 6 weeks. I got divorced a year ago and it’s been a difficult year.

My neighbor says he’s become very good at talking to the walls.

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21 Jul 2006, 9:24 am

werbert wrote:
I am just curious to see how many of us are getting along just fine versus how many need a helping hand.

If you include counseling as "treatment", then yes-I participate in talk therapy every week. I'm not "getting along fine" (am doing much better than I was), but my team of professionals provide crucial help. There are also social workers who advocated for me, without whom I'd have no SSI/Medicaid/free counseling appts.
Aeriel wrote:
I was incapable of connecting and/or trusting a therapist.

I feel that way at first, meeting a new mental health person (shrink or social worker or whichever)-it's a total stranger. With some of them, things didn't improve. With others, over time, our relationships have grown in valuable ways. Takes a long time for me to to feel well understood-it's worthwhile investment to me. Been seeing a counselor for 2 hrs/week every week for 2 yrs. I also see other counselors less often but regularly, so I don't rely inordinately on just one person.
When it works, it works well enough for me want to continue. My personal experiences w/ counselors have been more insightful & supportive than unpleasant & invalidating. However, it's varied greatly from place to place & person to person.

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21 Jul 2006, 10:00 am

Yeah I go to a phyologist weekly. I went yesterday to mine. He's a good guy.

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21 Jul 2006, 10:09 am

I've attempted to receive professional advice several times, with varying degrees of success.

The first was in 2002, when I told my GP I wanted to off myself. I saw a psychologist a whooping two times before deciding it was useless. Plus the psychologist creeped me out.

Then in 2005 when I was in the midst of going batshite crazy, I saw a counsellor from the university. She was wonderful and was the first and only person I felt comfortable, but unfortunately her tenure was up after about six sessions. Plus, six sessions was about all the university would offer to students.

After her, I saw another GP based at the medical centre at university who specialised in mental nutcases...erm, issues, and she gave me some counselling and medication. I became too much for her when I told her I tried to off myself three times in two days while being medicated, so she referred me to a psychologist.

I lasted slightly longer with this psychologist than the first one I saw - lasted three sessions before I called it off.

I have the same problem a few others have mentioned - I basically can't trust a therapist. It is very hard for me to believe that they actually give a flying toss about what I'm saying. I'm always afraid that inwardly they are mocking my words, or they are misinterpreting and denigrating my experiences.

However, I am aware I have issues which I cannot resolve alone, so I would like to give professional advice another shot.

Said the apple to the orange,
"Oh, I wanted you to come
Close to me and
Kiss me to the core."

Think you're ASD? Get thee to a professional!

Last edited by SmallFruitSong on 21 Jul 2006, 10:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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21 Jul 2006, 10:19 am

I'm voting for I don't know. I don't see one as much as use too. Maybe I'll start seeing my therpist more when school starts again.


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21 Jul 2006, 10:47 am

I didn't vote because I'm not seeing a therapist right now but did look into it recently. If I could find someone with experience with OCD or ASDs than I would, but our insurance requires you to go to a center and they refer out from there. There are only three I can go to and have been to 2 of them before and the third is through a hospital system where my mom works - so enough said about that (lol).


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21 Jul 2006, 5:56 pm

I voted no, but my reason wasn't as much that I'm capable of helping myself, as that therapists are the opposite of helpful to me.

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21 Jul 2006, 6:15 pm

I am seeing a person centred counsellor. she is very nice. it is quite strange, but one of her daughter's has autism, though very much at the other end of the autistic spectrum to me.

I am seeing her once a week, and it is very helpful, but I feel I would benefit from more intensive therapy, and I am not sure how to get it. I am on a low-income, and I am phone-phobic as well...


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21 Jul 2006, 11:35 pm

When I was little--about ages four to roughly eleven--my mum dragged me to a succession of psychologists, all of whom gave me a snap diagnosis of ADD/ADHD and a prescription (Ritalin first, then Adderall, and I can't remember what after that). The net effect of all of this was to make my issues worse, as I seemed to contract all the side effects of the prescriptions with no benefits at all, and I even seemed to get worse! I found all to most of these psychs boring and time-wasting, by the way. My mom has told me that she didn't like them that much either but they were all she could find.

When I was ten, right before I turned eleven, we moved to Kansas. When we saw a psychologist there, I finally got a diagnosis that actually fit me--AS with depression. I eventually did begin to trust him--I have nasty trust issues that take a very long time to overcome--and I got a lot of my issues worked out with him.

I'm not currently seeing any kind of therapist, mainly because I appear to be functioning well enough on my own at the moment that I don't seem to need one. When I go to college, I plan to start seeing someone again if at all possible, if only my guidance counselor. That, however, is two years away.

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22 Jul 2006, 12:08 am

I'm seeing one weekly.

The most recent session was today.

The one I've been seeing for the last month or so (independant office) has been much more helpful in terms of feedback than the one I was seeing for about 6 months prior (through my college).

When I return to Socorro next month, I'll probably find a different one since the one I've been seeing there isn't very good.

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22 Jul 2006, 12:31 am

Hmm, for me I wouldn't call it "treatment", I call it support.

I went through a period of what they call "major depression", starting from when I was diagnosed, and including my boyfriend breaking up with me.

I have done really well out of the public system in Brisbane, Australia.

I seemed to have got onto different programs when they happened to be funded here, some were through what they call Community Health others through Mental Health.

I was just commenting to my Mum this afternoon, well, I could have waited around for ASD specific services (which may never get funded), or make the most of the existing services.

So at the moment, I am seeing a psychology student for support with my job (which is through a one-off program), a psychiatrist who is bulk billing me, and I go to a "clubhouse" type of place. Someone else I know was put off going to the "clubhouse" but I just went yesterday, and there wasn't anyone else there much, I had a free drawing lesson with the art teacher there, how cool is that!

In the past year I have accessed Social Workers for counselling and help filling in these lengthy government forms, an Occupational Therapist, a Dietician, Employment case managers (one of which was a Psychologist), and a Psychiatrist.

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22 Jul 2006, 4:04 am

I'm trying to get things sorted to see a Psychiatrist or whatever, to see what I can possibly be diagnosed with, and from there, hopefully councelling of some sort. I really haven't been getting any help and I really need some to get my life going anywhere, and also to learn to be happy. The help in my province seems to be really limited and they really give you the runaround. You try this and that and it doesn't help so you keep running around trying to get help. It's really getting tiring but I really need help. And I tried to see someone, but she costs too much. I can't afford $150 per visit, week after week. Forget that. But i need to find someone, and I sure hope I will soon.


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22 Jul 2006, 8:50 am

I currently dont have a regular therapist or anything similar. I think I would benefit from a few sessions to discuss my childhood and how it relates to my current situation.
There's only two psychiatrists in my town and they are too busy for new patients.
There is one at a health centre about one hours drive south but I cant get to see them once a week. There's plenty of psychologists and cousellors to see though :) .
One lady psychologist was very nice when I went to her in 2004. Maybe I should see her.