Roman wrote:
Nightsun wrote:
By the way, today I'll see my psyc.. we will see what she tell
No offense meant, just curiocity, but can you tell me why you have to see your psyc, if you have recovered from all the problems you used to have when you were younger? Do you see your psyc on regular basis? Do you have any CURRENT diagnosis for which you see him/her?
Because my daughter is Aspie (she's actually her psyc) and looking at me the psyc asked me if I want to get tested and if she can make some exams on me.
Also I've not "recovered" from all the problem, I've still some problem with anger/meltdown management, some socialphobia (I really can't stay in a supermarket for more than 10 minutes) and oversensibilities, but they don't make me unable to work or having a "normal" life.
Not having impairment and being "normal" are 2 different things, at the moment the psycologist follow my daughter development, and my test (I've done the ADOS test yesterday) plus IQ test, and many discussion I think serve her for a study on Aspie family and/or Asperger/Giftdeness correlation, but I enjoy doing tests, so, it's not a big problem for me.
Planes are tested by how well they fly, not by comparing them to birds.