mgran wrote:
By the year three thousand we'll all be dead, so who cares?
Actually... seriously, I doubt the human race will last that long. I don't just mean we, as in this generation... I mean the whole world will have passed away.
I agree with you. Although if humanity still existed it wouldn't be a very enjoyable place. Imagine the heat waves, water shortages, natural disasters, unstable economy, etc.
I find it hilarious that people still think we'll be this advanced computerised society. People have been thinking we'd be flying cars and visiting the Moon in 2000 and that never happened, and won't ever happen.
Humanity will destroy Earth. Or a meteorite will hit or the Sun's fuel will run out and it'll explode and consume us all.
I also agree with Francis about the detecting autism early thing. We might turn into a Gattica society and design our own perfect children. I think autism will be wiped right out, which would be horrible.