Is this an AS trait or am I just weird?

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09 Feb 2010, 2:04 am

Ok, so I've read a lot about Aspies being over-sensitive or under-sensitive to touch and wondered if this is connected with that.

Well, when I was very young, 3 or 4 maybe and ever since I've had problems with the way certain things feel. Um, an example could be bed sheets, I couldn't stand touching the material, so most of my life I slept with no sheets at all. Over the years i noticed some more, like certain materials in jackets or clothes, like if i touched them my body would just tense up. And i have similar problems with my feet, i'm constantly wearing shoes and socks because i just can't stand the way the floor feels, and perhaps the weirdest thing. I used to work at a deli and i would sometimes have to fold pizza boxes or stuff some napkins into paperbags and i told my manager that i really didn't want do it anymore and when she asked why i told her the truth and said "well it burns my fingers" then she looked at me weird and thought i was joking but it really does burn, so yeah, is this what that sensitivity means or am i interpreting it wrong?


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09 Feb 2010, 2:24 am

Sounds like pretty standard SPD symptoms that a lot of us have.


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09 Feb 2010, 2:51 am

Yep, I hate the material of bed sheets and am right now sweating in my socks and shoes. Nothing worse than bare feet on floorboards or the material on my couch.

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09 Feb 2010, 3:31 am

I also wear my shoes indoors because I don't like the feeling of tiles or carpet on my bare feet, but mainly because I'm afraid of germs and the possibility of picking up an infection.

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09 Feb 2010, 3:33 am

I also wear my shoes indoors because I don't like the feeling of tiles or carpet on my bare feet, but mainly because I'm afraid of germs and the possibility of picking up an infection.

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09 Feb 2010, 3:40 am

My mum thinks I'm weird for constantly wearing my shoes in the house.

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09 Feb 2010, 4:51 am

Yeah, my family thinks I'm weird for always wearing shoes in the house too.

I'm seriously considering getting a pair of gloves to wear all the time.


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09 Feb 2010, 6:56 am

Ouch Ouch Ouch! Nothing worse then bare feet rubbing against carpeting!!
Sometimes I can't give my father a back rub because the clothing burns my fingers.


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09 Feb 2010, 7:22 am

Yep, most of us have sensitivity problems. For example, I hate, HATE loud noises for example. I can't touch that white "foam" that electronics are packaged with and wont ever take my shoes off unless going to bed or having a shower. I also can't eat some foods because of the texture and as a child always had to have tags chopped off of my clothes.

I think we all get stuff like that.


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09 Feb 2010, 7:29 am

It's weird, but it's also an AS trait. AS traits are practically the definition of "weird"! :lol:

Ehh... anyway. Yes. This is a sensory processing thing. Developing workarounds like wearing shoes to prevent sensitive feet from bothering you is a useful strategy. I had the same problems with dishwater but managed to hold a job as a dishwasher for a short while by wearing gloves, for example...

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09 Feb 2010, 7:44 am

Rivers wrote:
Ok, so I've read a lot about Aspies being over-sensitive or under-sensitive to touch and wondered if this is connected with that.

Well, when I was very young, 3 or 4 maybe and ever since I've had problems with the way certain things feel. Um, an example could be bed sheets, I couldn't stand touching the material, so most of my life I slept with no sheets at all. Over the years i noticed some more, like certain materials in jackets or clothes, like if i touched them my body would just tense up. And i have similar problems with my feet, i'm constantly wearing shoes and socks because i just can't stand the way the floor feels, and perhaps the weirdest thing. I used to work at a deli and i would sometimes have to fold pizza boxes or stuff some napkins into paperbags and i told my manager that i really didn't want do it anymore and when she asked why i told her the truth and said "well it burns my fingers" then she looked at me weird and thought i was joking but it really does burn, so yeah, is this what that sensitivity means or am i interpreting it wrong?

You could have sensory processing disorder. Lot of aspies have that issue.

I have to wear socks because I can't stand going barefoot. I also used to wear shoes in the house because for some reason I didn't like having them off. When I was four years old, my daycare teacher had to fight me to take off my shoes during nap time and I would be grabbing onto my feet so she wouldn't take them off but she won every time. I used to wear them to bed.


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09 Feb 2010, 4:24 pm

I just have to comment that I find it funny how a lot of you mention that you have to wear socks and shoes all the time, where I have the exact opposite problem but for similar reasons. I absolutely can't stand the way socks feel against my toes. They're so restricting, and especially the seam can really irritate me at times. Even now my toes are frozen solid because it's freezing in here but I won't put socks on because I hate them and I'd rather have cold feet. Shoes are okay but I usually wear a size too large to give my feet a little bit of space. and I wear sandals as much as I can so I don't have to put socks on.

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09 Feb 2010, 7:39 pm

I hate the way socks feel on my feet too. On especially hot days I take them off and have put up with bare feet on bed sheets, wooden floors and the concrete outside - EUGH!
I don't like feeling of shoes without socks too.

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09 Feb 2010, 11:54 pm

Ihate touching and using towels.

Wet jeans


cleaning a carpet with carpet cleaner

wooly sweaters

sock seams under my toes (as achild I couldn't handle the seems in my socks

I hate when people sneeze loud

having my nails cut
people cracking thier knuckles or bitting thier nails

loud high pitched noises most electronics let off
I can't eat mashed potattos they make me gag because of the texture
cant eat spicey foods

fabrics that cling to your skin
I know there are more but can't think of them right now


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10 Feb 2010, 12:01 am

ASdogGeek wrote:
Ihate touching and using towels.
Wet jeans
cleaning a carpet with carpet cleaner
wooly sweaters
sock seams under my toes (as achild I couldn't handle the seems in my socks
I hate when people sneeze loud
having my nails cut
people cracking thier knuckles or bitting thier nails
loud high pitched noises most electronics let off
I can't eat mashed potattos they make me gag because of the texture
cant eat spicey foods
fabrics that cling to your skin
I know there are more but can't think of them right now
I have the exact same sensitivities! Except for the spicy foods one - I actually love spicy foods. I also hate walking on the bare floor or on carpets barefoot, unless the carpets are made from natural fabric that feels nice. I don't wear shoes indoors, only socks, but I like it when my feet feel cold. I also can't stand putting on shoes without socks, and any synthetic fabrics against my skin in general.
The mashed potatoes one is a big one with me. People are always surprised that I don't eat mashed potatoes. They often served mashed potatoes in kindergarten; once I tried to eat it, and I gagged, too.
Another big one for me is plastic. I try to touch it as little as possible. It leaves a very unpleasant feeling after I touch it.

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Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.

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10 Feb 2010, 8:59 am

Polystyrene. The noise of it rubbing together is so hideous - it makes me go cold all over - that I don't even like being near any polystyrene and if I am I keep checking that no-one is going to go and touch it.

And here's another thing - how on earth do women go around with bits of them exposed to the cold air - especially midriffs - I have tried and it drives me absolutely barmy