Stars strung across endless time, and what was stars beneath my feet. If it was forever, that would be fine, but it is new, only fifteen, and growing. Matter and energy converge in life, all from one DNA, unfolding, making chage, changing, going somewhere.
Like some flower unfolding, all six billion possible combinations of human DNA at once, and a technology that puts all past ages way in the past.
The flower does not come without roots, stems, leaves, it seems filler, but it is needed for the flower to bloom.
Many more now educated, but only the technology path has the born spores who thrive. The plant will die back, it already rots, but new life feeds on decay. Buddha did see this endless cycle, and that it was always rising. Tesla wrote of the whole world being able to communicate, directly, without governments, and instantly. He saw that as the world reaching it's maturity. When the parts of thoughts within each can be shared with all.
So we go toward one way, and are repelled by many others, just dealing with them is upsetting, for that is not our world, but it does need to exist. Buddha also warned of the dangers of lower energy states, that you would be dragged down, and our path must be to raise the total energy of the world.
To do that we had to gather our kind from the world, add to each other, knowledge, energy, a shared path, Art, Music, Science, Engineering are our part of the Great Machine. We gather knowledge, labor for years in isolation, but each part has a place.
To be people, yet repelled by people, to look upon the stars as friends, the feel of a stone, the endless forms of plants, to admire their being, yet find cities, mass transport, the ant hill of humanity, depressing, is our lot.
To turn your back to the world, go your own way, follow your star, we may be slowed, stopped, but we always return to the path, our only path.
We will not overthrow the world, rule the world, but we will change it totally. Many were needed who spent all of their time focused on other people, it made the factories run, and what we see as empty lives were full to them. They too saw empty lives, and thought they had climbed to a higher place, just as those who come after us will.
We were alone, met a few others through books spread over hundreds of years, and now comes the gathering, the internet, Wiki, coming to learn of our core differances, sharing visions, exchanging knowledge, which is the mental side of our technology which follows a curve now going up rapidly.
The sum of knowledge is the only thing that grows faster than the population, and the population cannot continue. Populations have crashed before, but their technology continued. They may have stopped writing books, but they kept farming, wagons, pottery, baskets, and so shall we.
Life is a wonder, a sacred thing. Intelligence, talent, is another. It has chosen to produce a technology, that while humans have not changed much, technology and science have reached a critical mass, the gate to the true knowledge of reality is open, it will never be closed.
Open the way, don't look back. This world will pass away, a world will continue.
Like the internet, we will be more suited to the future.