For people on the Asperger's spectrum this is far less true; regardless of what people are talking about at cocktail parties, they won't believe that we can all grow rich by buying up one another's houses, nor will they take assurances from "authorities" as the final word. Having less fear of looking stupid than the rest of us, they will stand by what they perceive. They are also, at least in my experience, far less likely than the average person to hold a position cynically; because it benefits them rather than because they believe it.
okay... they definitely pulled information out of their a-hole on two counts here
1. "having less fear of looking stupid" : well to make it brief, i'm always paranoid of making an idiot of myself
2. "in my experience, far less likely .... to hold aposition cynically" (JFC did i read that bit correctly?!?!?) again to make it brief, i'm cynical all the time: in fact, this is one of my main problems and people have repeatedly told me my pessimism tends to create a bad atmosphere.
i'd like to know on what SCIENTIFIC grounds this article was based on. YES: SCIENCE: a repeated set of experiments that validates one or a set of hypotheses (rather than pulling the latter out one's backside and distributing it in its rawest form)